General discussion about Addons

Hello lads. i m wondering. when you play the game do you use addons and is it by choise or because your friend/guild suguested or demanded it. and if that is the case how do you feel about it?

Reason i ask is because of generaly the interview Ion had with pc gaming. where they strugle to make raid content to raids that isnt overtuned because many players have addons that guide them trough every fight without the players having to use their brain

And with another thing is that i see guilds and premades demanding or expecting you to have certain addons like weakaura or other that help you play the game. and i feel it suck to be forced to play the game with such things

(mainly reason to why i play solo these days). i prefer the play style. learn by doing and many seem to judge that these days and more often than not they attack for such a playstyle choise.

But this made me wonder how would players feel if blizz saw Addons as a third party program that is Holding your hand trough gameplay and giving a unfair advantage. and there for removes the choise of using addons to help you play the game?

i got a feeling that many would ragequit instantly if the Hand is removed so people actualy gotta look up guides. pay attention to ennemy players. pay attention to mobs etc.

i for one is for that as it removes the chanse to attack a player for not using addons or the corect addons as many new players dont have these addons and old timers like me with my playstyle is unfairly attacked for our choise. But that is my opinion and i invite others to just say their opinion if blizz actualy removed addons and by doing so removing their challenge in making challenging enough content.

I would like to be able to play the game without a million weakauras and alerts, but since the content is designed to be difficult for players using addons, that’s not really an option without creating a severe disadvantage for myself and the group I’m playing with.

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now that is a big issue but easily solved as they design the patch. create the raid make it like they want it and tune dungeons. and the moment patch hit. instantly remove the ability for addons to work with the game. then the addons will be gone and not clutter up the screen.

I use addons for convenience mostly.

Mog collecting would be a nightmare without the benefit of things like ALLTHETHINGS or Can I Mog It for example. Altoholic is fabulous for telling me what materials are on what character or simply how much rested I’ve built up.

My guild requires very few addons and tbh they are things I already use.

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Theres a balance to be found, The harder wow becomes the more addons are needed, the easier it becomes the less addons people use. Theres only so much one person can deal with at one given moment so addons make up for that.

I think wow as become to crazy so we need more addons making the game less intence would be best imho

The only combat-oriented addon I use is Details as a damage meter. All the rest of my addons are for meta-gaming or informational: AllTheThings, Altoholic, ElitismHelper, Rarescanner and Rarity, Rematch, TomTom and Toy Box Enhanced.

Granted, I do not partake in cutting edge content.

Only addon i have is the dps meter for giving me info that i am doing atleast somewhat decent dps other than that i see no point using other addons really.

Playing WoW without addons is like driving a car without air conditioning, radio, seat belt, rearviews, etc.

It’s just a bunch of quality of life things that make the game playable and should be there by default.

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They could just design content without AddOns in mind and if someone wants to compensate their lack of skill with an AddOn, then let them, why would i care what someone else does when the outcome is the same

WoW giving players the ability to customize their game experience in ways almost no other MMO can, is a HUGE selling point for a lot of people, and without ATT i could not play lol

Also NGL tinkering with my own class weakauras to display my resources in a cleaner way, is half my fun in this game :smiley:

now while this is true and many dont use cutting edge addons as they dont play the cutting edge. there is a high number of players in both pvp and pve who use addons that no longer gives quality of life changes. But instead becomes your driving instructor who tells you what to do and when to do it. so it isnt a quality of life change then.

and atleast those addons should be removed and not accepted in neither pvp or pve in my opinion, Now we talking weakaura. cool down checkers who help you keep track of ennemy players in pvp. DBM who tells you what to do at all times no matter mob or boss.

The addons shouldnt play the game for you or hand guide you trough the game.

now i can agree that it is a big selling point. but something needs to be done when it becomes a demand to have such a addon and not a sugestion. then it is a problem with the game and its designers who try to create the game around such addons to try to challenge players and cant realy do so because people on the Beta/PTR have gotten all the info for them and stuffed it into a addon so people can be helped in a fight.

I hardly ever play sweaty content and I play as a lone wolf most of the time. Addons I uses are ones I feel like they add something I need and the game doesn’t have or does poorly.

I mostly use UI stuff like Can I Mog It, Better Wardrobe, True Stat Value and Garrison Order Hall Report. For season 4 DF I used Details and Raiderio because I wanted to max my evoker legendary, but this season I didn’t touch m+ so I removed Raiderio. I sometimes use Details now, depending on the alt.

99,5% weakauras is used for UI customizations. Go to the website and theres instant a list of specs so you can install some nice spec specific UI (often important abilities and whatever spec-resource in the middle of your screen).

DBM is just for learning fights and then you turn it off since it is too much clutter. And it actually does not play for you.

Any add ons that are used to give information during combat should either be baseline baked in to the game. It should have already been done by now.

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Generally I avoid addons.

There are some types of addons that I use:

Some addons are required by the guild I am raiding in. Not going to sabotage, so if folks need that weak aura, I will install it or I will quit that guild, the choice is here. I did not see guild which does not require usage of addons yet, so choice is more about raiding or not.

Some addons feel required to efficiently perform my role.

For tanking I feel obliged to use addon which colours nameplates according to threat level.

For some specializations there are very important buffs that must be tracked. I can not make examples, because I did not play such specializations recently, but they are in the game.

For some encounters boss mods made fight significantly easier. For example with Baron Geddon in Classic, there is zero communication about debuff being applied and you have very short time to react, so addon makes life significantly easier. In retail, most bosses are designed better so I do not have any good examples for retail bosses.

Classic auction is barely usable without addons. Lack of vendor price in tooltip is another thing that calls for addon.

I, personally, avoid using third-party addons and if I miss some feature in the game, I prefer to write my own addon to fill the gap. 99% of third party addons are just badly written by non-competent hobbyists with all kinds of issues coming up with that.

Basically for retail gameplay I do not use any addons, unless I am tanking. And for classic I need few.

I think that addons are harmful for the game and must be removed.

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Not a fan of addons so I try to use as little as possible.

If it was up to me the only addons we’d have would be cosmetic in nature.

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The umpteenth thread about addons within 2 weeks…

No addon plays the game for you, speaking of DBM for example, it just makes mechanics more clear or understandable, which is something Blizzard should do, but you still have to play by yourself by dodging, clicking, managing your cooldowns or whatever you are required to do.


the UI customization must be improved and all addon must be banned imo.

If the game is not possible atm without addon (it is…) the game must be adapted.
Or Blizzard need to provide tools in game without tiers software to achieve things, even (and especially mythic raid)

This absolutely not normal, for exemple, to have boss like Ovi (there is others but thats a good exemple) that its not possible without 2-3 addons and many weakauras to syncronize eggs etc

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Well no it dosent play for me. But it does hand guide me trough the fight. That in my opinion isnt a good thing.

But the real main issue is that we have guilds who expect you to have these addons. And a system that demands it.

Wouldnt you say the game have gone the wrong way then?. When it sudently is important and therefor demands that you have certain addons to understand a fight?