Trust me when it comes to Mythic or high end keys, you won’t just force your way through with gear.
And IIRC I remember reading that Limit only had an average 371 ilev when killing G’Huun on Mythic; I don’t know what ilev Method were at but I suspect it was similar if not less. There are groups in Premade looking for 380ilev to just join them because they think quite wrongly that gear the player makes.
I dont see the point you’re trying to make by season 2 starting soon.
It was just as bad when Warfronts rewarded 370 and emisarries rewarded 370 (which they still do) as that is equal of Heroic Difficulty Uldir. It invalidates the raid completely, i havent done more than 2 bosses and why would i? I can just do my daily emisarry and have Heroic gear LUL.
Also the point you’re trying to make is that its soon season 2 so blizzard are just going to invalidate the last 3 weeks of season 1 and let players do nothing for 3 weeks? I dont get it.
Giving loot out for free to everybody has never in my opinion been a good idea which is why i enjoyed TBC and Wrath so much more than the previous expansions. It was so fkn cool when you saw some guy with full HC Icc gear in Dalaran, and i still remember the day i got the shoulders from ICC. I couldnt give one fk what gear i get today because everybody has it.
Why do you care though ? its not the best gear and gear is only a tool in a raid which you dont raid anyways .Its a colour a pixel nothing more its just an item in a game move on an adapt .
You get one piece of 385 every 3 weeks
You get one piece of 370 every 3 weeks
There is a new tier which means this gear will be out dated within 2 more weeks its whine for whine sake .
Theres always nerfs at the end of every tier but instead of bosses being nerfed by 5 or 10 or 15% they just give out a chance on gear you read far to much into it .
I could understand your concerns if you were raiding at a decent lvl but going by your past raiding history you dont raid much .
And top tier raiders have
Best gear
you can tell them a mile off .And with mog being a thing since cata your whole view about standing in dala an looking in awe of somebody is kinda moot .
As much as i agree with free gears to everyone isn’t a good idea, On the other side of the argument, I see a lot of 5/8, 6/8 heroic leaders who put “LINK CURVE” on their group description. Even those who just want to kill ghuun want curve. And how exactly are people supposed to have curve before trying for a curve?
Somehow fix that stupidity, and we can talk about no free loots for people.
You seem like you don’t get the thing seriously, with the start of the next raid we will have gear reset basically, and when that comes people will need to earn the new one, it will not be handed to them. Blizzard just want the people to start on an equal footing for when the new content comes, and even the newcomers or late comers to the content, and nobody to be stuck behind on doing the old content.
And when it comes to the gearing its better for the guilds that more players in the game are geared from the current player base than to get into the situation where they can’t find enough of geared raiders to push the new content.
About your curve question- those which post such requirements are usually people which already got curve and which are looking for other experienced raiders with the curve also to get as smooth run as possible. The ones you saw without curve and which are requiring it for their runs are either alts or the people which are looking for the way to get boosted ( btw I think how that’s lame if they don’t have it and when they are requiring it for their pug ). The people which don’t have it should work for it like the rest of us did, either progress with the guild or find the people which are on the same level of progress as them and which want it to and than push the content with them.
I just explained even 4/8 5/8 heroic people and you say they already have curve? we got raiders io. Watching how much progress people made isn’t that hard nowadays. Lots of the raid leaders don’t have curve, yet demand it for entry.
As for do it with guild, sure. But how many guilds you know that are both casual and have curve? Not everyone is capable of logging in on a scheduled basis to go through raids. Even if they have the necessary skills. Some people can only use randoms. And finding a group of randoms to do curve is basically non existent or very rare after a certain time has passed.
I edited it, they might be on their alts or the people which are looking to get boosted. I know a lot of casual guilds which got now curve, even guilds like my which raid just for the 2 days a week got it if they are serious about the raiding.
And the progression in the game always looked like this if you wanted something to get you needed to make some dedication for it. Uldir was out for a long time now, there was enough of time to get it. People don’t take for their high ranked arena teams, high mythic dungeons when they want to get them done on the timer, or high end raiding people without the experience for that type of content. And the life can be hard if your only way of progression is through the pugs.
Why i care? I play arena and was once a PvE’r but theres no reason to do raids for me anymore, if its not for the gear i see no point in it.
Also gonna correct your statements.
You get 1 piece of 385 every time warfront resets.
You have a chance of 385+ every time warfront resets by killing Ivus.
