Have just one RP char you ever post with.
That way, no one’ll find out about your alts, because you won’t have any.
Given the broken trust system for posting privileges I’m disincentivised to post on alts at all.
There isn’t much of a dream diary today but I had a kafka-esque trek through headspace wherein I went through a continuous and futile effort to appeal a black mark on my forum trust score with the sheer absurdity of actually getting responses from our indifferent overlords being the trigger to wake me up.
In keeping with this being my dream thread now; I had one in which I met John Cleese and asked for his autograph. He could barely manage on account of nearly being blind but then I remembered that he was actually going deaf and the inconsistency woke me up.
No fancy stories of late. Sorry.
Why is the forum suggesting posts outside the RP Forum… There is no other.
Hi all.
Thought it might be a good idea to post this while I still can. A fact that is likely soon gone. I’m also newly awake, so there might be horrible typos and grammar.
After about 10 years of playing WoW and I’m not sure for how many years here on the forum, but quite many. I’m taking my leave. My subscription is gone and for now I’ve no plans to renew it. Which is a first for me. I’ve taken breaks before surely, most of those has been unintentionally, or temporary. But for some time, one of the main reasons for my subscription has been the people I know and play with. Along with roleplaying of course. But now not even those can be reasons enough for me to pay or play.
I don’t find it enjoyable anymore. Something the current story is a big part of. I’ve never believed Warcraft’s story to be some masterpiece nor being very serious. Which is what makes Warcraft, Warcraft and once enjoyable. But now, not so much.
I might come back at some point, but right now there is no plan for it.
What I’m trying to say with this rambling is simply prematurely, goodbye. I have had some wonderful years spent here and met a lot of interesting people. Several who I now consider friends and will hopefully continue to talk to for a long time to come.
To them, and everyone else here. I wish you all the best and that you have a marvelous time.
Never stop challenge and better yourselves, keep that creativity going and remember: There might be an “I” in roleplaying. But without the company and cooperation of the others it is a lonely and dull place to be.
…Geez. That was corny even for me.
Love -“I can’t believe I didn’t make a single pun in this post”- Corny
Em, what has your own people making threads on your own forum got to do with you trying to slag the main RP forum for people RPing on it?
Why is that bad? Because you only want to RP in game?
Let it go fella, life’s too short to be getting upset about people having some fun, casual, quick little bits of RP with one another on a public forum designed for it. For me personally, it was my first introduction to RP and I’ve never had as much fun playing my characters in a game as I have in Warcraft thanks to them. I can go much further into detail about this from my perspective if you wish, but I won’t bother without your expressed desire to read more on this subject, because I imagine you’ll fob it off, like a mythic raider taking offence to someone enjoying LFR.
I’m not sure what big, epic, world shattering RP threads you’re expecting to have “discussion” on the RP forum instead, but A) nobody’s made it so threads about RP are not allowed there, indeed, we frequently discuss RP quite a lot and if you go there right now, there’s various threads about random topics, but the threads simply just aren’t made as you have the lore forum for lore, and realm forums for guild stuff, and B) you clearly have absolutely no idea why people enjoy those other threads, or what they help people learn about RP/their characters/the characters of others and the basic way in how you’re supposed to treat and act with other roleplayers, so maybe you should just get off your soap box and QQ about something else?
You’re a terrible advertisement for RP, and the notion of including others in doing so. Picking fault where there’s no fault to be picked and with some unjustifiably smug sense of self worth nobody has attributed to your ideals except for yourself.
AD Goldshire at its finest, which would lead me to my final point, the types of threads you seem to want or desire end up on the AD forums more, because AD basically sees itself as “the” RP realm and “the” RP forum, so they keep everything in the family. I’m sure your Discords are even more loaded with discussion you couldn’t care less about people from ER/DMF or newbie RPers who aren’t a part of your inner circles seeing.
That horse you’re on isn’t a high one, it’s a dead one, bit like your Caesar video. Quit beating it.
Did you just seriously get so pissed at me for claiming that there are better uses for RP forums than filling it with “Would you X poster above?” in similar thread started on AD forum that you decided to write wall of text on RP forum as a reply and tagged me in it?
I’m not in the least bit disgruntled. I had that written up before the thread was closed and decided to offer you the chance to conclude our discussion …
… however, I can tell from this attempt at dodging my “wall of text”, which if you actually consider a lot of text, you’re clearly the one with immersion problems, that you haven’t really actually got a legitimate leg to stand on.
Catch you later.
When someone´s reply is filled with stuff like:
I don´t really see any point in discussing things with them. It´s clear that in your mind, I am some sort of evil elitist roleplayer who laughs at casual roleplayers and takes popsicles from kids. And if there is one thing I have learned from online discussions, it´s that once someone has switched into attacking you as a person instead of your ideals, any chance for normal discussion has passed away.
You are your ideals. Nice cop out, though.
Once again, catch you later.
Sure thing, buddy (except I don´t visit these forums anymore, so not really).
