Gearing system killed pvp

This game is bad. Parasitic bloated crap systems that makes people unsub in droves.


They already solved this before with numerous types of fixes.

The problem is they won’t want pve mains moaning that pvp is a gearing system for pve if it was all accessible.

The scaling system on pvp is a good idea. On last ranks though it should scale to within 10 ilvls of best pvp gear.

Then rating is still premier gear and more useful outside of pvp too.

It Lowers the gesr gaps and keep pvp more balanced.

Id Bring back set bonuses and pvp specific gear to further make it pvp specific.
Scale gear to no more than 10ilvls at top end between best rated and max rank pvp gear.

I’d lose the gradual increase on rated pvp gear.

Make 1600 to max ilvl gear and cosmetic stuff only after that.
So conquest gear starts at one ilvl and at 1600 upgrades once to max ilvl rating.
Then bring pvp gear to within 10ilvls of it in scaled instances.

The less spaced out gear is the more balanced it becomes in terms of ilvl power.

It will reduce boosts increase participation on mains and alts, increase balance in bgs.

are there that many boosters still around? i barely faced any from 0 to 1.8k+ this season

Just cap and adjust the gear to the bracket, same as already happens with lvl 10-59 bgs. Level 60 enters a 51-59 bg, their gear is capped and adjusted to a level 59. Works great. Do same thing for rating brackets. And in 60 normal bgs cap it to the base conq gear.

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you get different rewards for entering a 51-59 bg , you get no conquest points which is the whole point of bgs nowadays and the quest so your point is invalid.
The only reason a 60 would play in a 51-59 is to play with a friend that has a low level character or waste his time.

It was an example of scaling already being in the system. Same can be done for rated except capped to rating brackets. No reason for top bracket gear to be fighting low bracket gear.

ofcourse , the point is there is no need to have so many ilvl upgrades , one at 1400 1600 1800 2100 its really not working well, when 1 upgrade increases your character’s power by 10%, and the pvp system is depended on gear on low level brackets mostly.


Blizzard should come to their senses and realize that PVE and PVP players are two different types of players, and attempting align the two through PVE content is a dead end.

They should bring back the PVP specific traits on PVP gear (pvp-power and resilience) - IMHO they killed a very well-functioning (though not flawless) system when they removed that
 It’s most likely some too-stubborn-to-admit-a-mistake system designer that prevents that from coming back.

The attempt to integrate PVP and PVE is frustrating
 Even though renown, conduits and whatnot is fairly easy to grind, it really is a drag if you don’t really care for PVE - especially if you want to play on alts also.

I don’t mind leveling in PVE, and the covernant/epic item stuff is also a great addition to the game, but having PVP players continuously grinding in PVE for the sole purpose of being able to upgrade their lowlevel PVP gear is kind of stupid
 I assume it is to prevent raiders from gearing fast in PVP to get ahead in gear for PVE - if only we had a set of gear-traits that were only usable en PVP to prevent this

Since Blizzard likes new systems so much, they could do PVP-soulbinds/conduit trees where you get you soulbind-rows and conduits through PVP content - only for use in PVP content, to overcome the need for grinding them in PVE. If I want to PVE later, I would grind them there


this will never happen. things like kampaign is not seen as PVE content but as base content. like PVE players probably also dont like to do these instead of M+ and raids.

that would be great.

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9.1 is about to drop i hope there are some good changes like the ones mentioned in Bellular’s video.

This is simply put this worst game on teh planet :slight_smile: they have destroyed an amazing game all i do in bgs is get annihalted by deathknights with 67k hp and unlimmited absorbe spamming 17k oblierate :slight_smile: fook this game and company.


9.1 was a great leveller. All those players that WoW tokened their way to top tier PvP gear and the few neckbeards that earned it honestly, suddenly found themselves on the back foot, because their gear wasn’t able to do their fighting for them once everyone else was queuing with Korthia ilvl 220+. I was quite happy running around random bg’s and turning the tables.

That lasted all of three weeks or so.

Fast forward a few weeks and we’re back to how things were pre-9.1, with the pay-to-win boost buyers and the neckbeard pillar humpers running around with 60k hp and deleting folks while facerolling their keyboards again.

I’ve stopped bothering now.


Totaly agree. im stuck on 1.5 gear and i cant go up and i have a many problem. so doesnt matter what can i do cause my all friends gonna just arena or left the game

Im stuck on 1.5 Cr cause i cant go up to 1.6 with pug because ever time when i was on 1590. System drop me VS 1,7-1,8 overgeared enemys so this is gonna be harder and harder. and im go abck to 1480 and have no any chance to go to 1.6 . Sorry Blizzard but Your system generating many many many Booster advertising and if you want to go to up 1.6 You need buy or what?

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I just came after 2+ years without playing

I found that the game is a MESS, it’s full of crap to keep people busy for nothing

I just wanted to pvp, but I found out the pvp gear I was farming was useless against anybody with average pve gear.
I have no time to quests and raids, I just wanted a fun pvp. I guess it’s time to leave again


They need to address this, preferably before new players and low geared alts stop doing BGs altogether, making matters even worse in a vicious circle.

The solution is not the extreme of removing the relevance of gear, in a game based on progression and having gear as the main reward. They tried this in WoD, I believe, and PvP participation dropped significantly.

But there is a place between gear > skill and skill > gear. A measure of matchmaking is sorely needed in random BGs.

Oh, and while we’re at it, facing premades several times in a row doesn’t exactly help.

It kills me that that’s by design.
Grind your way into a brick wall.
Now go play something else, or continue to get squished by players who do.

Whilst I’d like to see that, I can’t see it happening at max lvl. I’m not sure we have the numbers without drastically increasing queue times & it seems (other) players want a massive gear advantage (in unrated :thinking:).

It is a good game & it is working for a lot of people (gear matters again / scaling is gone) & they’re welcome to it.
I just don’t have enough time to invest anymore.

Pretty much man unfortunately. If you can sell those orange stones now for a lot on AH, earn yourself 100K and then just a buy a boost 1500-1600. Sit on the rating until you have full challenger and then play arena again in a month lol.


If you are a somewhat capable player you can easily push 1.6k with full honor gear. I did so myself with several specs. There is no need for anybody to buy a boost unless they want to take the easy (and boring) route.

just remove the levels on both honor and conquest there is zero ways around it even a 7 yo would get that but somehow its to hard to understand for the devs

i know you clowns read this everybody is laughing at you you are unable to understand simple things i hope every single one of you gets fired so you can clean toilets again thats the only thing you will ever do good

i cant even imagin how dumb you have to be to make a good running game into this bs


Was thinking the same, but i refused to believe they are that stupid. I mean i get it, its cash upfront but you’re ruining the game for so many players. And this will cost you much more money in the longterm. Doesn’t make any sense to me

But on the other hand, this terrible system is still in place. But why?