GDKP ban has done nothing

How did it drastically reduce bots ? Oh right you play in living flame that’s been locked for months. Bots are more rife than ever and the gold price is double it was when GDKP got banned. AH is now be driven by excessive pricing because people are willing to drop 1000s on some random BOEs, consumables or a mount for each of there 5 toons.

Just can talk about plate Meele in SoD but Pally/War don’t need a single Gnome item in P2 to be ready for everything
just watch on Gnome Set Feet slot and compare them with the ones from Ulda
you also can get 15 streng 15 agi plate legs ( green ones ) from a quest in Searing Gorge
the Rfd chest from Boss 1 is almost equivalent to Set Chest
From SthV you will get easy an amazing Wp
Bracers, Rings, Cloak, Belt, Feet, 1 Hd Wp, Daggers, Bows, Neck you can earn from Wsg/Bashin Vendor
A pretty well Hat from Rfd final Boss
Any good green Plate shoulders from Ah for something like 5-10 gold
Shield Sm final Wing
And some Bfd items from P1 are still well like pearl or 6streng 6stam neck or the R3 Cloak
If ppl can’t deal Gnome without Gnome loot just l2p

As long as that playerbase holds that amount of gold from GDKPs of phase 1and has access to buy more gold from bots the inflation in the real sector (AH) will be out of control, because there is no gold sink trap like GDKPs used to be. Yes it stimulated bids inflation and even greater volumes of illegal gold went into that system over time, but that dirty gold was locked there and only minor amount went to AH because active player needed only final amount of consumables per reset yet every gold coin was saved to be put into ever rising bids.

Only when there is no new content and amount of GDKP circulation is diminishong that gold is splitting over into AH, like it happened in Classic Era, where flasks can be sold for more than 1K each, but in limited numbers.

With GDKPs banned in SoD illegal gold became very cheap, but legal gold on contrary hard to get via normal farming in amounts to compete with current AH prices. Players would be literally forced to farm consumables themselves if they want to stay legal, but the army of bots used to farm raw gold via fly hacking the instances, may double down on flying under texture in open world to get all the recources now.

That’s exactly the point of the post it’s not cheap because GDKP is banned it’s double the price since the announcement of the GDKP ban. It dipped by around 20% for about 5 days and has risen astronomical prices fuelled by people still buying gold with no GDKP.

Wait, so you are telling me that players who used to have their regular cut from GDKP are so hooked on using easy gold, that they started buying illegal instead of depending on recirculation?

First of all, show us some proofs of this AI system you’re talking about.
Second, don’t try to look smarter than you are by insulting others and telling you’re the only smartass here
Third, I bet you’re one of those people who think it’s better to jail drug consumers than to get rid of drug dealers. Because your idea of banning gold buyers will achieve nothing. They should use their so called AI whose existence you have no evidence of to ban bots so that and only that will return the economy to the state it should be in.
But they will never do that, bots generate too much $$$.

Who knows but there’s a significant increase in gold cost that’s pushing up the demand for gold. There’s literally hundreds of bots everywhere on LW grinding day and night.

There is no way in this world that GDKP is not the biggest reason for people to buy gold that does not mean everyone suddenly will stop. We are currently playing day care raids in 10 man groups so right now GDKP prices would not be high anyway.

When we hit 60 and the 40 man raids come online this will change quite a lot. You cant honestly believe that people will swipe just as much to buy consumes and boe’s than what people will do for 40 man raid items that have a lot more competition.

The fact that gold doubled in price (if it did) does not mean there are more bots farming could easily be the opposite and there is no way you can state botting is at an all time high you are not all seeing and all knowing. Gold prices always drop at the end of a phase as there is less demand and the announcement would of had an impact too, when everyone is leveling and getting pre-bis demand increases. Still there is no doubt at all GDKP is the biggest reason for anyone to swipe no matter what you think you are seeing right now.

With power creep happening along adding more powerfull items in mid of leveling raids, there will be eventual need to upgrade 40ppl lvl 60 gear, but that would require to increase boss HP and damage by a lot to compensate. This would make a huge gap of entry if pre raid gear wouldn’t also be buffed.

Everything is ALWAYS super expensive at the start of an expansion / phase. High demand, minimal supply. Last Saturday Mithril Bars were at 2 gold 50 silver each, they’re now down to 29 silver each.

Just chill and wait.

