Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

There is a legitimate reason behind that if you bother to look at the bigger picture :woman_shrugging:

Also isn’t there a huge thread (or two) here on the EU trying to stop an english server with a high polish community from being merged because it would cause struggles for the polish community that have made it their home??

I said it before ages ago, but I’ve geniuenly not seen people as sensitive as those who like to boast about how everyone is so easily “triggered leftists” etc and bash on gay people.


Meanwhile I have… almost daily heard that for years. You shouldn’t make a strawman this big… you’re wasting all the straw.


those NPCs aren’t telling you how much they love being gay either. They’re just gay. Nothing wrong with it.

It’s not even a main aspect of the character


I think you hit the nail on the head with this one yeah, perfectly describes it


Meanwhile we had Tyrande and Malfurion, a straight couple, make this into a main questline for one expansion. As in, it was litterally what 50% of the quest chain was about!


Without gay people you wouldnt be able to play WoW today. Go and do some research and you will see that the creator and inventor of the computers is a gay man who killed himself because of people like this person who created this article


you’re showing your colours and they spell “phobic”

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As a new dad, I am very happy with this. The more inclusive the world becomes the better. I hope my son is able to be what ever he wants to be with no boundaries when he grows up.
LGBT have just as much right to be in this game as arthas and jaina’s relationship.

If you don’t like it, just don’t accept the quest chain.


They are just gay, it’s not being shoved in your face… I’m part of the LGBT community and it actually feels good to be a little represented. :rainbow:!


Literally mentions “husband”, that’s it.

If this is too much, what is the acceptable way to depict gay people in games? Have a character that has no associations with others, makes no mention of partners or significant others? How are you meant to tell they are gay then?

So basically, the acceptable way to present a gay individual is in a way where they’re effectively not gay at all as far as the casual observor can see. Alrighty then!


Im sure you’ll be a great dad to your son :slight_smile: :+1::+1:

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Id argue the majority of “homophobes” are just so insecure in their own sexuality that they find a need to display over-reacting views of anyone who risks their own sense of self-knowing…

Ps im straight so yeah… get a grip fella.

PSPS - turns out blizzard deems the official word for straight people as offensive, how bizzare.


No one was crying when there was a quest chains about Tyrande’s and Malfurion’s love, no one was saying straight people getting shoved in our face right? But now they put some gay ‘‘night elfs’’ and suddenly you started to feel like you need to cry about it? What a pathetic article is this


Congrats and good luck, sounds like you’re doing well so far!


It largely stems from bad stereotyping of gay people throughout history as sexual predators and opportunitists, so a lot of homophobic people incorrectly think that gay people will always be attracted to them and try to force themselves upon them.

Contrary to popular belief (i’d assume, i’m not gay myself) i’d assume gay people have “types” and don’t simply try to hump everything that is to their preferential liking, in the same way i’m not attracted to every single woman I meet, much less force myself upon them.

it’s actually really wierd, because a lot of people who advocate these views have traditional views on gender, and rails against stuff like “it shouldn’t be a crime for a man to chat up and approach a woman ffs” yet some of their fears about gay people stem from the idea that they don’t really enjoy the idea of someone they’re not into coming onto them and making them feel like they’re being objectified like that.

The hypocrisy is absolutely staggering. Much of it stems from over-inflated senses of self i’d imagine, hence why such guys (it’s often guys) can’t imagine why a gay man wouldn’t want to chat them up, and can’t imagine why a woman wouldn’t enjoy their attention. It’s like they find it impossible to conceive of the notion that some people just may not find them attractive or care much about them, and they’d rather get angry at people than acknowledge this fact.


Yeah, when people tend to sway to a certain server, whether it be for RP, PvE, Certain speaking language/Something they have in common, and someone tries to tear that down, of course there’s going to be repuctions. I wouldn’t call it special treatment, I would call it being sensible.


Bizarre indeed… Then again the profanity filter makes no sense, with innocent words being flagged as naughty.

It wouldn’t have become a meme if people weren’t annoyed with it.

Just look at how much homophobia is in this thread. If I was homosexual, I wouldn’t want to be confronted with this kind of hatred every time I log in. So their demand is reasonable.

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I only see a discussion between two sides in which both are behaving irrational.

Pft… “Hatred” she says…