(Also, for future, you should use Reply function. The only reason why I even noticed your last reply was because I saw you typing immediately after I posted my comment. People don´t get notifications if you don´t quote them or click on “Reply” and if it´s on a forum they don´t visit often, chances are they won´t even know you continued discussion)
If you’re not interested enough to check back and keep an eye on a conversation, that’s not my concern.
Sorry to see you go. I can’t really convince anyone to stay but I hope that you’ll find something more fulfilling and maybe find your way back in time.
Dream diary 58: The red eyed child.
The world has been collapsing for a while and humanity in its resourcefulness has adapted to the changing climate, lack of resources and general inconvenience by regressing from a high tech paradise into tiny, insular communities amidst the ruins of old over several generations of gradual decline and loss of knowledge.
With no shortage of scrap and driven by the fervent industriousness of survival, the people of a particular community have cleared some rubble and built simple structures from shipping containers and tarps, using the shelters to outlast an extreme winter.
Dressing in old military gear from looted depots, everyone wears thick jackets and sturdy gas masks. It’s been a while since the masks were strictly necessary but they’re now worn just in case because no one truly knows if the gas, the fallout and general awfulness has faded from the air and soil. The masks also obliterate individual identity as everyone looks the same; a baggy mess of rags with a filter with eye lenses on top. This is considered good because it contributes to conformity and lack of tensions.
That is, until the child appeared. As told via flashback, one of the scavenger teams found a child near the border of the habitable territory. Dressed as is proper, the child wore a mask but had four red pupils set diagonally behind the lenses of its mask. The community took to the child with disdain as an outsider, fearing but holding to a moral duty to provide for it. Those who insisted on helping faced the same disdain, punished for aiding an outsider via social pressure but it slowly changed into worse measures.
The storyteller of these flashbacks insists that the time is coming when they must fight. The protectors of the child are shown to have the same glowing eyes. No. Lights. Those are lights behind the masks. The protectors have emulated the child, who is actually an android, into rebuilding themselves with old cybernetics to withstand anything and secure mankind’s survival. The chosen words of the storyteller suggest a need for self defence against the rest of the community and their bigoted ways but it’s clear that what the protectors plan is actually a surprise attack and a violent coup so as to force all of the remaining people to become machines.
The cult of these protectors have become what they hated and the machine child has become an object of reverence even as it seems incapable of much independent thought, the simple processing being content with being cared for and ignorant of the semi-divine significance attributed to it. The red eyed child, this unthinking automaton only watches in vauge confusion as its fanatical followers rise up to destroy what remains of all known humanity.
Dream Diary 59: The Rite.
It’s tradition. Ever since the family bought the cabin they do it every autumn. No one told them outright, they simply came to recognise its urgency as the winds tore through the treetops and a sickly chill crept inside no matter how much firewood they burned. They were warned.
The locals know it too, as did the previous owners and everyone knows to avoid the family when it’s in season. Hushed whispers tell the youngest that it’s what must be, as it always has; the family takes an outsider into the woods, under the great oak, do the deed and leave them face down in the fallen leaves to feed the roots.
It is with grim resolve that the family prepares the next autumn gift; a tourist. A young blonde woman who got lost on the winding roads and found the cabin. She was greeted with warmth and comfort like any welcome guest at any other time of year but her fate was sealed when she set foot on the property.
She is led out on the trail blindfolded in a procession, lanterns carried and tools prepared. Made to kneel at the roots amid ancient chants, she cries and braces for the worst as the great boughs sway in the raging wind. But it doesn’t come. The youngest son has had enough, a boy of sixteen, doubting the tradition and pitying the woman. Perhaps he is even fond of her? He strikes, frenzied with a war cry, determined to end the twisted ritual forever. He strikes to end the murders at any cost to his family and the cabin, using the cold steel he knows the harsh masters loathe so much.
His father and mother fall, unprepared and join the white, clean bones face down in the soil. He acts quickly to untie the woman and helps her flee and she vanishes on the trail away from the oak, screaming her terror and joy. His sister strikes, too. He falls.
These days, everyone knows to avoid the cabin at all times of the year. The sister is older now, wiser in the ways of the woods and its fury. Still a young woman, there is a coldness in her eyes. She wants for nothing in the cabin, as the woods provide, as she does for the woods with plentiful quarry, her gnarled club in hand.
Farewell Corny, you will be missed. I’m only still playing for the guild raid team I’m with and the rated pvp mount.
I still play for the roleplaying. I just wish that there would be more of it. Like a few others, I struggle with what my characters would do with this war. Fight for king/queen and country, help Magni, rebel or take up knitting because everyone is being stupid? Or join the local cult to embrace the end of all things? I mean, Mari’s already wearing purple…
As usual, it adds up to much being guild based and few guilds fitting my quirky characters.
We’re recruiting in Telogrus, if you’re interested!
Becoming a Void Elf is not a viable solution for a Sin’dorei disagreeing with Sylvanas as Warchief. It’s as ludicrous a suggestion as a living human deciding to willingly become a Forsaken because he isn’t on board with Anduin’s policies.