Consumables are cheap and the BoE’s are completely unneccessary. If you get lucky and get a garbage BoE, chances are that you can make quite a bit of money off of a braindead swiper anyway.

Why buy gold though, is it any useful for players at this early stage? Paying directly for carries would make much more sense (although I checked just now, the prices are very high so there has to be a lot of people hugry for boosts and carries).

Because the demand to buy gold dropped. Gkdp was like 50% of the bought gold lol

I also play horde lone wolf.

But it didn’t drop that’s the whole point. The demand for gold is at an all time high.

If the demand for gold dropped you would see an excess supply and the price of gold would drop. It’s almost double the price of what it was when GDKP ban was announced, which is an indicator that the demand is greater than ever.

I mean you must be playing on a different layer than everyone else with no bots if you want the pretend that bot activity isn’t rampant on LW.

Is it more expensive then at start of phase1?

I doubt it considering it was fresh and the bot accounts were also fresh

But it has, u seem to forget the fact the quantity of gold that has been created over P1 wont dissapear after a week…

The amount of gold floating around is huge, players have thousands of gold from p1…

Just because bots left a week ago, doesnt change the fact players walk around with 1-10k gold in their backpacks.

So yes prices will sky rocket. Because people are trying to get that gold lol.

No it was noted retail had a major influx in bot popularity after gkdp ban, alot of them moved back to retail as prediction of value.

That didnt delete every bot on the server no, ofcourse golds still being sold, but bots will only be present to match demand, the ban of gkdp will decrease that demand, which in turn reduced the quantity of bots…

Gkdp added a reason to savour gold, now thats lost, so prices of everything raises as players have lost their gold generation while holding onto huge amounts of gold. The issue is gkdps damage is still in full effect and its difficult to recover once the golds already in the game.

No it hasn’t I looked and monitored the price of gold out of interest to see if the GDKP ban announcement had any significant effect on the price. It didn’t and it doubled in price.

It’s got nothing to do with how much gold people have from P1. In fact if people have that much gold they wouldn’t need to buy more gold.

It’s supply & demand. When the supply is in excess the prices drop, when it’s in demand the prices go up. What part of that do you not understand???

Because players lost their gold generation, so now need to get their gold from elsewhere…

And bots notoriously sell things cheap AF and undercut to get spam sales. Bots drop the prices on AH not increase tbem.

I’m not talking about how much gold is currently floating around in game and what effect it has on the AH. I’m simply pointing out that the GDKP ban hasn’t created an excess of gold and the value of gold on the gold selling websites is double of what it was when they announced the GDKP ban. That’s a good indicator that there’s currently more demand than supply hence the reason for the price hike. There’s bots everywhere so I’ve personally not seen a decrease in botting activity in LW

Exactly what I’m trying to point out. Players are still buying gold regardless of GDKP and more so than ever.


  • There is no plate helm from Gnome. Therefore, naturally, BiS helm cannot be from Gnome. True, you’re right on that.
  • Gnome plate feet for melee dps (from set) are better than Ulda feet, even without the set bonus (+1 str).
  • Chest from RFD boss 1 is also weaker than set chest from Gnome
  • Weapon from STV is worse than the epic one from Gnome
  • No Plate bracers in Gnome, so like the helm, naturally you have to get them from somewhere else (same happened with BFD)
  • Only 1 ring for plate dps in Gnome (BiS), so you need to get another from somewhere else
  • Cloak from Gnome is BiS
  • Belt from Gnome is BiS
  • 1h Wep/Dagger/Gun from Gnome are BiS
  • Neck from Gnome quest is BiS
  • Shoulders I’m not sure, but I’m willing to accept there are better BoE’s than the ones from Gnome (no shoulders from dungeons)
  • No Shields in Gnome, so again, you have to get from somewhere else.
  • Second trinket is from BFD

So of all the items, only 6/7 (depending if you’re dps’ing or tanking) are actually obtained outside Gnome,mostly due to the fact that nothing drops in Gnome for those slots. Every other piece that you can get from Gnome is actually BiS, and since you must have cherry picked the class, I’m going to assume that for every other one that number will be lower.

Again, I agree with you, stuff like the boots from Uldaman are almost as good as the ones from Gnome, and it won’t make the biggest different if you’re missing 1 or 2 points of this or that stat. But there is no denying that most of the gear from Gnome is actually (and naturally) better than what came before.