You have a 100% chance of getting a 370 from daily emissarry (sometimes gold war resources etc)
If the new raid tier is gonna drop 385 for normal mode its NOT going to be outdated, you’ll be equipped with full gear from the raid before it begins lol. going back to wrath as an example, there was no such system. When a new raid came out you had to grind higher gearscore gear and then you would enter the raid to get normal gear -> then hc and so on. So its basically removing weeks/months of content and also giving bad players the ability to have the gear that some players should work very hard for and be admired for doing so.
Small chance yes, it happens a lot more times that people don’t get anything from the kill.
That item level will mean nothing when the new raid comes for the people which are interested in real raiding.
Majority of the normal raiders I’m positive will not be decked in 385 il of gear before 22 January comes.
Not for the players which like to do raiding because of the new content and because of the progression, in the end of the day a lot more players care about the progression and the achievements they will get than about the gear alone which will be outdated when the next tier comes anyway. Also what people are interested for in the raids are mounts, titles etc. And most players which are interested in the real raiding care nowadays about the content above the normal mode.
Warfronts give to everyone the equal chance to get the gear, not just to the bad players.
Admiring for what, if you mean the look I don’t think how people do anymore as much as they used to before the transmog was a thing, If you mean by overall gear score and cool items yes they might still, but the high end raiders will get higher gear pieces than 385 il soon and even the new cool mounts.
In this expansion if you haven’t noticed things changed since Blizzard made possible to gear from different sources, so even the people which don’t like to raid ( be they hardcore or casual it doesn’t matter ) now have ways to get the good gear from other sources. Some even got to the overall gear score of the current mythic raiders by never stepping into Uldir, but instead by doing high mythic dungeons.
I think its quite nice to give everyone a chanse to clear uldir since everyone that was serious about it should already done it by now
The reasons why the raiding gear is not that much better than the catch up gear is obviously to prevent raiders to progress with outdated gear in the new raid
Gear is there for us to progress with not to point fingers and tell lesser geared players how much better you are at this game
Because some people like getting gear through raids and mythics and other people like getting it through warfronts and emissaries. Nobody but the elitests care what anyone else is wearing and it’s impossible for any of those gearing the second way to join in the first without all those achievements and raider io anyway. So what’s your problem? That “casuals” don’t care you raid and get phat loot anymore? Diddums.
The problem isn’t that much the “catch-up” gear even though the post might point in that direction. What im argueing is that people couldn’t care less what items they get nowadays as it doesn’t matter. Back in the days you would be so freaking happy if you received an item because it was hard to obtain a piece of raid gear or elite gear. But now since everybody can get good gear by afking in orgrimmar and doing emisarrys or proc a fat titanforge on a mythic 2 the gear from raids / high end PvP has no value so its just a mehhhh new piece once you get one. Gear used to be hard to get which made it fun, to look at someone in org who stood flexin on the mailbox in his HC gear and then you would want to try to get it yourself. Since there is no difference between a m+ 10 item and a emisarry quest item this feeling is gone. And bad players will have very close to the same gear as a mythic raider / high end PvP’er. Im 2.3k arena and the items i get from arena are of the same quality as a complete 4 quests item. And it has been like that for a long time, how is that? it makes no sense. Its not just a catch-up mechanic thats the problem
Unranked pvp does not get anything. Rated pvp gives something but not as good as emissary quests and warfronts.
This is the main problem to be competetive in PvP you have to grind repeatable quests and island expeditions a lot. That issue outrages the whole pvp community and many people quit.
I am playing now WOLTK and MOP on private servers and Guild wars 2. Not going to play BFA anymore, cause devs showed middle finger to the whole PvP community.
This guy is just out of touch with reality. Please stop posting for the sake of posting or just to increase your stuped post count.
LFR heroes shouldn’t be able to share their opinion on what is good or bad for the game. Just clear the content which is meant for you, aka LFR, go collect your toys/pets/whatever and stop spreading your opinion as a fact because it’s utterly wrong and I feel ashamed for you.
New Raid; LFR; 370, Normal: 385, Hc: 400, Mythic: 415
Assualts; Removal of random gear pieces. Instead badges and buying certain pieces as catch ups. Sort of building on the same principle as the Ring already do. Expensive but with proper value.
Emissaries; Scaling up to 385.
This way all content whould still be relevant to some extent.
What we instead will see:
All ilvls increased across the board except in Uldir - Dead raid tier except mythic, but who want mythic uldir pieces anyways It’s not like EN in Legion were people farmed for example; Trinkets.