Gear difference between Duelist and Rival too big

If constructive discussion is negating everyone’s arguments then yes you are doing it anyway. We can’t help you, you know why? Because none of us plays Venthyr DH with this legendary and soulbind. If you want to push with it then do it on your own since we have 0 experience playing this build. By creating posts on the forums you don’t achieve anything either because most of us don’t agree with you.

Well DH is still DH, with same cc and defensives (so same toolkit), so any DH would deal the same vs stuff like rogue/mage, no?

Well it isn’t. All DHs except you base of faking The Hunt to force def CDs, you don’t. This is crucial part of their gameplay.

I force CDs with just my normal dps rotation, lol.

How come I did the same with my own Priest a couple weeks back and ended up way above 2.1 while not having Duelist gear when I climbed, and playing with people without Duelist gear either that I found on the LFG ?

I can do it and not you ? Maybe it is because you aren’t good enough and are refusing to listen to advice.

When I played at 2600 yesterday there was a Rogue Mage in queue, which we beat twice out of two games (so much for being unbeatable btw). There was also Melan on his own Venthyr DH in queue, which we did 1-1 against. And on stream I noticed that Melan faced that same Rogue Mage comp, and he won. Also, he killed the MAGE. Just like I have been telling you to do as DH a million times over. Now a 2600 Venthyr DH does it as well, and surprise surprise he beats Rogue Mage while being hundreds of rating above you and winning games. Will you find a new way to say that you know better ?

Try nf and you will see the difference. If you are so afraid of hunt getting interrupted, learn how to fake cast and bait their interrupts. I dont usually recommend checking guides, but look those guides. When you have checked those link me a guide that does not recommend going nf as dh for pvp.

This starts to feel like you are the one getting boosted and carried. You just cant be that clueless and still arque to players who have much more experience than you.

That’s nice. But it’s 2v2 not 1v1, so both players make an impact. And I don’t have reliable healer as of now, so every session is casino where cr will go either +200 or -200 depending on who will apply into LFG.

But I saw it since 1400 or something :slight_smile:
At 1900 it’s same, with exception that we meet many 57k hp boosters that just outdps our healing and win. NF DHs with gear same as me can barely do anything.

What? How? When? By who?

The healers you have in your team at your rating are the same ones as the one you face on average, because they are playing on the same CR which means they are equally successful (or unsuccessful, depends how you see it I guess).

Maybe they got here with some ww or arms or bm that faceroll them through everything?
Maybe they got boosted?
Actually good healers are rare and usually have 2k xp, so, yeah. Enemy teams are also 2k+ xp in most of the games when I checked, so 1.9k cr is where 2k+ people play (in duelist gear btw).
But good healers tend to play in meta comps so I get worse ones on average.

When I play my healer I don’t add people who I think didn’t play well. For instance if I was horde and had played with you when I climbed to gear my Priest I wouldn’t have added you because you dont play well at all and do not display an attitude towards improvement. I reckon many players are like that, they won’t add bad people who also happen to have a bad attitude. And so, they do not add you, or rarely so, but that’s on you.

Eh, but they do add me. And they often play with me for many hours without any complaints at all. My attitude is also perfectly fine, because, well, they don’t tell me how to play DH etc.

What if you were after all not that bad at DH ? That would mean those NF DH would probably be worse than they already are with Vent instead of NF ?
That would also probably mean that YOU would be even better as NF ? Or are you going to argue against basically 100% of the playerbase that Vent>NF as havoc DH ?

There is no “worse” or “better”, there are different use cases. NF DH excels at stomping noobs and people with slow reflexes, also works well with perfect setups and when overgeared. Neither of these cases relate to me.

  • all the constant whining about not having people to play with in other treads.

Maybe you are now, but you weren’t two months ago which was a while after S2 started already, and this is something you should have been doing since BfA and most importantly in SL S1 with the prevalence of Warriors. Which is simply proofs that many small things that are a requirement you still have to work on.

Just saying that it’s not because a set bonus exists (for all players btw, you and your teammate also) that you can’t get your rating back. It is because BfA was a much more forgving expansion, that ratings got higher than currently, and last because MW was the singular most broken healer during the latest seasons until it became back on par with others as “best healers” after a nerf mid S4. So yes, it isn’t surprising that as a MW you could be 2.1 in BfA and struggle now. Much better class, much forgiving expansion, etc etc. And now rather weak class, so you go from an extreme to another. Before it was effortless rating, now you have to work harder than most healers. But still, if you can’t do it you aren’t duelist. Titles aren’t deserved for life just because you made it once or a couple times when it was easy for you. Be a consistent duelist on your spec of choice instead of blaming the system, that’ll force you to adapt to new changes and metas and you’ll just be a much much better player as a result.

Now, you have to play well (or better than you had to in BfA at least) as MW to get your rating back. So, don’t do an Anooraz and instead of blaming the game work on yourself.

I mean they play with me first session, but next day they are usually gone.

I remember it being Holy Paladin since season 3 - 9.1

Can’t do it without ‘‘Way of the Crane’’ ( Got removed with no replacement )

The Priest also would not be able to do it without Mindgames

From what I read before, wasn’t Rival ilevel to Duelist ilevel a good 13% dmg increase and like an extra 8% HP. I don’t know about y’all, but that’s flucking huge. I could be wrong, but I read it somewhere on reddit with the math breakdown.

Also gear I feel has never been so vital to your performance in PvP since Wotlk

im full rival gear on my boomy at almost 2200 cr so yes of course. I think i could play easily at 2400+ with that gear if we play better, have a steady team etc.

its actually 6 ilvl or something.

look this is your problem. you dont take any responsibility. Every time its someones else fault but never you.

But it’s different so we can’t tell you exactly how it should be played.

Kinda disagree with you on this. I think it’s possible to lose cr while actually ‘improving’. E,g, if I play 5 games against a rank one team and I only win one, hell maybe even none at all, I might have lost 50 + points but if me and my team have progressively played better and adapted differently to certain situations, that’s improvement.

Not if you go down 500 cr though, thats a different story

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