GDKP: Pay-to-Win or Community Divider?

GDKP: A System That Undermines Community Values

GDKP, originally hailed as a solution for loot distribution in MMOs, has evolved into a toxic system that threatens the core of what makes these games special: community collaboration and fairness. While it may seem efficient on the surface, the underlying mechanics encourage inequality, foster greed, and destroy the sense of achievement that comes from cooperative play.

1. Pay-to-Win Mentality

GDKP essentially rewards wealth over skill. Instead of players working together to earn loot based on effort, strategy, or contribution, the richest player walks away with the rewards. This turns the game into a “pay-to-win” environment where gold, not gameplay, determines success.

Players with vast gold reserves can monopolize loot, leaving others behind.
New players or those with less gold have no chance of winning important gear.
Example: Imagine spending hours in a raid, only to watch someone who didn’t contribute as much walk away with the best item simply because they had more gold. It kills the sense of fair play.

2. Exacerbates Wealth Gaps

In every MMO community, there’s already a disparity between rich and poor players. GDKP only widens this gap, creating an economic divide that alienates a large portion of the player base.

Wealthy players keep getting stronger as they hoard more loot.
Poorer or casual players are left behind, struggling to keep up with the game’s progression.
Result: GDKP creates an elitist environment where only those with resources can remain competitive, making it impossible for newcomers or casual players to enjoy endgame content.

3. Encourages Gold Selling and Real-World Trading

The demand for gold in GDKP raids has led to a massive increase in real-world money transactions. This black market activity is harmful to the game’s economy, not to mention it undermines the integrity of the game as a whole.

Gold sellers flourish as players seek to outbid others for rare loot.
The in-game economy becomes inflated, making everything more expensive for regular players.
Consequences: Players who don’t engage in real-money trading find themselves at a disadvantage, either forced to buy gold or fall behind.

4. Destroys Team Spirit and Cooperation

MMOs thrive on cooperation. Raids, dungeons, and group events are meant to foster teamwork, where every player contributes to the group’s success. GDKP undermines this by turning raids into individualistic, profit-driven endeavors.

Players are less likely to help each other when the primary goal is personal financial gain.
Instead of focusing on team performance, the raid becomes about personal profit margins.
Final Outcome: The sense of camaraderie and shared achievement that makes MMOs so fulfilling is eroded, replaced by a cutthroat environment where greed reigns.

5. Reinforces Toxic Behavior

Finally, GDKP encourages toxic behavior within the community. As players become more focused on gold and loot, disputes over bidding, ninja-looting, and price manipulation become rampant.

Players start to form cliques based on wealth, excluding others.
Resentment builds among those who feel they have no chance to compete.
In Conclusion: GDKP fosters a toxic culture of competition and exclusion, where the rich get richer, and the poor are left to struggle or abandon the game altogether.

Final Thoughts

In theory, GDKP seems like an innovative way to distribute loot. In practice, however, it undermines the core values of fairness, cooperation, and fun that are central to MMO communities. Rather than enhancing the experience, GDKP turns the game into a marketplace where only the wealthiest players win—leaving everyone else in the dust.

It’s time to recognize the damage GDKP causes and return to systems that prioritize teamwork over greed.


I’d personally make even the bare inkling of GDKP within the game a permanent account ban, no appeal. GDKP is a blight! If WoW was a piece of beef, GDKP would be the maggots infesting it.

But that’s just me. I doubt that I’ll get much support for such an opinion.


Why do you want an easy way to get loot if you suck at the game anyway? I’ve seen so many geared players perform worse than nearly naked ones.


Some people want to play the game but don’t want to spend any significant amount of time grinding.

They value their time too much and can’t waste a second (but don’t value it enough to not play computer games)

It must be a dilemma for some players

I think it’s a competitiveness issue with some also, the thought of losing an item to some other “person” in your group through random chance must grate some personality types brains.

Well, if " the richest player walks away with the rewards", that means that he paid so much gold and the gold is split among the other players, so they get their opportunity the next time. In GDKP, you can either spend “money” (gold) to buy gear fast, but in the end, you have to spend effort and perform something to balance this out (i.e., get your gold back for performing well and helping the GDKP raid to kill the bosses). People who buy gold for money only to get good gear and still suck in the game … well… gear won’t make you a good player anyways :smiley:

I dont understand (whole post is ignorant imo as its missing positives about gskps) how is gdkp not fair. Roll is pure rng so its probably the most unfair system of them all. Sr hr is very close to roll and its also rng in most cases as you end up rolling for these few items you need anyway. Well and theres nothing else. (When it comes to pugs ofc). Personally i prefer getting atleast something instead of nothing as i’m very unlucky when it comes to rolls. From my pov gdkp Is the most fair of them all. If anyone buys gold and outbids me then i couldnt care less tbh as it it increases my chances for next time while when it comes to roll you wont be in same group and theres high chance you wont be getting these items ever.

Also noone is forced to do gdkps and you can always join whatever you want. Noone ever explained how gdkp ruins the game. I Guess you get less opportunities for free carry if youre bad? When it comes to economy - i actually prefer milions of bots so everything is cheap So i dont have to farm gold etc. And even then youre blaming gdkps for gold Farming bots? Blame bots not gdkp.
Gdkp is only reason i touched pve and actually this game overall cos it was unplayable (and Will be) without pve gear.

