Gearing 200 to 215 ilvl is rough

so… how exackly spaming rares in korthia is elitest ?

how exackly did you mindlessly farm world boss that was spawning once every 6 ? weeks and you had 1 chance to obtain it ?

Youd farm elites that dropped resources you later used to buy trinket tokens for, and hoped the random trinked would be TFed Crystal



Run own keys. Nobody can bar you from your own key. That’s exactly what I did when I played this dude in 9.0 and eventually I got enough rating to join groups quite easy despite not using RIO myself.

Not gonna see if I can replicate process as I’m bored of my ally main (rogue 243 ilevel)

Would help if the m+ Achis were account wide though…but my plan is to do m0 to get a key and just play my key.

So if you’re looking for groups in that ilevel range 200-210 feel free to add me MetDBlck#2976 as I’ll be running as tank or healer and any dps buddies be welcome! I play most evenings.

Ehm no… OP is acting as if that’s not a ‘thing’.
They want to gear up solely by doing M+ and such. THAT is what I’m eluding to with my remark.

They can, if they choose to not join your key :slight_smile:

Realistically there are too many players for that to be an option at low key level, as even low keys have value for higher players due to valor points.

Dead key in PuGland occurs more when you have a bad key on a weekly affix rotation at a higher level than it does elsewhere.

Maybe it’s because I hosted keys as a healer or tank. I always got them filled within a minute or two. DPS are everywhere and competition is fierce, which is why befriending tanks and healers is a DPS’ best move.

As a (recovering?) alt-oholic, Benthic gear was also amazing outside of TF to provide a good starter kit for newly dinged alts. What I liked most - along with the Broken Shore gear - was that the tokens were cheap and you could specifically target slots to upgrade. My new Hunter desperately needs a weapon, and due to the heavy RNG involved not only with Korthian Armaments but also the Broker daily quest rewards, I cannot just buy the “weapon” token to get a weapon.

Also, it seems no one still runs M0s, so I’m stuck looking for keys to dungeons that can drop a weapon. But finding a M+ group as a slightly undergeared Hunter is aa challenge by itself. Then, when I do find a group, I need to be lucky that I get a loot drop, and be double lucky for that loot drop to actually be a weapon.
The Vault itself can drop any item, regardless of the dungeons you had run, so the chance to get a weapon from there is even worse.

Long rant short: I much preferred Benthic items over the current systems, especially for alts.

We will get in 9.1.5 vendor items for specific slots, including weapons :slight_smile:

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Oh, good news indeed. The RNG involved in Korthian gear was a bit much

see i never did that - literaly never cared about arcanocrystal. didnt stop me from having fun playing game.

same like i never cared about farming azerite in bfa. never stopped me from having fun on 13 alts then

now i dont even want to play more then 2 chars - thats how bad SL is for casuals.

Go to the vault, talk with NPC at guild bank, take your +2 key and push own keys :slight_smile:
that’s all what i can say about that
yea it’s terrible, but here is solution which definitely will work for now

why woudl it be terrible ? especially that people dont have problem to +3 keys like 2-6 .

you almost instantly get keys like 7-9 and then just spam those.

terrible because you can’t get 220+ fast, especially that IQD, oh i’m hate DOS

yea, the issue is :

  • people still have a preference towards getting carried so if your alt is low ilvl/ no IO they will be able to find a ‘better’ key to join, especially since theres really no shortage of low keys, for obvious reasons
  • anyone farming valor wants to optimize the gains compared to time spent, so they also have little reason to join random keys with undergeared people with unknown levels of experience.

This is unfortunate, but if you fall behind the flock of players that have started right when the patch was released, realistically your only good option is to make friends and/ or find a decent guild where people will have spare time to carry you when needed.

Which is part of the reason an asocial prick like me is always half a tier behind :slight_smile:

not really ? you know what you option is ? to a) do content that is there aviable atm for solo daily on fresh alt
b)open lfg tool - slect group - click , select next group - click - prepeat process untill invited.

thats how i play on DH which i dusted off - it was 220 itlv when i started - after a week its almost 227. gonna do couple of m+ and will likely hit 230 this reset.

its ok if your fresh alt dont imidiately do +15s.

hell i would argue that there is no reason whatsoever to do 15s on alts in first place as like 242 gear is more then needed on alts anyway .

I’ve very recently got back into this char after being on alliance, so i’m behind, but today joined a m+ comm already and ran a few keys, seems like it’s just a matter of running keys like mad and i’ll get there to be fair. Being willing to tank and heal helps a lot.

Welcome to the most anti-social MMORPG on the market.

unless you got friends already or are extremely likable you will struggle in this game.

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Newsflash: socially awkward loners whom shun interaction struggle in MMORPG.

Coming up next: man discovers fire is hot.

As far as MMOs go (except maybe FF14) WoW is probably the one that allows you play “the most” of the game without even setting foot in a guild or community if you know how to do it.

How would people have coped with MMOs back in the day? Everquest? You not got a guild? Awesome, then you won’t be seeing more than maybe one zone of the new content. Yet somehow people coped.

And it’s bloody easy to find interactions. I have started to focus this char after maining ally all 9.1. Yesterday I did his chores, today is time to focus on content. So I just looked in comms finder, clicked apply, and huzzah, I am now in a mythic+ community and i’ve already run a couple of keys through it.
It isn’t hard.

Euhm from 200 → 215 is rlly easy go m+ isnt that hard