Gearing up too easy in raid

Now when progression is over raids become easier every week as ilvl and bis corruption is got.

Just watched sodapoppins stream and he went basically from 450 to 470 in a single day.

Boosted in heroic and mythic raid, he still had rank 5 cloak and green neck essences.

This begs the question why profession items, or items u actually need to grind for and not just pick-up via boost arent valued in this game anymore.

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But is this viable for anyone who isn’t a streamer? Can Regular Joe just get into heroic and mythic raids where people happily funnel him gear? Probably only if he pays a load of gold for it.

Going from 450 to 470 in a single day is not the norm for most players.


getting boosted in m+15 even takes more effort than what i saw

Soda got a free mythic carry, and was told to die on for most fights.

Also, why is it bad to go from 450 to 470 in one day, when you can literally hit max level and gain 200ilvls in a few hours

I mean, gearing is easy in M+ too. Whenever there are people willing to boost you, gearing is easy. Guilds have been boosting each other’s alts since vanilla :slight_smile:

The only way of changing this would be some sort of restriction such that everyone in the raid has to be within 5 ilvls of the average.

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it is easy, but nowhere as easy as going to raid with geared group, and all the m+ or pvp skill in the world for players who have played whole expansion 10h a day doesnt give u bis 485 items.

Him getting boosted in raid and getting 485 gear same week he started playing is just insane

I don’t see the problem.
Boosting and easy gearing as ALWAYS been in the game if you have a group to carry you.

And like Ceranity said, if you’re a popular streamer or an alt in your guild, or if you’re willing to pay for it : yeah you can gear fast.
Now if he wants to do M+20 he will have to play the game and do his part in the dungeons, like everyone else.

Getting raid gear has always been easy, you just need the group.

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no it hasnt been. In classic if u get all your gear drops for your class u get probably 2 items per raid.

Here you can get almost full mythic non-bis, but a lot of bis.

And that doesnt remove the fact that every week it becomes easier and again more pay2win.

Currently a good geared guild can clear mythic nya 12/12 with 17 players, maybe even 16

I’ve gone full normal raids without a single gear piece dropping

So ? What’s your point ?

I was able to clear ICC HM with 15-20 people in the end of TLK.
Of course it’s easy to clear when it’s the end of the expansion and everyone is full stuff.

You either don’t understand the game or just jealous because he’s more famous than you and can get carried.

PS : just saw your other posts, I think you’re simply dumb and don’t understand how this game works.

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Raids getting easier as time goes on is pretty damn normal tbh.

just when you think these “retri” people cant sink any lower :joy:

you are doing it wrong then.

You probably do it on a wednesday when you have opened your weekly chest, pvp chest, looted a few m+ and world bosses, so your loot RNG chance is at 0

I got 6 personal pieces from heroic last tuesday by not looting anything for a day just doing dailies, and they all went to scrapping, used bonus roll on maut for trinket but got ap.

But I remember doing this with guildies as far back as Tempest Keep :slight_smile:

We’d have a weekly ‘casual’ raid that was half alts, half mains, and funnel gear to them. This specific example involves only funnelling to one person, which makes it stand out, but the ability to do this was always there.

That said… when raid A led to raid B led to raid C… quite often, alt runs were 1-2 raids behind anyway. The loot was still better than dungeon or PvP gear, and it was fun to have different characters in different content. Since there is only ever 1 current raid these days, it does leave us jumping very large gaps very quickly.


Then u lucki :ok_hand:

But why are you acting like this is a common occurrence. No new player, or even returning player would have the means to pay for carries to the extent soda did. IIRC he didn’t even pay, he got a carry in exchange for some free advertising for the boost group

I dont know what u are trying to say.

Do you think this system should still exist? That hardcore m+/pvp players cant get the best loot in game, while a casual who gets boosted in mythic raid goes full bis in one day?

who would voluntarily watch a guy like this…

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Hardcore players got the gear first - they’ve had it for a while now. That’s why they are in a position to boost alts and friends. Or paying randoms.

…I don’t know what the latter do with the gear once they have it. For me, the point was to spend time chilling with other people doing dungeons and raids. I never know what to do when I’ve maxed out a character :slight_smile:

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Do you fail to understand what i write?
You literally cannot get 485 gear outside of Nya. No pvp skill in the world allows this unless u are raiding as well. No key level in the world either. No amount of grind.

There are plenty of tanks who are at 3.5k rio or whatever and have never seen a 485 haste/vers ring

Nlo it wasnt always in the game.