Gcd is the biggest problem of bfa

Those specs could’ve been worked out specifically, spells like Charged Up for Arcane Mages are just infuriating to be put on the global.

There are still some abilities that shouldn’t be on the GCD. For example, Frenzied Regeneration. It’s already a heal-over-time.

And instead of just removing the GCD they’re giving a huge buff in 8.2 so it heals 18% of your max health instantly on top of the HoT

Most would rather have it off the GCD, but agree at least that helps a little.

I never understood the folks that on one hand complained about the removal of abilities and then on the other, macroed all the abilities they do have to a single button.



Now all you have to do is be patient and pretty SOON the game will feel as smooth as you want it to be.


I’m doubtful 8.2 levels will affect it, 8.3 perhaps.

And then hopefully a new expansion where we don’t have this issue.

Sorry, i thought thats what dhs do already? How does having your cooldowns off the gcd changes anything for you

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How is haste gonna affect us exactly? If you play a ww monk, you still have to press 2-3 different cooldowns one after another without you actually doing any damage. Tell me now how that will get fixed and feel the same as it was back in legion, when ww was a blast to play.

You are playing MW monk, haste and gcds doesnt matter for you. There are other specs that dont want haste. So your “fix” doesnt apply to them.
Healers are probably the least affected by the gcd change other than certain abilities being annoying to use such as mana tea/innervate. Losing a whole gcd not healing when you actually need healing/have to think ahead enough so you press it early.
The gcd change is fine for boomkin and outlaw rogue too. They only have one cooldown to press anyway. Boomie even gets AP for it these days.
But as for some other specs that have multiple cooldowns to press, its just super annoying. You can say its just ppl crying blabla haste will fix it when your main is not affected at all by it. Not meaningfully anyway.

Yeah it is amazing how this change made you stop using super bad macroes.
It again, doesnt matter for most specs, who only have to press one dps cooldown. But it is frustrating for anyone who have to press 2 or more, while doing pretty much 0 dps.
Only if atleast you macroed something sensible together, like seraphim and wings+ 1 on use trinket…

Yeah let me just interrupt this dangerous spell…oh wait i pressed a dps button just 1.5 sec ago and i couldnt interrupt so we are all dead now…
Any more smart ideas? Since you said you are not playing pve or pvp im sure you should be the one on blizz dev team making the changes.

One button macros are NOT a bad thing! Why won’t people get that? I did mythic raiding in Legion and not a single action button was a macro’d for me. I could’ve decided to macro some of my abilities but that was not necessary, I was still among the top dps in my guild without macros. The point I am trying to make here is that if you wanna get better at playing the game, then understanding macros is something that you must do. If you don’t care about getting better at the game then don’t bother with them. The exact same argument could go for keybinds as well. If you want to get better at the game, keybind your abilities, inb4 we see a future where 1, 2, 3, 4 are the only hotkeys you need to play your class.

Let me guess, just another forum player who thinks monks always insta-cast right?

Nope, it doesnt work like that,why? Because in order to instant cast it takes a GCD to enter the soothing mode THEN you insta cast, therefore youre around 1 second late to each cast.

Therefore untill you soothing mist+vivify inside a 5 man in party wide damage, the 4th and the 5th guy will be already dead.

But why haste affects you druud? You have just 1 cast and sometimes wild growth :confused:

Unless you’re a healer, the mage tower beyond 7.2 was not difficult to complete. I just plowed through the tank challenge with raw power because with my ilvl, I was doing more dps than most of the 900 ilvl dps specs at the time. That macro is useless, and the tank mage tower would’ve been easier if you did not use it.

I’de rather have fun rolling my face on my keyboard than have suicidal thoughts every time I use an offensive CD.

GCD changes are introduced in order to prevent players from pushing one button that made their all CDs pop off into a nuclear bomb that would one shot someone.

Its introduced to prevent one shoting in arena and to make Esports arena more presentable.

You could also say that class pruning and focusing on spec uniqueness is all byproduct of arena too.

No, im one of those who mained monk for more than a year and i know exactly you dont soothe ppl for only one vivify but for multiple ones only/enveloping mist.
Plz dont waste your breath.

Mw monks worst stat is haste in a raid environment. It is good in dungeons.
But you were talking about cooldowns getting reduced by haste will help with them being on the gcd which has nothing to do with you casting vivify or renewing mist or essence font.
We were talking about abilities that were NOT on the gcd before, which is for example, mana tea.
And yes, healers are just not as affected by the gcd change. I got flourish on gcd now and innervate but i wont use them right after one another anyway, so it doesnt feel as bad.

Haste affects druid more than it affects a mw. Other than helping to prepare for aoe phases with blanketing and being hot based, everything will have more ticks.

As mw, haste reduces your gcd and cast time also, but you only have essence fonts hot component, rem and enveloping mist otherwise that it affects in any way.
Which is why haste is the last thing you want in a raid.

the problem is not the gcd, the problem come from the dev who see problem and player don’t.

no one asked for wf/tf.
no one asked for gcd change.
no one asked for flying getting ride of it.
no one asked for personal loot.
no one asked for removal of master loot.
no one asked for mount equipement.(8.2)
no one asked the removing ability of waterstryder.
no one asked the absurd amount of rng.
no one asked for the change of talent tree.

you see everything blizzard have done was trying to fix something that was not broken.

The game has to evolve somehow. There’s no problem with personal loot, WF/TF or flying removed IMO.

The problem is with taking away player freedom and slowing down the game.
GCD change is just silly, it slows down the game immensely, even during heroism.

As a frost dk sitting at 4% haste I would gladly welcome a world where I am at a constant bloodlust. Frost DK is supposed to be a spammy fast paced class, and BfA completely butchered that class fantasy.

gcd just make you not one button macro all you cd and spamming it.

the game did not evolve the game is regressing to a simple form.

Yeah, that is why I have never hated PvP as much as I do right now. PvP was fun until MoP, and somewhat fun at WoD and Legion. BfA however, turned PvP into a game of chess.