GDKP in Season of Discovery

I am a SoD enjoyer and I am here to protest the ban of GDKP.
I thought i should give my 2 cents about the topic.
I am one of many people that enjoy this system and believe it is the best loot system in classic and there are thousands of people who share this view. It’s the only system in which you always win something, items (if your items drop) or gold in the end of each raid.
The tight connection in people’s minds between gold buying and gdkp is problematic to say the least, and it stems from Blizzard’s inability or unwillingness to do something about the botting situation. I never bought gold myself and I never thought I was at a disadvantage when joining gdkps. If botting and gold buying is somehow succesfully managed by blizzard, gdkps will still be the best loot system there is. The only difference in the end will be that the gold numbers will be different, but the corelation between item prices and gold made for people who join them will be the same.
I am in no way shape or form saying that limiting botting and gold buying is an easy task, but throwing the baby with the bathwater is also not a smart sollution. I know so many people who keep playing the game because they enjoy gdkps and when they don’t exist they will grow tired of the game, as it adds so much to the end game aspect. Once you finish your leveling and you get descent gear, i don’t see how people will keep playing without the presence of gdkp. I for an instance will not have an incentive to grind the same raid a hundred times just in case my one missing item drops.
In any case, I will play phase 2 for a bit, but if there are no gdkps at 40, I am sure I am going to play something else after, as are thousands of other people who share the same opinion.


Goes well with the times though you have to admit. A hysteric minority with a complete lack of perspective is dictating the trajectory of a community.


You are the minority, the majority of players for the GDKP ban.


I am really curious as to why you’re banning GDKPs but still selling hacks to the game.
Oh ye right because you don’t make a profit from GDKPs since the gold spent there are purchased from the bots you can’t ban, while you do make a profit from the depressed kids who are so desperate they buy hacks to this game.

Can’t wait for the AB grind with each enemy group consisting of at least 7 hackers, probably even more

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And that’s ok. Common sense was never a privilege of the majority anyway.

good riddance

Hi i just got this Mail this morning.
I havent been playing for over 10hours ago and especielly not doing any gdkp either.


Account Name: WOW#1

Account Action: Warning
Offense: Exploitative Activity: GDKP Raid

This account has been found to potentially be involved in a GDKP raid. This exchange detracts from the integrity of the World of Warcraft game environment.

This behavior will be considered a violation once phase two of Seasons of Discovery is live and will result in suspensions and removal of gains.

The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA and WoW Terms of Use:

Further inappropriate behavior may result in additional penalties, including permanent closure, and the removal of exploitative gains. For dispute of this action and further information on exploitive activity, please review our appeal process:

In some cases, these actions happen when a third party compromises an account to sell gold or other in-game property. If you believe your account was compromised, please follow these important instructions:


Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment

I had the same one and I am in the same situation, have not even raided the past two lockouts so I am guessing they are sending these out to warn people going forward, no action currently.

It’s a bit weird since I checked in with friends who used to host them and they have not received anything, I am the only one so far in our circle who got it and I have probably done the least of runs in our group.

Great change. Thank you

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Now bring this to Wotlk + cata ! and the community will be alot better


I have a question that was just brought up when someone mentioned BoE’s:

—> If a BoE drops inside a raid, is the winner of the item allowed to sell it to someone else that is in the raid group? (during or after the raid)

It is an item that can be sold on the AH, so I would assume so, but having clarification on this would be important.
Personally I won’t sell any BoE’s to anyone that is also a member of the raid where it dropped, if I get one, until I know whether it is allowed or not.

Please clarify this.

PS: adding the extra info to this post that I raid roll BoE’s in my raids, so I am not contemplating scenarios where those BoE’s are handed out according to “needs”. I need to know if I have to change that rule in my raids or not.

this just sounds like a sketchy way to by pass the no gdkp, if your needing it and you want to use it but then someone offers you money for it, then to me that is gdkp, if you offer to sell to the other person that lost that is gdkp as you had no intention of using it in the first place, no way to prove intent here but the rules around selling items gained for in game gold is part of the gdkp, it refers to any item dropped within a ‘raid/instance’. Technically if you sell the ‘needed’ item for gold, BoE or not, its still seen to me as trading a dropped item from the raid for gold.

if anything if 2 people needed and the rest of the raid greeded why are you then selling it to the other person who rolled need, this from my view makes your roll of need completely void in the first place if you are going to sell it for profit to the other person who needed?

If you plan to sell it on the AH then why are you needing it?

if you need it and win, equip it is what i say or risk a ban.

if your needing something but have no intention of equipping it then well sounds like ninjaing to me.

Huge W, thanks Blizz

You’re getting a very wrong idea. I’ll paste the original post I made when the question first arised so maybe you can get a better idea of where my question is coming from.

