So does this “boosting” ban includes GDKPs? Since people are joining with freshly dinged 70s or just afking whole runs just to bid on items at the end? They are being “boosted” by players who are far overgeared for current content who are just there to split the gold at the end, since the majority of “boosters” aint buying any items or what so ever.
They are banning organizations who OFFER such services. Not who provides them. You can pretty much organize a GDKP pug on discord because they can’t simply prove you that this was a service and not just regular help to friends.
Well, what is the difference? Both are offering gold for a “service”
1 is selling a service for gold before you go
and 1 is selling the items that drops after the run.
Most organized GDKPs are ran on discord and its usually the same people joining each week to “help” buyers to obtain thier gear for gold? i know quite a few who has made 100ks just by boosting other players on a weekly basis over the last months.
Or are we not allowed to do it as a guild? where is the line for that then? 15players? 20? when does it go from a guild organizing to a pug? tons of pugs have guildies/friends from other guilds helping out just to make the runs smooth and earn gold.
Where im going is most orgranizations has started like this. They first were a few good players, they found more good players and now they are an entire guild/ring of people on discord. Thier bottom goal is to make as much gold as possible after they are “geared” enough to boost people. They then distribute the gold/money even to thier boosties and they continue to run week after week. Pretty much the same as on retail selling M+. If we had M+ on TBC these people would also have a discord where they can organize a group of boosters quick.
If you take it this way, also DKP guild runs are a bannable offense. You can only get an item by buying it with a third-party currency. And examples never end here.
I guess, cases like this are effectively excluded even if not stated clearly by Blizzard. You can’t prove it.
The difference is that it isn’t cross-server like on retail.
Honestly a lot of people was suspecting this was coming because these “boosters” quite literally made TradeChat completely unusable without filtering addons on the majority of retail servers.
You remember the last time Blizzard tightened the rules about gold-boosting for in-game things like curve/edge achieve or lootruns or m+ boosts?
Back when the LFG tool was more or less flooded by “booster” groups instead of ACTUAL players wanting to make an ACTUAL normal group.
The communities did this to themselves.
Most people on retail have left the TradeChat at this point
“This policy update does not restrict individuals or guilds from using the provided in-game tools (“trade channel” chat) to buy or sell in-game items or activities for in-game currency. However, “boosting communities”, especially those who operate across multiple realms, are no longer permitted.”
Since, apparently, you cannot read. This doesn’t stop you from doing a GDKP run with people from your own server on a TBC server.
However it does prevent you from setting up 30 accounts to post a message every 10 seconds in /2 about your BOOSTING SERVICES GROUP in all tradechats on every major server.
If you need any other basic sentences explained to you I’d be happy to help.
Yes i do know how it works on retail, what im saying is its the “same” on TBC servers aswell if you look at for example any big server like Firemaw/gGehennas trade chat is flooded by GDKP runs, the same host each week, everything is cordinated on Discord.
So just because its not cross-realm yet makes it all fine then? So if im for example selling boost on “only” Stormscale on retail and i dont invite any other server its all legit then according to you?
These TBC boosters are also spamming trade they are going on X day on Y time and want Z Buyers. The boosters on retail are also looking for buyers.
This is how it all started back on retail aswell, is it the players fault they started to organize boosting squads x-realm instead of on their own realm if blizzard made it possible?
I am not the one making or changing these rules my dude.
But it IS their fault that TradeChat was made quite literally unusable for anyone who doesn’t filter them out via addons.
And honestly my dude, I think THAT is the major reason you see a crack-down on it.
Have you BEEN to any big realm recently and looked at Tradechat?
You can go HOURS without seeing any other person other than a low lvl alt advertising a boosting service.
This thing happened to a lesser degree with the LFG tool back before the boosters got banned from using that one and was told to use TradeChat instead.
Once more, they did it to themselves, they force Blizz to act when they so heavily impact regular users of the game.
And yes, making TradeChat basically unusable for the majority of players is a heavy impact.
But that is happening on TBC servers aswell? Tradechat is used for advertising boosting services or “World” what chat it doesnt matter really.
When does a group of players being seen as a “boosting community" then? Is it when its on a website?, When a discord server reaches x amount of players? when you sell a service? ( Clear Wotlk achieve?, Items?, attunements? aka T5 attunement for MH which leads to BT )
No where does it say what type of “boosting community” they are talking about. i don’t wanna be banned for “boosting” other players. a clarification from blizzard would be nice. Also the in the future for example selling wotlk achievment which is popular on retail aswell. which also basically started back in wotlk " WTS LK HC achieve 40k Gold"
Edit: Or for that matter if my guild wanna sell ZA Mount run for 10k each week. Are we a “boosting group” then aswell? we are organizing it as the boosting squads on retail each week we will spamm world/trade/lfg every day to get buyers.
Not anywhere close to the same degree, at least not on my server.
I can still easily use tradechat to list what enchants I can do and find costumers or use it to find a JC’er to cut my gems etc.
In my eyes a boosting community is cross-server stuff and so far only applies to retail as that’s honestly where the main problem in Blizzard’s eyes exist.
But that could do with what ur saying x-realm chat. Introduce x-realm and you wont even be able to read the trade/lfg/world chat anymore. i cant read trade right now on Gehennas for example i need an Add0n to sort the spam for example :
Mage/Paladin boosting spam
GDKP Spams
Arena Boosters
Tank service spamm
Soon ZA Mount selling from guilds/groups
And once Wotlk releases we will have Achievment selling service aswell. and the whole circle is almost complete except the X-realm chat or aka Retail wow. therefor a clarification on what is allowed and not would be appreciated since i believe none wanna be banned for something they “believe” is correct according to the forums without any blue post about it to confirm.
You know what your best option is then?
Stop spamming the TradeChat.
Your chances of getting a bluepost, let alone a bluepost on our second-grade citizen EU forums is almost 0%.
They don’t care enough about EU costumers to have a guy actively watching these forums.
But now you are talking against yourself? First you wanted them to fix the boosting issue on retail. now you want me to stop spamm trade chat or stop using it to find groups just like on retail. Maybe i need to make a private discord then with prices just like we already have? kekW
So you want them to fix Retail and not fix what TBC is about to be? jeez this post will age well.
I want them to change anything that heavily impacts legit players just trying to buy or sell normal things in tradechat.
Sorry your in-come is being hit by this, but don’t take the anger out on me.
Your saying people/guilds selling boost on retail aint legit players what are they then according to you? I have been there and now im on TBC selling the same service. what is the difference according to you? im a nice guy on TBC Helping out and im the evil one on retail helping players?
So you can’t reply to what the difference is then? funny how you first bashed on retail for having a bad system and now when TBC is getting the same boosting services from the same group of people that is doing it on retail its good? I Wonder who here can’t read the blue post
Actually you haven’t explained anything yet andf you still wont say the difference between me myself boosting people on retail and on TBC. if my guild of 100 people aint allowed to boost people on retail for gold anymore are we allowed to boost players on TBC for gold?