General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

So, anyway, does anyone have any fun character ideas for the allied races?

A Kul Tiran captain, down on his luck, a widower after theramore who’s drinking himself to death whilst swearing vengeance against the Orcs

Zandalari who was thrown onto the streets after he failed to show promise in any caste, but was picked up by Jani and now gather trinkets and baubles for his Loa.

I like the idea of a mag’har who was brought up in the border regions of draenor. Literate and educated before it all went nuts, be it on outland or timey-wimey draenor. Maybe a mage with a draenei staff, being articulate and civil compared to the petulantly savage clanmates. The elves would make better friends in the long run.

Further, that nightborne backstory that I made up for the guessing thread. It stuck with me.

People keep telling me my character is pattable. Or her cheek is pinchable or her nose is boopable.

I don’t get it. What’s that about?

Compared to the rest of the horde, even a horned blood elf is adorable. It might have something to do with a given character’s personality. Mari’s pretty introverted in person and isn’t so adored as a result.

Think I’ve only seen 2 characters mention it. It’s quite odd behavior and sounds ooc.

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I got it a couple of times in game as well.
I find it both strange and amusing.

Ly was never really meant to be anything even remotely describable as “cute” or “pattable”.

Posted that on the wrong character, welp.

You have to admit, you look a lot like a smaller succubus, minus the psychopathic predator aspect.

Ruffles Lytandrah’s hair

On the surface, at least. I am sure you are dangerous on the inside~

 I wish I chose her demon after I realized just how overused succubi are for inner demons.

Have you considered Pit Lords?

You need to defeat the demon you use for becoming illidari without magic, only using a pair of hunting knives.

There’s no way in hell there are any pit lord bound illidari. :slight_smile:

You could make it a team effort!

Or maybe you could try holding two demons at the same time

Addendum: But to be fair, that part of the trial was a bit silly. We might as well have made the initiates jump blindfolded across the floating rocks above Outland’s endless abyss. The original Illidari instructers had no clue how to set up a decent training program. They were probably a big part of the reason why we lost the Black Temple. Despite how heavy metal it might sound, a high rate of casualties does not equate to a high quality training program.

Picking a succubus is sensible since it’s about the right size to knife into nuggets when required. The real issue is the stigma to follow with everyone assuming it turned you into a floozy.

Another thing: I haven’t had a coherent, forum safe dream in a while so the diaries are on ice with apologies to the fans of these bizzare journeys through the mists of Morpheus.

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With the amount of Succubi AD demon hunters picked the Legion should run out of them.

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The Legion is (almost) endless, so I doubt that is much of ‘worry’.

Although the mere thought of millions upon millions of super lewd demon hunters running around Azeroth that I couldn’t easily enslave is enough to send chills down my spine

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The problem with succubus bound DHs is that they only choose it to make their characters lewd.

Sure, make him or her flirtatious or have them learn how to charm enemies in combat, but picking a sayaad for the sake of or excuse for eRP is just

If you want eRP you dont really need excuses, just a willing partner :male_detective:

But you are right non the less
Cute horns by the way :wine_glass:

Having a Sayaad and then constantly going about ‘Oh I need to do the lewd or else
’ simply shows the demon hunter in question has no control over their demon, or they simply themselves are easy to manipulate themselves if they let the demon have such sway over them