This is what I posted:
“In my raids I’ve always had them raid rolled so far, and tbh that’s the only way I see fit. But what about a scenario where one player wins it, and another player in the raid asks the winner if they can buy it? It is a BoE, so technically that could happen, I suppose? (hasn’t happened in any of my raids, but it is a possibility, I guess) Would this count in the Gdkp thing? Without any info on that, I honestly will just play it safe and not sell it to anyone that is in the raid group, if I get one, but it IS a valid question, I suppose?”

I always raid roll BoE’s on my raids (and they are not Gdkp’s, no, I think that becomes obvious when I say I raid roll BoE’s, but let me clarify that). I clearly state all the rules at the start of my raids and I will even state them here so that is also clarified:

“Loot rules: MS>OS /OR/ 2SR>MS>OS (these are the two types of raids I host)
The MS>OS rules explanation stop here, unless someone in the raid group has any questions, but for SR raids I also add the following:
You can SR any item you can use, including epics, pearl and bags. You can SR 2 different items or 1 item twice (for 2 rolls).
BoE’s will be raid rolled
Please bring 1 Free Action Potion, as it will help our healers a lot during Kelris fight”
Then there are two possibilities: if raid members look like normal people, I say the following:
“Items will be handed/rolled between bosses when clearing trash, to save some time”
If I see some weirdos asking too many questions and making it sound like they are loot hungry or making me think like they may attempt to ruin the raid, I instead say:
“Items will be handed/rolled after Akumai”

If you need any further clarification, please say.

PS: the scenario you have mentioned, of someone needing a BoE that drops in the raid, is not contemplated in my question, and would obviously mean that the initial premise (raid rolling the BoE) would not be verified and thus my question would not apply to those cases, naturally.

I think the system will check only those items that drop from bosses.

I don’t know, Mardigan has a point when he points to the “any item dropped within a raid/instance”.
“any item” seems to include BoE’s…

@Kaivax when possible, please clarify, thank you!

so 10 people just /roll for boes, lets say this boe for example is a 2h axe.

So if person A (priest) wins the top roll the item goes to that person.

Person B (warrior) then offers to buy the boe from the priest for x gold.

Priest agrees and the trade is made.

I don’t see that being against the rules as the item was won fairly through a raid roll and then just sold as any normal BOE weapon would be either player to player or via the AH.

Thing is if the item is BOE why didn’t person B just buy the item from the AH in the first place instead of waiting for one to drop in a raid.

The item was not ‘bid’ on and was just rolled for and then sold as a standard BOE.

edit: if the boe item is won fairly through a completely random way like /roll and then sold to some in the raid, then I don’t see there being a problem as the item was not ‘auctioned’ for gold in the first instance, but again yer guess blizz will need to clarify.

can go deeper into it for example but what if person A wins it then person B and person C want it and start bidding for it, eh I don’t know as above paragraph i say.

I was posting a reply to your post, but had to delete the whole thing and start again, because the more I wrote, the more scenarios showed up in my head that actually make this question far more complicated than I initially thought it would be.

1- Let’s assume that BoE’s are included in the “any item” package. I cannot sell a BoE that I win to any of the other 9 players. But I can place it in the AH as usual right? And then anyone can buy it. So a malicious or a careless player (more inclined towards careless, since one with malicious intent would also be risking his account) could then proceed to buy that item that I placed on the AH, and if this new system finds a correlation there, we would both be punished, even though I would have no way of preventing that player from doing that.
2- Another question that popped in my head is regarding how the system works. If it relates to the account, then it would be possible for me to sell the item directly to the same player while he was using a different character (so I would potentially have no way of knowing I would be selling it to someone who was in my raid).
3- Finally, I have 7 max level chars. Keeping track of which character raided with whom would require a huge amount of effort of record keeping, so it would be possible for me to sell the BoE, maybe some days later, directly to a person that was in that character’s raid, without realizing it. If we assume that the system makes a connection between accounts, then even if I send the BoE to my bank character, that scenario could still happen.

These 3 questions make the situation kind of weird, to be honest, and far more complicated than I initially thought. I would assume the system does not connect accounts, but rather characters (since BoP’s cannot be sold neither to other characters that a person may have that weren’t in the raid, neither by characters that were not in the raid), so I believe there should really be no issues with points 2 and 3. But point 1 is actually a fairly dangerous place to be if BoE’s are included in the “any item” package, and it makes clarification much more essential (even if it’s just to have me make ship all the BoE’s that I may win in raids to my bank character, just to be sure I’ll have no issues with them).

idk what i am doing right now

So you want to BAN GDKPs, but its kinda too late, there are people with tons of gold made from gdkps already, whats the point? it makes no sense? Either start fresh and ban it from the start or dont ban it at all