GDKP: Pay-to-Win or Community Divider?

GDKPs are not bad at all.

People got tons of Gold cause Blizzard does nothing about Goldsellers and BOTs.

If you ban every Goldsellers and every BOTs, average amount of gold per player will significantly be reduced, and all that greed and toxic stuffs will vanish.

Look at the prices of the most useful items in the Auction House and tell me how people can get 800k+ gold in their bags. You can’t get that much gold by farming, neither by buying WoW Tokens. 800k gold is 600+ Euros I mean, there should be like less than 1% player that can afford that.

Comparing cheating in a game to real life. Alright. Another one for the ignore list^^


This sentence alone should convince everyone but I guess people don’t get it.

There are tons of guilds that are recruiting to do normal content and/or HC content
There are tons of Pugs recruiting for same reasons


People are not playing and MMORPG, they’re playing MY-RPG.

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GDKP is a great way to play the game for those who prefer antisocial gameplay, or get along with only a handful of people.
To rest can just join normal guilds, which are recruiting on a daily basis even now. Like most people I am on Firemaw now, and heard all about the GDKP spam.
Well, it happens, but this has more to do with GDKP by nature does not have a full or even steady roster.
Then there are multiple guilds seeking members getting those messages out of recruitment, so if non-GDKP is your thing, you could join one of those.

Its funny youre unable to conmprehend gdkp is superior loot system and it would be superior even without bots and gold buyers. The only thing bots and gold buyers cause are prices of items (you can get items even without buying gold btw i spent over 3 gold caps which is not even much last patch without buying any gold) without bots causing inflation i would spend idk maybe 2,5 gold caps?

Blizzard already made a statement during WOTLK about GDKP and they don’t care. It is obvious that a lot of these gdkp hosts are living off of RMT because there is no reason to hoard that much gold from 3x raids per day. I’m more annoyed that the price of the wow token increases so much on classic because of bots, iranis, long time gdkper’s buying tokens, etc because I hate supporting this cash grab with, well, cash but I enjoy playing with my friends.


nah, most of the people have the same opinion, gdkp makes the end-game almost impossible for new players, divides the community and in the end kills the game. every gdkp-er should get banned with no appeal, you are SOOOOO right


you are right, but all those gdkpers who are kinda good players can be members of legit guilds and help each other, not only their wallet/incomes

Imagine you put x5 the effort compared to the other raid members, you parse 99s and Oranges whilst they are all blue/green parsers.

You put a lot of effort to learn you class, farm max professions, get full consumes, etc etc.

BiS trinket and weapon drops and you lose the need or SR roll to Timmy the green/grey Ret parser who still clicks his abilities in 2024.

How is it fair that Timmy gets the loot even though he got carried and doesn’t deserve the good gear?

Now lets say its now a GDKP, I want the weapon and BiD all my gold. Timmy outbids me and I lose the item. Since he got carried by us even if we lose the item we get a load of gold so we are rewarded for carrying him and we feel less salty about losing the item. In this situation everyone wins.

I stopped playing in guilds because I was CBA with the drama and I can’t stand bad players getting all the loot for free when getting carried. If I was forced to play in a guild like in SoD I just quit, it’s really not worth the mental strife. I just want to clear the raid fast and get my guaranteed rewards, items + gold so I know my time isn’t wasted and I can log off and be ready for next week.

RMT is only fixable by Blizzard and is a seperate issue to GDKP, the RMT x5 worse on SoD because the mandatory consumes and world buffs you have to pay for before Raiding. RMT is worse in the version of the game without GDKP.
RMT affects GDKP prices but is not caused by GDKPs themselves. Blizzard has designed WoW to have Gold and Progression closely linked. Nothing is stopping them making Gold completely useless and not tied to character progression. If they wanted RMT dead thats what they would do.

Is there a “Timmy” equivalent name for GDKP players?

