Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

Then you are not. Sorry.


Is it a crime or what?

Yes it works until 1900. After 1900 duelist geared ppl are in almost every game and with better skills too, then what?

How is it not an issue when they just won’t die, even if properly cced and even ‘outplayed’?

Matchmaking luck also works until some 1900, after that every game is almost impossible.

Then how can I reach 1950 with good healer? Or it’s different me then?

Yes this works until 1800-1900, anything above is almost exclusively bm, arms, ww and rogue/mage, everything else is super rare and definetely not enough to push anywhere.

Yeah I usually leave after 2 or 3 losses, but that means -50cr, and then 5 more hours of waiting, and then possible another -50cr, etc.
Not fun at all.

Well that’s good news. Does it mean I’ll be able to upgrade it if I already was at 1950, or I’ll need to reach it again after 9.1.5 ?

Ok, so, by your theory my skills go up and down all the time (because thats what CR does), makes sense, I got you.

No, they do not. Else your rating would consistently go up.

pretty sure u have to get it again.

Well that settles it then, you just don’t have enough skill to get to duellist since you aknowledge that duellists have better skill than you.

But how can you outplay them if they got more skill than you? You can’t.

Until 1900 you can passively climb due to gear advantage since a lot of games below that are against challenger geared people. Up to 2k you fight against equally geared people, from then on its a coinflip and above 2050 it’s mostly duellist geared people who aren’t good enough for duellist anymore.

It’s simple: Git gud and stop playing troll venthyr parasol build with troll legendary

If you lose 50 CR at your rating in 2-3 games that would mean your elo is around 1700 and you play against people who aren’t even rival

No because your winrate is still 48% which means your skill level is lower than your rating. You are actually higher than you should be

Stream your games OP.


Well CR goes up and down 15%, or actually like 30% if we count from higher. Does it mean my skills also go up and down 30%? How does it make sense?

Well even when I’ll get similar skills they’ll still win thanks to gear. So I’ll need skills better than of duelists to get duelist. So it’s gonna take a long time before CR reflects anything, no?

Not true. Every second game at 1750-1800 had duelist-geared ppl.
Maybe around 1600 it is true.

NOPE. Go and try it, you’ll see duelist(s) in almost every game above 1900. That’s why this wall is much harder - it starts way earlier than previous ones.

I probably misphrased question. I meant - if I’m so bad as they say how did I manage to reach 1950? Multiple times, in fact.

What, 7 eye beams in a row not good enough for pvp?
2 eyebeams happen every game, 3 almost every game. 4 are frequent enough.

What? How was it calculated exactly?

No it means nothing because it became 48% even below 1400 where I was learning the game playing with completely random people/comps and trying random things. To fix it to 50% I will need to win around 150 games in a row, do you think it’s possible? (my CR would be above 4k if I did it, lol)
Next season it will easily be above 50% at 1900 because it will start fresh, you’ll see.

Ok i haven’t read every post now but despite the many things Anoraaz is wrong about, the gear difference between rival and duelist is kinda big. The chest piece alone is 15 stamina and that is a lot actually. Even the neck and ring have 9 more stamina and that adds up to a lot of life that a duelist geared character has more compared to a full rival.

If you do not consistently go up overall (not fast, but consistently) you’re not improving. And you are not consistently going up.

It’s not. But do you consider that normal ? Is it a normal behaviour for you ? Do you flood every single forum you’re part of ?

Google “Elo rating system”

Cool, so you rely on RNG on a spell that can be easily interrupted.

Luck and playing with teammate that carried you. If you were truly 1950 you would stay there with 50% winrate

The only time I encountered that when I played late at night. Like 3 to 7 AM server time. Because only few people que you usually meet same people with no life because normal people don’t play at those times. You meet a lot of actual boosters there and people with way higher rating. But during normal times this almost never happens.

Yes but you can get a lucky streak of 5 wins at some point and get duellist gear on your own. Once you have the skill level of a duellist it becomes extremely likely that this will occur and you will get your gear and won’t have any issues anymore, since you only need to hit 2.1k once. If you play 100 games at 2k, it is very likely to happen once.

Before it was 100 games. Now it’s 150. The gap is widening. It means you are not improving.

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Everybody - virtually everbody - in this forum and discussion, ranging from challanger to multi-gladiator, is saying the same two tings thing: change covenant, change legendary; you are crippling yourself beyond imagination, AND - you need to improve your gameplay.

You are the only one thinking you know best here. Can you do the math here and start understanding that you are the problem and not antything else?

How fast is “fast”? 0 to 2k in 1 day? Yeah only rogues, mages, ww, arms and maybe hunters can do that.

I don’t see myself still at 1400 so I think I do.

Yes, that’s what forums are for.

Interrupted every time? :slight_smile: Even second eye beam is almost guaranteed to go through (I can wait 3 seconds of silence before it, no big deal).

I encountered that in the middle of Sunday, haven’t played there at other times so idk. What’s probably more important is how long ago were you playing, because it seems high gear gets pushed down to lower crs in time. As more and more people are boosted we’ll see more and more duelist gear at low crs.

In middle of Sunday we met boosters in ~70% of all games above 1.8k. And at nights it’s similar.

I’d like to know what these ‘normal times’ are. How can this even work? As soon as such ‘normal times’ are discovered every booster will move there because then it will be easier to boost no?

It happened with previous walls, because only last 50 or 100 cr were overgeared, but here it’s 200cr or more so we’ll need much more games than that. So statistically it’s almost impossible to “get a lucky streak” big enough.

But CR goes up. That means I am improving.
This winrate logic never makes sense, it contradicts what CR shows.

I can reach 1950 with existing build with one healer, but can’t with other. How am I the reason here exactly?

Forums have never been for people to vent and exteriorise frustration that has been accumulated during many unsuccessful game sessions, no.

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I specifically typed, and you quoted, NOT FAST, BUT CONSISTENTLY. Can you open up your eyes and/or turn your brain on please ?

It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you improve as long as you improve. You improve with a steady pace up. You don’t have that.

With two more brackets of gear difference and 3k games, phew, what a legend !

I got 2,2k this season in 2s together with my ret friend. I could NOT have done that with any ret, even with his xp, because I have played all last season and this season with my friend and we know eachother well now that we don’t need verbally say everything, we just know the drill. As I got better at the game I notice a lot of “skill” is actually just experience, both with your class, your current comp and the enemy’s comp as well as with your actual teammates. It makes it so you know what to do better and that you play together much more than if you play with a different healer of a different class every session.

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Huh? I just start constructive discussions, just to do something while waiting for healers.

Ok, let me rephrase. How steady is “steady”? I moved from 1400 to 1900 in like 2 months, which isn’t bad for somebody in his first season on first character, playing non-meta class.
I don’t see your point.

Yes I had this with some healers, but they are gone now for some reason.

No, you spiked somewhere around q950 and keep falling down, up and down again with great magnitude. This isn’t stable at all. If you really had improved you would not oscillate that much and would hold your own around a rating, working your way up. That you can lose so much means to do so many things wrong because news flash if you really play well you win games.

Many things you do not see.

Because we meet duelists in every game above 1.9k? They just won’t die, ok? How can we win?

No, we met duelists all the way from 1900 to 1750. Then SUDDENLY duelists/boosters ended and we returned to 1900, WHAT A COINSCIDENCE!

What do those discussions construct by the way ? And for who ?