Gearing system killed pvp

How should they focus on cc if they are one shot to geared players? Playing for objectives requires some gear man. If you call incs you will need to survive some time by yourself. Without gear you simply cant.

And of course the 25k pleb will rush into ww because it doesnt matter if he contributes or not. Its such a terrible experience i dont even blame him doing that.

25k pleb could take his precious time to capture mines while were were running 30yd near it, but no, nobody cared except for me so ww fight was lost aswell (because I didn’t participate in time).

Why tho? He has zero fun playing this s*** fest. He wants it to be over fast, get some honor and requeue doing the same untill he isnt a one shot anymore. Because it takes so freaking long to gear there are many of them in BGs. This gearing system stinks!

Idk, to help his team win?

So it’s ok to intentionally ruin it for others in his team?

Then he should help his team win as he can (i.e. by capturing mines at start).

Yes it’s 10x faster to farm Korthia a bit before entering BG. His choice.

u lack empathy my friend. Why should he waste his precious time to help other people? Whats in for him? Nothing, so why waste it then? Korthia gear is a massive grind with lackluster gear, again why waste time to acquire it? To be a two-shot instead of a one shot? The current PVP gearing system is BS.

No, it’s the one who’s ok with ruining game for 10 people (that try hard to win) who lacks empathy. And he himself deserves no empathy if he’s doing it.

Victory in BG is not good enough? Team wins together or loses together.

Actually that doubles chances to do something, yes.

There can be no other. Remove gear from equation - and it won’t be MMORPG anymore (won’t be any point to gear up).
And, you know, it’s almost like real life. One can not expect to just enter boxing club and roflstomp everybody just because he seen some moves in movies. One can not expect to go to war with bare hands and win over better geared enemies. Etc.

Empathy simply means to share someone elses feelings or experiences and yes if you can feel how the 25k pleb is suffering with this gearing system than you clearly missing it.

It will still be an RPG if you remove the ranks to improve the PVP gear. You will still need to grind for your honor gear and for your conquest gear. You just wont be forced to do rated play anymore and it would take less amount of your time. How is that something bad?

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But can he feel how his team feels when he can’t even take mines at start?

Yes and no. Then there will be lots of bad unskilled players with max gear just because they played longer, so new players will struggle the same, but it will feel even worse being destroyed by overgeared noobs with 0 skills. This will solve boosting problem a bit though.

i’m 100% sure this dh is either trolling or purposefully clueless, don’t engage him lmao

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Maybe he can, maybe he cant. It doesnt matter. His suffering is real tho. Nobody wants to be a one shot cannon fodder.

Bad, unskilled players will still be bad and unskilled regardless of gear. So in even playing field you will still own them big times. New player will need to catch up, so its important that the pvp gear gind is done in reasonable timeframe.

Some classes will give them free kills just because of gear, i.e. ww oneshotting everybody while facerolling.

But you oppose your previous argument here. Why can’t you “own them big time” now? Oh wait, it’s because they are skilled. Does it mean skill needs to be nerfed too somehow? :slight_smile:

No, dude. You can be a bad player and still have the best gear. Just need to pay a lot of bucks for it.

That limits the number of bad players with best gear, no? Not everyone can/wants to pay. If your solution was implemented we’d have everybody in best gear by default, so problem would be many times worse.

How will it be worse if everyone is on the same plaing field?

Everyone but new players. They will still need the same period of being cannon fodder, just vs more of geared people than now.

But right now new players are cannon fodder aswell? I dont get your point.

But you propose solution that will make it even worse (now only skilled players can get best gear vs everybody who played long as you propose).

But they will have the opportunity to get same gear. Right now, its pay or die.

After period of being cannon fodder. Same as now but worse.

I pugged Rival as Venthyr DH in less than 2 months, you can do it too :slight_smile: And I just joined WoW this season.

Some people dont like rated, competetive play. They just want to log on and play some casual bgs for fun. For them its pay or die.