I’m not part of the GDKP scene at all, and don’t wish to be. But now that people started raiding again, I have noticed that the items are cheaper in Cata than it was in WotLK. Why is this, you think? It doesn’t make sense to me. I saw a well established GDKP selling BiS T11 HC items at 50k starting bid, the same GDKP took 75k as minimum bid for equivalent gear in ICC when it was released last year.
More supply less demand. Rmt infestation gone mad in classic while got better in other game versions
i would assume some people ( me included ) naively belived that they will keep wolk era server - then going for bis icc gear might have had a point.
noow people see its just gonna be progresss so gdkp seems completly pointless - unless you are seller not a buyer in those runs. then for sure it has a point .
but cant imagine there are many "buyers " out there atm .
ahh 1 leech run gives me months of game time
In p1/2 Wotlk, prices also was pretty low. Was about 2-5k per part mostly, few times saw bid wars to like 20-30k for some 226 parts in p1. In p2 begining it was like 5k/10k -20kmax per 232 parts, in few weeks only Heroic mode items was selling for like 20-50k, rest was about 3-10k
Whatever makes GDKP die out, rush for it.
It’s the biggest plague on the game. Awful.
When they said it was banned in SoD, i hoped it would be for Cata aswell.
It has only fueled botting for example, all remember the gold capped rogue in vanilla classic ? He didn’t farm Black lotus his entier life.
Kill stuff, stuff drops, you roll & you win or lose. No need to try and make the game p2w.
Because cata is dead on arrival
Warcraftlogs numbers on its launch are worse than in the end of tbc and it will decline much more a bit later
no demand = no supply = no prices
Yes gdkps will finally die out soon with the game itself
Will see numbers in week/2, when people get twinks to 85 and start raid. I lvled 2 chars on US and didnt joined single raid, all i did its Honor farming+arena.
Btw numbers on second week of TBC was worse, 2021/06/01 TBC launch, second week is 2021/06/ 09-15 got 157k VS 209 atm, so TBC was DOA ?
MoP Remix timing certainly didn’t help. I had to pick, too.
That’s just insane. 1000 quests for a single item? (Or 75k / 20g, 3500?)
100% RMT based economy confirmed.
(My entire Classic bank is like 10-15k across all characters.)
Maybe people aren’t that much interested in spending a fortune in euros on temporary items.
Most people still mostly run dungeons for preraid gear.
I personaly not gonna RAID this tier in cata becazue i dont like it but guild im in is still prepating for raiding. And so are most of discord pugs i was runing icc with.
They released to much stuff to close.
Liek i have to shuffle ATM retail m+ pushing / farming in panda remix and cata classic dungeon / rep farm
Its really a lot
Yes and no. GDKP in itself is fine. You get rewarded the more time you spent in the game. Now put RMT into the equasion and GDKP becomes the plague you mentioned. GDKP without RMT would be great but we never gonna have it since the playerbase is so sht^^
I knew it LOL …
Retail “Playa” …
Cataclysm is the worst expansion in the history of the game and it also came out buggy, barely tested with very little marketing hype at the same time as Diablo 4 S4 and MOP Remix.
The worst launch window, zero effort put into the development/release and the worst expansion in the game. Of course the game is less popular and people care less about having the big drops. Not only that, but it’s an accelerated release so this gear is worthless soon because Firelands will be out.
And don’t get me wrong, Cata can be fun and it’s cool for a quick blast but that’s exactly what it is, WOTLK hype by comparison was unreal.
GDKPs existing is a crutch, too bad Blizz isn’t gonna permaban GDKP hosts in Cata and only keep it in SoD.
Blizzard made the game p2w by introducing the wow token
That would make the wow token less attractive, what do you need gold for ingame other than gdkp?
I could think of few worse ones. Shadowlands is an obvious pick there and I don’t think there’s universal love for BfA either.
Both Shadowlands and BFA had far more content than Cata, better class tuning, way better dungeon and boss design. Even when you consider the negative aspects of those expansions, they were both better than Cataclysm. Cata was the original “worst expansion ever”, and as usual people like to forget because it was a long time ago and they get mad over whatever is recent instead.
Shadowlands wasn’t even a bad expansion. Dumb story, poor developer decisions not wanting to budge on unpopular feature limitations and community preferences as usual, before eventually caving and instantly making the game better. But the dungeons were all really good, some of the classics, Castle Nathria was an all time great raid with incredible aesthetic design, Torghast was an awesome solo gameplay mode (again poorly implemented but eventually fixed).
If we had a Shadowlands Classic that launched without all of the stubborn and dumb developer decisions they made early on, with the polished final version of the game it’d be a lot better than Cata Classic.
That would make the wow token less attractive, what do you need gold for ingame other than gdkp?
whocares about the token?
Mounts from Professions, Professions, Consumes, Enchants/Gems etc still demand gold.
Can’t you read ya own grid?
In each expansion they had a peek mid phase and then dropped to death and then peeked again in mid raid phase of a new expansion release.
It was dead in wrath P4, TBC last phase and even Vanilla was dead in the first Phase. And for what I see is that charts will explode as soon as we are in P2 because more and more people are raid geared by then…
Those charts especially raid charts are complelty bs. and don’t tell anything about the player numbers …
Also GDKP’s are cheap right now because most people progress raid with their guilds or PUG instead wasting their gold for those ez Raids.
Even when you consider the negative aspects of those expansions, they were both better than Cataclysm.
I don’t know. Focus on borrowed power and gameplay expecting me to basically do dozens of things every day or risking eternally falling behind and story that makes me want to murder the writers is a bigger turndown than Cataclysm is for me. Not also entirely for the way they handled class progression and gear as whole as well.