The negative effect(s) of GDKP have been explained and discussed to death on these forums already, including by me personally during WotLK, by others lately, and even in the opening post of this thread.

I choose not to engage in the topic anymore since the people who still support GDKP simply choose not to listen. Whether that’s because of ignorance, them personally benefiting from the RMT-infused GDKP cuts or buy gold themselfes, I don’t know.

Bit besides the point, but what really is fair anyway, in terms of loot distribution? I don’t think there’s any loot system that will be 100% fair to everyone. But there certainly are loot systems that favours egoism, toxicity and/or foul play more than others.

Edit: But I guess since you don’t mind RMT or even millions of bots in your game, then there’s no problem for you with the status quo, indeed. But there are thankfully people who do.

Edit 2: Come to think of it, it’s actually hilarious how you imply that the reason people dislike GDKP is because they can’t get a “free carry”. GDKP is actually the perfect way to get geared to the teeth without learning how to play the game. Just swipe your credit card and you’re good for full BiS. Nobody will care about your grey parses if you bring gold cap to bid on everything, because as long as you bring the gold, everyone will benefit from you and your illegally bought gold anyway.

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Its fair cos everyone has same possibilities. Loot is not determined by pure luck or someone third therefore if you dont get the item its your fault.

Yes but the thing is its not free. If someone gets my item it will cost them and in the end i get rewarded for carrying others.

Some casual guy joins a gdkp with like 20k which he got via questing or whatever. Then some random swiper joins and just buys all the loot. How is that fair?

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No, everyone does not have the same possibilities.

Quick maths, I could take my next paycheck in about two weeks and buy 50 million gold illegally (calculation based on current prices on my main realm Firemaw, 10k gold at 5.25 euro). Then tell some GDKP organizer that I have 50 toons at goldcap and will buy every single BiS item for the rest of the expansion, and probably a bit into MoP aswell. That doesn’t sound fair in the slightest to me, since I completely decimate every possible competition from people playing the game in a legitimate way according to ToS.

I do think though that this is also a bit on Blizzard for not taking a harsher stance on breaking the rules like this. But just because the system is broken, it doesn’t mean that you need or should abuse it for your own selfish gain, regardless of what consequences it can have for the game as a whole.

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Depends if you’re a buyer or a carry,

usually the richest are the best performers, Can’t kill a raid with mostly buyers especially now in Cata T11/12 unless you’re doing NORMAL

Everything is extremely cheap on the auction house, Even compared to SOD where GDKPs are banned.
Combat pots are 5x cheaper than TBC Classic combat pots.
Gems are 3x cheaper than TBC Gems.
and the trend goes on.

Blizzard problem that Blizzard is fine with.

Stop joining trade chat raids and look for communities, You’re gonna have a bad time whether its gdkp or soft res with those dadas in trade chat.

Then he leaves with 50k. If hes some random guy and he doesnt want to enter gdkp hes not forced to.

Ofc they have they can also commit their whole salary.

Assuming you believe this is a fair way to “play” the game, and through taking goldbuyers into GDKP, legitimizing and taking personal advantage of it. I don’t think it is, and neither does Blizzard (well, atleast in theory), since it’s against the ToS.

Edit: My old raid leader actually got banned for buying gold. For two weeks. In my honest opinion it should have been permanent. Ofc it would suck to lose your raid leader to a permaban, but he turned out to be a fraud with malicious intent in the end anyway. But I shouldn’t really have expected anything else from a goldbuyer.

It´s funny to see you people defend gdkps. The reality is, if the pots weren´t that big, which they would not be without any RMT, you would not set a single foot inside such a raid.

Idc about pot. Gold is worthless anyway. I need items not the pot. The only difference would be my trinket would cost 50k instead of 200k. Is it hard to understand gdkp reduces rng which fits me cos i’m unlucky when it comes to rolls so when my trinket drops (for example i’ve seen flare drop only like once in whole tier) I need to make sure that i’m gonna win it.

You’re contradicting yourself. How is gold worthless when it’s the currency that you’re buying the gear with? Surely you care about the pot, since that’s what’s gonna secure your future items.

Without gold, you’d be totally out of luck in a GDKP.

gdkp raids are making ppl less care about nice gameplay and more about cut/item prices

Youre suggesting i care about gdkp only cos i get tons of gold cos of gold buyers. However even if gold buyers did not exist prices would be just lower while items would be cheaper. Therefore gold buyers dont affect me rly.

Imagine if flare drops and again some swiper just rushes in and buys it for some obscene amount of gold that you can´t muster up. I ask again, how is it fair. You just said that you dont care about loot.
Your little sandcastle is crumbling here.

If there was no RMT at all, prices would be a few k for many items IF even that.

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When did i say that? Loot is the only reason i played pve in wrath.

That simply wont happen cos if i really want certain item then i will get enough gold for it or if i really want certain item i will simply check the raid group and if theres a risk of not getting it then i can choose to do the raid another time with different group? And even then if i lose i get a lot of gold and increase my chance for next time? In worst case scenario i would simply skip a season cos it’s w/e anyway.
I still dont see how it’s unfair. Irl i dont have Ferrari and yet i’m not crying its unfair when i see one. Do you?