Gear System. Who thought of this?

The catchup mechanic for undergeared players should not start before the new raid is out.
The best gear should always come from the hardest content. Allowing for it to be had through just participatory events is not only detrimental to the hard content (why would I bother doing hard things when I can do it the easy way?), but it’s also detrimental to the social aspect of the game.
Since you can solo that best gear just by participating in warfronts, why even bother joining a guild.
It used to be you needed to band together to get high end gear in WoW. Now it’s being handed to everyone just for logging in. It’s killing the core of what it is to be an MMORPG. I’m so sorry that some of you will never get to experience what it was like to work/grind/endure for your gear and the sense of accomplishment that went with it.

I think this has been increased lately since Mythic 0 will have 370 loot on the 22nd. So gearing up low players is a way to create a balance when the next season will hit.
You need to be proper geared to have 370 from emissaries. How to gear up to reach the cap? by doing Mythic + :slight_smile:
Next season Warfronts will drop Mythic 0 content gear, so no more overgearing.

All the people saying “but the season ends in two weeks” probably forgot that with new season there will come new ways to get free gear, there will be new WQs, new bosses, probably even new warfront …

the thing is however, the new raid is technically out.
Also keep in mind LFR/Mythic now give 370 gear.
So this could make uldir heroic relevant to an extend, so if i recall correctly…
Let me make a little list for those that want to have an oversight

#ilvl 370 gear

  • mythic
  • Emissary
  • Uldir Hc
  • Incursion
  • Arathi warfront boss
  • Arathi cycle quest reward
  • crafted

#ilvl 385

  • Dark shore initial quest
  • Dark shore world boss
  • New raid normal
  • Certain weekly events
  • crafted
  • mythic uldir

#ilvl 400

  • Craft
  • Heroic raid
  • Certain weekly events (sometimes this is either heroic or normal

#ilvl 415

  • mythic raid
  • craft (200 bwomsamdi ballz)

I only dinged 120 a week ago (yes I’m a noob). And 7 days later I’m sitting here with a 395 Hc warforged boots and another piece at 370. Am I grateful? Yes of course I am. But at the same time I understand frustrations from veteran players that I’ve got gear pieces equal to mythic Uldir when I haven’t even cleared G’huun Lfr. It definitely doesn’t feel right.

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Except that emissaries and Assualts still scale up to ilvl 400.

The Darkshore WF get it’s ilvl for repeated attempts bumped up to 370, with a 400 quest reward aswell as Ivus will be a boss dropping 400 ilvl pieces. These Ilvl’s were intended but got delayed due to ilvl restrictions in season 1.

Nothing will essencially change except the fact; Arathi Warfront will be useless since it will stillr eward 340/370 loot and G’huun will cry himself to sleep since noone wants to play with him.


for real?
oh damn, that ain’t good.

Unfortunately yes.
People who have 380~ gear gets these rewards on PTR. Ion also said so during a Q&A. On the bright side, Si:7 gear ain’t bad for my shadow spec. since i doubt my guild whould realisticly allow me to gear it in raids. :roll_eyes:

Any other groups of people, communities, races you think should be silenced?
Anyone who doesn’t live the bunker with you and your elite guards must be wrong I guess and should be eliminated? Or is it it just non-rogues that are the problem?


Normal mode is now not really a proper raid as such. The mechanics are nerfed almost to the level of LFR which is why it doesn’t even reward an achievement that can’t be got in LFR.

Anyone doing any level of serious raiding will be jumping straight into heroic which basically is the old Normal. I don’t actually know why normal mode is even in this game now other than to have a difficulty for people to think they are raiding to try and get them interested.

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If you actively do or even condone this, you shouldn’t even be playing WoW… you are a leech.

Quoted for reference to the approach, not as a source OF the approach.

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Are you kidding right? Will they still gear high levels for doing nothing? i thought it was just for Season 2 preview.

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its very deliberate

to give people time to enjoy invasions.

he is not doin this, i have done 9 wf during weekend and them moment someone stopped moving on map people were calling for kicks after first 15-20 seconds even when it were people upgrading buildings/buying units etc.

i dare him to really afk in WF .

you are also sitting with overall itlv 337 meaning you wont be even able to que for new lfr and nobody will take you even to mythic 0 .

so those 2 pieces wont change anything for you

neither they will for any player out there


The issue is that they made this setting before the new tier came out.

Now, technically, that’s not REALLY the problem… except that they made the new tier ilevel be release a month after the patch.

Now, on the drawing board, I suppose it looks okay to an executive that does not play the game, give a chance for casuals to feel godly…

However from a subscription perspective? that’s an entire month of paid subscription where things are out of wack. It’s literally like government telling you they’ll mail you a fix “in 4-6 weeks”

Anyone who actively thinks about joining WoW content - never mind actively DOING so - with the explicit intention of doing 100% f… all doesn’t realise or even care that they are wasting time & their existence on a video game.

I am not disagreeing that the game throws gear at you but that WF cycle is a long one back and forth and you only get one item of three possibles.

Rewards for the weekly quest have been on par with a hc loot reward in the past, not every week but again on a cycle, we still see that too.

The new raid is here shortly and by then even the Ivus loot will be back on par with Heroic raid level.

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Unless you’re a tank. :rofl:

Both overgeared & too afraid to impose themselves on people who care too much about results rather than the person at the keyboard.

I expect to be treated like excrement & am rarely surprised when other players do exactly that. Until it’s de rigeur (sp) for the player base to approach WoW with a view to prove me wrong, I’ll play WoW for ME & no-one else.

… and I suggest everyone do the same.