Maybe Timmy would and his mates would still finished killing the mean monster, might take them longer and more attempts, but I’m sure with some perseverance Timothy and Co would get there in the end without the need of some super star player carrying them and they wouldn’t have to put up with someone getting salty and causing dwama and spitting their dummy out?

Would you still feel cheated if you where in a Sweat lord guild that did all the same things you do but dont use GDKP and you lost a dice roll to a fellow guild mate who plays just as good as you if not better?

Damn right I do, click click, what are the " pro’s " using? They got some sort of gaming glove where you tap the thin air like they re playing an air piano or something fancy? Meh I’ll stick my clicking.

Kinda glad im not so invested in this game I would get upset about losing a cartoon item to a team mate or guild member that just got a cool new item or upgrade. Its ok to be happy for other people.


But why do you want to force people to play in guild which probably has worse loot system and other disadvantages such as set raid time once or multiple times a week while in gdkp you can choose when you want to play?

GDKPs are mostly fair
“Legit” raids are mostly good

Exceptions happen to both of them.

You don’t like GDKPs ? Who cares, Gold sellers are not banned, nothing in the game is linked to GDKPs, you don’t want to be part of it ? Then do it your way, the game won’t change.

You don’t like “Legit” raids ? Ok, same comment, do it your way.

GDKPs is not the issue, Goldsellers are !

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Cope. Its not making gdkp any good. This same Timmy guy can just buy gold , and steal good drop from u anyway in gdkp grp
Gdkp is a scam and never belongs to classic and never will be untill rmt, gold buying exist

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If he gives me money for the items then I don’t care if I lose it, i’ll hopefully get the item in the next few weeks and I can use the gold now to gear another character or buy something nice like a mount or save it for next week so I can get another piece of gear.

I definitely would rather the bad player wins the item if I can get a slice of their gold than he gets the item, we carried them entire Raid and hes reaps all the rewards and we get nothing.

Theres something they could do the kill GDKP and this is what FF14 does. If you kill a boss on FF14, each player gets a Token for that boss and if you kill the boss x4 it means you can exchange it for any piece of gear in that bosses loot table. This ads RNG protection to their game and it means you can always get BiS even with the worst RNG possible. Its a great QoL feature that WoW has never added.

I can recommend single player games if your main motivation for playing is reaping every possible reward for yourself. Multiplayer co-operative games doesn’t sound like your cup of tea if you can’t stand the thought of someone else getting something that you don’t get there and then.

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I play competitive games, i’m Tekken God Rank in T8, I play WoW Raiding to be Semi-Hardcore and compete in Logs and with my Raiders. I can’t play semi - serious when scrub players are getting carried and stealing the loot, makes ne lose all the enjoyment. I work nightshift and can’t join raiding guilds because my shifts are random.

GDKP allows me and many other to play the game in this way. I literally wouldnt be able to Raid without it. So if it is removed theres a small subset of players who would straight up quit and I would be one of them. SoD declined and I think the GDKP ban made a lot of serious puggers quit.

gdkp makes it all into metagaming on discord. please ban gdkp before firelands have people actually team up again not playing like a job while hating eachother.

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awh , you cant play the game when you cant use real life money to gain an advantage aawwwhhhh…

Maybe you need to rethink your priorities then “friend” , video games was always intended for FUN never for “competition / competativeness” the MAJORITY of players play for FUN not for some shiny purple pixels handed out !!

GDKP destroys communities and also promotes anti social behaviour as in 0 communication in any dungeon and the instant some GDKP(credit card god) deems you unworthy of an instance even though you somehow Queued for it goes “low geared” you receive the “you have been removed from group” message !

You honestly think that GDKP has 0 bearings on how the community behaves and evolves ?

GDKP is a sickness and curse onto WoW full stop !


What do you mean its anti-social? When I play in GDKP, I am in 6 different discord groups who I regularly communicate with.

It is also a requirement to use comms and communicate since HC mode is a lot easier with good communication. I find myself being to most social I have been through GDKP and I was an Anti-GDKP player pre TBC Classic.

