Hello lads. i m wondering. when you play the game do you use addons and is it by choise or because your friend/guild suguested or demanded it. and if that is the case how do you feel about it?
Reason i ask is because of generaly the interview Ion had with pc gaming. where they strugle to make raid content to raids that isnt overtuned because many players have addons that guide them trough every fight without the players having to use their brain
And with another thing is that i see guilds and premades demanding or expecting you to have certain addons like weakaura or other that help you play the game. and i feel it suck to be forced to play the game with such things
(mainly reason to why i play solo these days). i prefer the play style. learn by doing and many seem to judge that these days and more often than not they attack for such a playstyle choise.
But this made me wonder how would players feel if blizz saw Addons as a third party program that is Holding your hand trough gameplay and giving a unfair advantage. and there for removes the choise of using addons to help you play the game?
i got a feeling that many would ragequit instantly if the Hand is removed so people actualy gotta look up guides. pay attention to ennemy players. pay attention to mobs etc.
i for one is for that as it removes the chanse to attack a player for not using addons or the corect addons as many new players dont have these addons and old timers like me with my playstyle is unfairly attacked for our choise. But that is my opinion and i invite others to just say their opinion if blizz actualy removed addons and by doing so removing their challenge in making challenging enough content.