Still don’t understand what’s the problem with gay people. The Unicef, for example, is being represented by one of the most influential children book’s authors of our time. And his works are being read worldwide and he is as well-known as Astrid Lindgren. And he is gay.
Don’t see a reason to stigmatize LGBT-people in these days. Why don’t we witch hunt black and Asians too when we are at it?
Well it is not my job or authority to make others speak in a certain way
I believe that that misuse of words stems from sensationalist news organizations that use words associated with science and academia to impress the masses with words they barely understand in order to steer them in a certain direction.
Generalizing the meaning of words like that causes confusion and overreaction.
Just like there is a difference between Murder and Manslaughter there is a difference between fear and hatred and I wish they could come up with more accurate terms
Oh we’re at the “well actually, this is what this word means technically because of etymology, not actual usage” stage now huh?
*walks over to chemist* I couldn’t help but notice you referred to a molecule as hydrophobic, molecules do not experience feelings and thus cannot feel fear. This terminology is clearly inaccurate. Please update all scientific texts accordingly.
There was a time in my life where I purposefully didn’t shelter myself out of gay-related content, and it didn’t turned me gay a one single bit, in contrary to what some of the “trads” suggest what happens when one is exposed to it.
But, in this specific situation, you have gone out of your way to find that bit of information(granted, that its might of been on frontpage of Wowhead) and then you came here to put it on the display.
The only thing that is being shoved into my face right now is your wrong opinion on the matter.
and there is nothing wrong with that granted it does get strange looks when you kiss your wife in public specially from the intolerant crowd sorta like when women breast feed in public
Oh no then all of the horde players who is sick of seeing lgbt getting shoved on their faces should change faction since there are lgbt players in horde.
The wording thing is tricky, because “phobe/phobic” does not have a consistent meaning, yet we use the word homophobic in a consistent manner so i’d argue to quibble over whether the word “phobic” is appropriate within homophobia is just creating a pointless fussy over nothing given we understand what the word homophobia means generally speaking.
For example coulrophobia is an irrational fear of clowns consistent with the “fear” interpretation of phobia. Photophobic means something/someone that is irritated and has an aversion to light without the fear component requirement. So creatures that cannot tolerate sources of light due to living in darkness are described as photophobic. In chemistry hydrophobic chemicals are those that repel water because obviously chemicals can’t be afraid of things.
So it follows that “phobic/phobe” can mean anything from “fear of” to “repelled by” to “aversion to”, and homophobia satisfies this criteria if we take the last two meanings.
Anyway this is beside the point, homophobia has a coined definition which includes dislike, hatred, being repulsed by and discrimination. Arguing over whether it’s the “right word” is to me, a red herring if we can agree the behaviour or whatever is unacceptable either way.
Whether it stems from fear or hatred or dislike, if someone is throwing rocks at gay people in the street the issue is what they’re doing, not whether we’re using the technically precise word to describe why they’re doing it. I’m not saying this is what you’re doing to be absolutely clear, but in my experience most of the time when people are quibbling over whether a “phobia” is the right word to use, it’s a way of trying to escape being negatively labelled over what they are doing or trying to mitigate what they’re doing “Yeah but i’m not afraid of gay people so i’m not a homophobe!” for example.
I think there were already perfectly goods term for that behavior: Intolerant, bigot etc are more fitting.
Pasting a scientific term that means a mental illness to devalue an opposing opinion seems a low blow to me. It seems like an ad hominem to me.
When the argumentation against an oppoment ends up being “That person disagrees with me so he suffers from [insert condition]!” just feels wrong to me at least