Outside of GDKP like in HC dungeons and in SoD I find myself being more anti-social. Most player refuse to use Comms in SoD and will just leave the raid if you make it a requirement. HC Duns your lucky if your Tank can even string a sentence of english or any other european language together.

You want to be social because you want weaker unexperienced players to feel welcome and want them to come get carried and spend their gold. It promotes good social behaviour between weaker and stronger players.

I don’t get why players say GDKP is anti-social because its one of the most active and social parts in WoW. Its for the Mid-Core players who want to complete content and tryhard but not to the extent of being unemployeed, forced to play 10 hours a day on 50+ Characters and playing in a parse/hardcore guild. Its a good middle ground for most players.

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hahahaha im feasting on your tears in this post. You can’t look beyond your own nosetip, and you have decided GDKP=BAD, and can’t see or think outside of the box of why people would choose this playstyle over any other

Lets dive into it

lets say i join a discord, that hoste 5 raids every week and they do only SR x4.
Now i want a specific item like a powerful trinket or weapon, but damn, im up against 6 other people wanting this ring

I lose my SR rolls, the 6 people wants this trinket

Next week i go again, now with new people and im again losing, because 6 people want the trinket. the guy who won the trinket last week isn’t coming this week, he left to do PvP rest of the season

Week 3 - Roster is randomly mixed up and new people from tradechat joined, my RNG is against me and im losing again.

This will repeat indefinately, and i am not gaining any kind of increased chance to get a certain item, unless raid leader only invites players who has the item. im not earning DKP like in a guild so i can save up my efforts and finally buy an item.
Evenmore im super frustrated because the player gaining these items are blue geared trash people i carried ,and i wasted a raid lockout getting jack all while they won to RNG.

The discord thrive to try and host good raids and get a good roster, but some dude dont get his items on second boss and he ragequit / leaves the raid, and everyone is screwed over.
The thought of doing progress kills people, because they have to raid with new players again next week

Now to the GDKP community

If i want a certain item i can grind my way in open world when im not raiding = Time spend = rewarded
Players stay in the raid until the end, because they actually get a really good gold pot / reward for their time used
The next raid i attend to, i am even further in my steppes to get this trinket, because i can grind the open world or i gained 30-40k gold from the pot last week.

The organise do everything in their power to create the best roster, find pumping players who provide sick dps, heals and tanking. More boss kills = Bigger pots = Bigger loot/reward - Everyone is happy
Bad players who would never get certain loot or see some content, can get hyper carried. Its again a win/win for the dog players to co-exist with the good players.

Blizzard sell gold through the WoW token, so they even earn a TON of money from those buying gold.
So what if someone outbids me on an item? I get a huge amount of gold myself and i can buy a wow token if i want and play the game for free.

Almost every well organised GDKP i went to, has had player logs being reviewed so i know i increased my chances of getting into a good raid. When i was in good raids, people got punished for playing like dogs.
If you slack you lose a portion of your gold, so dont be a dog.
What can they do in a SR? NOTHING.
the frustration between good and bad players build up and eventually the raid disbands.

if you are jealouse of the people enjoying this amazing way of playing the game, you should try gearing up (if you even can do that in SR) and then join a GDKP as a pumper to feel the difference in the raids.

Yes the raids can be tilting in GDKP too if you have 5 naked buyers, and 20 people are carrying the 5, but at least we are massively rewarded in the end. And when a phase is over, you are full biss geared and have maybe 500.000 gold to quickly gear up in the next raid.

Give it a try, instead of having shades on your eyes so you cant see the potential

Edit: and a side note - Even if botting was gone, RMT was gone, WoW token was gone, i would prefere this kind of raiding over any other!
Puts would be smaller, but time put into the game comes out as a reward.
I dont mind a raid lead / organiser getting filthy rich in gold, for putting in effort to providing me with a great raid experience.
Just like you would give your guild master / raid leader a Scarab lord or Atheish, while you enjoy getting loot in the raids. We are not that different, we just make it work in pugs

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