Gearing system killed pvp

For how many? Playerbase are mostly PvE oriented, PvP focused player are rare in this game. Its cash income. Most of PvP part here is casual BGs, epic BGs and OWPvP(dead). Arena tryharders is tiny part even of all PvP - the same 25+ players per region on the top for the past 8-10 years, RBG just dead.
They just need to fix big difference for casual players in casual PvP. Thats they gonna do i think. But in ranked - no1 cares.

For all casual players who like to pvp? hardcore arena players will not care, agree. Maybe for their alts.
But PVP wasnt in this bad shape all the time. I remember they said that casual BGs were as popular as LFR and heroic dungeons (during cata if i recall correctly). But i guess you might be right and its a tiny portion now. So mission accomplished i guessā€¦

This guy gets it. This guy represents me.

Ofc people will preffer PvE, cuz casual PvP is unplayable. Who want to suffer and get roflstomped? I think nobody. People will even q for BFA solo q islands just cuz its more funny than this ā€œPvP funā€.

agree, unplayble for me too. And my alts :frowning:

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The ilevel disparty is bad but even bigger issue now is the time that you need to spend to get gear to be able to play properly.
I can overcome being 7 ilevl under duellist people and get my duellist (which is still unfair). However if I want to play an alt I need to spend half an eternity to get the cap or honor gear because 210 ilevel can only bring you that far.

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But pvp players donā€™t want to run mythic in pve, thatā€™s not their mind set. They simply want to pvp without being rofflestomped by a pve " hero" .


Read my last paragraph:

I donā€™t want this to be THE SOLUTION.
Itā€™s what worked for me on this warrior. I made the char 3 months into 9.0, and it was too late to start climbing with zero gear. So I pveā€™d my way into 220s iLvL, then found pvp much more enjoyable.
Real Solution:
Go back to 2 pvp sets, with zero / mild rating gating for the Conq pieces. Make rating only influence the rate you aquire gear: 2.200 rating = 900 conq/week, base rating/no rating = 550 conq/week like now.
Full Honor set 242 ilvl pvp.
Full Conquest set 259 ilvl pvp.
Conquest pieces minimum rating: 1400 offparts, fingers, trinkets, 1600 chest legs head, 1800 weapon shoulders.
That way the difference between total noobs, decent players and top players will always be maximum 10 ilvls, because even bad players could get a few conq pieces that will have same ilvl as the elite players.

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Why does gearing have to be so convoluted & grindy?

The only location massive gear disparity has a place, imo, is wpvp.
Instanced PvP should be competitive, or thereā€™s just no point playing it.

What makes, your well-geared char kicking my low geared char in a normal bg, competitive to you?
That makes no sense while gearing up the basics on unrated grounds.

Agreed, Iā€™m not advocating gear disparity. I wanted PvP to be competitive. Thereā€™s no point to it otherwise.

Templates with adjustable stats would be my ideal (though tournament realm sounds pretty perfect).
Specs would play as they should.

I just want to log-in & play.
I donā€™t have the time to waste mmorpgpvpermagrinding.

But like so many have pointed out, itā€™s probably just not the right game for players like us.

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they did it for years, just because someone was dumb enough to remove it doesnt mean someone isnt smart enough to fix it.

Instead of lowbies facing facing 30+ilvl disparity, 9.1.5 is only 26+ilvl disparity.

ā€This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that theyā€™re able to compete in Battlegrounds more readily.ā€

Clearly they have their best minds working overtime.

ā€¦reducing the ilvl gap between PvP tiers to ~3ilvl means nothing if all tiers are piling into the same bracket.

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Im sure people dont like to get roflstomped by PVP heros as well. PVP needs to be accessible, the gearing needs to be easy. If they want progression they can add some ilvl to conquest gear so that people can grind that.

You will see next PTR build care they about community opinion or not. Tho they want to do gear relevant to forced people buy boosts or keep tryhard - spend tones of time in LFG, logout - login and do the same, month after month - carrot on stick.

Aaaaand they donā€™t.

Whoā€™d have thought. :-)))


Yes, cuz of boosting. Relevant gear difference forced people to buy boost and if in ranked will be equal fights that makes boosting very hard and almost impossbile for most of the boosters, cuz they are not so good to kill 2 equal geared players.

man, i didnā€™t even play 10 BG on my characters. I dressed everyone across the arena. so much more profitable. although I used to love to run random bg. now itā€™s just t r a s h.

  • ā€œthanksā€, blizzard. ā€œgreatā€ system u have", - nothing more to add.

Yes it did. Since Legion.

Devs are still failing to understand that PvP starts AFTER players get full PvP gear. Thats why people left. And no rating reqs excluding perhaps getting more Conquest.


Now Iā€™m gearing a new character Iā€™m realizing how depressing it is. I can be killed with 3 warrior auto attacks and I hit less than a critter. They could at least put in some system so you start off in PvP with a default ilevel of 220 or so

Canā€™t imagine Iā€™ll be doing WoW for much longer.