Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

nah shes a console peasant the worse kind of betrayal for a pc master race zealot like me

i have a PS1 , ps2, ps3 , ps4 preodered PS5 aswell funny thing is i dont use them even i have all the games lel :smiley:

I have consoles and a PC, actually you just reminded me Hitman is free from epic on Thursday.

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Who gives a crap if it is seriously? This is a game about punching crap for loot, be angry about things that matter like AOE Caps and stuff still on the GCD, things like those examples effect everyone.

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They arenā€™t night elves confirmed.

well she played pc when we dated but then clearly prefers the console also not a fan of epic and their lies about giving power to the consumer when they make everything exclusive to their platform bunch of liers

HAHA aoe caps at 5 but hunters hits up to 8 targets with a Volly and trick shoot 3-8 targets <3

there a cap thats new to me when i divine storm everything seems to die :wink:

So for all we know their species might not reproduce like us and instead they are all like Namekians

itā€™s not really even a problem in rl science has advanced far enough that things like two men or women having kids is possible its just not refined enough to be mainstream yet

Blizard needs to keep this current scaleing in beta to it goes live. LK 2.0 <3

i must confess im not a fan of arena i just think its to ezmode at getting titles that used to take you years of grinding to get

when you see a old pvp ranking system high warlord vs a arena high warlord one earned it another didnā€™t

there are gay players, some even open about here on the forums and I donā€™t think giving them a gay npc is a bad thing.
actually man need more representation in wow, last two expacs were very one sided.


Why should we care about the sexual orientation of lore characters in wow?If not a great event that plays a significant role in story topics like this shouldnā€™t be created and blizz shouldnā€™t give such information.Its so idiotic to choose to play a game depending on sexuality of lore characters

i think the problem with that is that they try to hard to make it a hey look at me iā€™m gay situation rather then presenting it as normal most media


We always had adoption already :wink:

yes I agree 100% they are uber bad at presenting it

i remember playing Dragon Age Inqusition and the people who bended that way was like in your face about it ā€¦ i was like thats not how people act

Exactly, this is the difference between self serving pandering and true nuanced inclusion.

there was a low key gay elf couple in legion that did it pretty well

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