GDKPS banned on anniversary realms and yet Inflation is worse then ever before how come?

Anti-GDKP players claim banning gdkps will remove a big reason to buy Gold and slow down inflation in the process. however it’s worse then 2019 with Gdkp’s me and many other players could make a lot of Gold by doing raids to keep up with the inflation. And now since Gdkp’s are banned people who don’t have the time to farm Gold just buy the Gold instead, goldbuying did not really decrease after the gdkp ban. Less whales but more regular buyers now i suppose. I did not buy Gold for fresh so far because i resortet to boosting instead but that’s another thing many gamerdads complain about, but other warriors in my guild just buy gold now who just did gdkps before to effort consumes… for sure people are buying cloudkeepers for 2,5k without buying gold now since Gdkp’s are banned they just did a lot of DME jumpruns…OH WAIT!

So you are part of this inflation anyway because you get payed mostly with gold from rmt. Good job.

Devs: let’s remove gdkp so people don’t buy gold that much.
Player: so I encouraged rmt with boosting and cry on forum, why is there inflation??


Well i need to effort my consumes and lionheart helmet somehow.

Blizzard cant figure out to keep the game bot free. Blizzard cant even figure out to keep classic era as promised. they ruined the vanilla game for the 3rd time now.
one option play non blizzard servers

Well considering the overall gold, it is surprisingly less inflation even after including illicit farmed and sold gold so far. There is still a good chunk because as you noticed, drive up the demand for illegal gold including people you should admonish.

No game is botfree, even comparing to Blizzard on a grand scale there will be more bots mhm. If players seek illegal gold, it becomes worse effectively feeding the botting issue.

Or do you mean, the players? Blizzard kept it fairly clean but then people on all sides are screaming “no changes”, “changes” or “my changes only” and so on.

It does not matter what Blizzard does - they will displease anyone by doing nothing or anything at all.

By playing the game surely? I mean, how do you think the majority of us have done it so far? GDKP was a legitimate option in the past, but it was corrupted to become some illegal gold laundering scheme in todays times prior the ban as the community wished for.

yes but players also “ruined” classic. there is now no difference between the classic fresh community and Retail. The only exception is hardcore.

You do realize that the prices are high seeing as most people havent reached 60 yet? Prices will go down on all the high level stuff once the majority of players are doing things where those items can drop from, its not inflation its just supply and demand in action. And anyone who drops 2,5k on something this early on in vanilla is for sure ether buying gold or somehow profiting from people who buy gold and therefor actually a inflationary force on the market.

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I agree.

The cure for high prices is high prices and the cure for low prices is low prices.