Gender change in barbershop confirmed?

I get that you have a different perspective on this than most of us. And I’m not saying any of this to be controversial.

But to me, none of this has ever mattered. Whether you have dark skin, light skin, boobs or a shlong, why does everyone give a crap? A person is a person is a person.

My point is opposed to what you might think it is. Removing these things from the Barber shop just puts a spotlight on the differences when a game like wow should unite people. Make it clear as day that everyone is the same.

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I appreciate where you’re coming from. in a game where you can be a walking cow or a little fox or a alien horse thing… yeah we can choose to be whatever we want to be. maybe it’s time the barber shop was changed to something else to be honest. it’d make things a lot simpler.

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I don’t think that there are any trans people in wow…
so even if it is in barbershop there is no reason to be offended because trans people don’t exist in wow you simply change from man to woman and wise versa different worlds different rules.

Please PLEASE tell me you mean ingame, as in “inside the contained story and context of wow Lore” and not as a generalization of players

so you mean the characters don’t actually have any sex and they have kids via other means? sure ok I can accept that.

not sure about other people though . some trans peeps can get pretty militant… :sweat_smile:

I don’t know any trans characters in wow so they don’t exist PROBABLY

I mean, sure. undress any male character and in those skintight skivvies there’s clearly no… Bananas (keep it pg 13 Bras, you don’t wanna get banned again) going on.

Pelagos in shadowlands was a girl in life and chose to be a boy in the afterlife to reflect his true nature.

Yeah i never saw any male bananas or female fruits in wow so gender probably is different in wow universe…
Who am i kidding just let me change gender without paying you blizzard god damn it…

“Afterlife” you can litteraly be anything in afterlife because afterlife is not a physical thing.

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but then again, what doesnt offend people nowadays. :roll_eyes:


Or we can just take for granted that “barber” in Warcraft means having a job that allows you to change peoples appearences in any way shape or form. Either way fine by me.

I have no problem accepting that the goblin that can change me from a pale blue undead with short, spiky dark hair undead to a pale green skined undead with oily green-ish rags on my head has some form of genetic reorganization gizmo somewhere in his drawers.
Scary thought should he ever go postal and “reorganize” orgrimmar to grey goo, but hey, hes a goblin. They’re borderline psychotic at the best of times.

on the other hand, if blizz just renames the Barber to the “Personal reformation station”, I’m fine too


Our chars don’t get in Sl traditional way and don’t become those flying things, so no

Would be nice, ngl.

I’d swap genders on a few characters. Probably even go back and forth on a few depending on my transmog and mood.


I can get where you’re coming from, especially after reading your other posts, but I think (or at least like to) that people will keep in mind that it’s only in a barbershop for gameplay reasons.

And surely if people didn’t kick off about skin colour that would suggest that they probably won’t about this? But that’s just my two cents.

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On one hand I’m glad there are more discussions about gender, identity and sexual orientation on these forums, as it seems people are severely uneducated on the subjects.

On the other hand isn’t this thread spreading false information? I mean if you made a request to be able to change your sex in the barbershop, okay, but this isn’t that.

Or am I taking this too far?

also transmoprhic ticnture from wod alchemy but only for 5min at time

Barbershops are sure becoming a lucrative business.

I don’t think the barbershop is a barbershop anymore, and I think it would be more fun if characters kept looking like themselves.

Adding scars and changing hairstyle and colour? Sure. Jewelry? Great, but should be from items.

Anything else? Bleh.

But it’s just clarification on change to a quest/storyline and how they refer to a character. It’s nothing to do with the barbershop.

No, it’s more like a plastic surgery clinic. Scary that Goblins are running them for the Horde o.O