Baobhan Sith!!!
That’s what Leia would say!
there is a nice ice crown transmog that can fit your transmog in trader post
maby start from that
There is a random post of randomness that can fit your style on the forum maybe start from there…
So mean. So, so mean.
Says the walking corpse. Burn!
And he should burn a second time for that…
Because I’m the only old enough person here to make comments like that!
Press X to doubt
Now heres a REAL! old timer, so old he’s used up the world’s supply of colostomy bags so needs to pee into people’s backpacks.
I say we take him into the care home and let him curl up in front of the fire…
In the way 4 legged critters do.
As in sit so close and so long you can both see and smell burning fur.
I mean cmon, i’m only 48 and I’m surrounded by the smell of stale bread, cats and bored to tears of daytime tv. I think all these old people I listed should be exhibited as a warning frankly.
Especially Afenton.
And by exhibited I mean put in stocks and free cabbages given to passers by.
Can you stop trying to force me to eat healthy please?
Felweed’s good for your health
/feels awesome being ‘only’ 47
very soon to be 49…
That clock is ticking very loudly now.
50… shudders
Can you stop trying to force me to eat healthy please?
“Eat them! Eat them! They’re good for you! If you don’t eat them tonight you’ll get them tomorrow and the day after and the day after until you do eat them! And I don’t care if they’re cold!”
childhood flashbacks
So mean. So, so mean.
Ananda telling Soul and Afenton to be nice to each other.
It went as well as you’d expect.
That clock is ticking very loudly now.
50… shudders
I know dat feel.
I’m not anywhere near 50!!!
This meant I could charge people 50p a pop to “copy” a game for them and I spent the money I made buying originals to keep my little business going…
We all done that, mate i seem to remember Jet Set Willy was problematic with that due to a particular volume/tone setting on the tape deck and that ghastly colour code sheet
And by exhibited I mean put in stocks and free cabbages given to passers by.
Why would you give yourself out for free
It’s Friday