Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

:heart: love this so much! 10/10 parenting.

I have two kids and my eldest is gay, never had a “closet” so they were comfortable to just be who they are and when they face homophobia elsewhere they know they have a safe and supportive place to come home to.

WoW should be that too!



As you said earlier. Love is love!
Why would anyone want to stop love?!


Misogyny and Homophobia often go hand in hand.

Some see women as nothing more than something to have sex with.
They feel threatened by gays because they fear that gays look at them the same way they look at women, like a piece of meat.

They’re scared they’ll be treated the way they treat others


Where do you keep the clothes?


Apparently some people are super interested in having a monopoly on “right kinds” of love, or “the right way” to do it, which is really quite sad. Imagine if such people put their energies towards positive causes rather than trying to stop other people loving each other.


Chest of drawers :rofl:


Bingo. Absolutely agree with you.

Like many here i’m a parent with two young kids. TBH i’m less concerned about whether any of my kids are gay because where we live is pretty open-minded and we’re really supportive in general.

Nah i’m more concerned about some of the views that have developed in young men about dating and women in general as I have a daughter, assuming she is straight. I sincerely hope the paradigm shifts before she gets older due to this because this second wave of misogyny that has become low-key acceptable in certain spheres is something I find absolutely appalling.


you really need to chill out, this post is creating a wrong image of perfectly normal people so this should be classified as hatred yes.

Nail on the head mate.

I find its not specifically linked to, but nonetheless a bigger problem, due to the modern attitudes we find strewn over social media and other platforms. The majority of people are so self-entitled nowadays that they believe their view is correct and any view which contradicts their own is wrong or a personal attack.

It’s become a sad decline in the reasoning of the human race that we now find a culture based on opinion and who can shout the loudest rather than an ability to debate and use several different views to draw a conclusion…

On a side note this is pretty deep for the wow forums

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I’m going to say something and it 100% isn’t trolling.

Who cares about an NPCs gender or sexuality? Seriously all this discussion seems to do is get those “traditionalists” and the LGBT+ community up in arms about each other.


And ironically with that decline in reasoning there are often those who caricature the “other side” (often leftists or woke as they call them) as having no reason whatsoever but flee when confronted by any form of logical argument.

I’m not saying all supporters of such use logical arguments, plenty just shout as well, but I do think it funny when someone who is moaning about “those wokes who wouldn’t know logic if it hit them in the face” often buckle when they’re confronted with someone who does argue their cause using more pure reasoning.

Too much emotive behaviour on both sides, I agree with you there. EMotions have a place sure, but it seems the ability to maintain some decency and semblance of reason in discussion has fallen out of vogue these days.


Post on alt.

Sorry excuse about roll to horde.

Atleast be brave and show your main.

Pitiful troll. 1/10


I hope you don’t play Bioware or Bethesda games. The npcs there just throw yourself at your character regardless of your gender! The horror!

/sarcasm off

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so it is okey if 2 female are married to ea other but not if 2 male is married with ea other ?


I bet if there was a two female night elf getting married you wouldn’t be here to open this article.


Just quit the game. The Horde don’t want your homophobic bottom either.


I can guarantee you that 100% of the arguments would stop existing if people would just…let people be happy. If someone feels excited about some inclusion that has been lacking in both the world and gaming and wants to make a post about it, let them?

It harms no one that someone writes a post that “Oh nice, we got a character, cool!”

But you have people like the OP who does the opposite, and proclaims how the world and game is ending because of these people simply existing, or does this as a counter-argument to the happy posts as well.

I also think the “who cares?” comments also really doesn’t help. If you don’t care, why bother posting it about, especially when it kinda lowkey becomes against/a way to step on those who just felt happy about it?

Im not saying you did this, it’s more a general speaking:

If you don’t care about it, why comment how much you don’t care?

Let people feel a bit excited/happy, it hurts litterally no one at all whatsoever.


nah, he’d start a thread about how “hot” it was


I honestly do not care about who people go in bed with.

However is am really annoyed by the popular misuse of the -phobia -phobic to silence oppositions.
Phobia is a word that means irrational fear and not dislike or distaste about something.

If someone tries to serve you a dish you do not like eating it does not means you are phobic of it ffs.


It just seemed to me that everyone was one way or the other, I just wanted to say it doesn’t bother me at all.