General RP Chat #52: *A flash of light did nothing*

My new look is yet to show up here D:

It’s okay. We don’t all develop the same way, and everyone goes through changes at their own pace. <3

Fabolus new fur color!
Gice it the Worgen paw print of approval

Good taste. :blue_heart:

You guys are so lucky I have nothing much to change with Erah so the new options for me are useless Ugh!

I do not like the short elf ears. Warcraft’s elves have these iconic long, slender ears and these nubby new ones look all wrong.

Maybe it’d be okay if they were exclusive to a new kind of elf but frankly, we’ve quite enough already.

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I admit that the shortest ear type looks strange to me as well; the mid-length is okay, though none of my elves use it. On the other hand, I like the “chewed” ears night elves can get, as they suit my Death Knight perfectly.

Speaking of character customisation, I’m not sure if it’s more of funny or sad that I was looking forward to the human customisation options and… mostly ended up styling my characters’ eyebrows.

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Those are fantastic.

That’s to be expected. Your character has an established look. The new options are for new characters or to make major adjustments to conform to a long held true mental image.

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That is definitely true; my human warrior is one of those latter cases, though, so I was expecting (or probably even hoping) that I would change his looks more. His in-game appearance has never quite reflected my mental image of him, and sadly enough the new options didn’t help (though I liked them otherwise).

If name/race change weren’t so expensive, I would probably turn him into something else. I do like him as a character, too, though, so I’ll make do with more slender eyebrows and a description in RP add-on.

What really bugs me is the way the void elves now have pink to brown skintones but the npcs are still all blue but for Alleria who for all her shadowy powers is not in fact a void elf. Or at least not the same kind as Umbric’s blue host of player characters.

It’s as though anything but the standard isn’t quite canon.

Cant, you just make it that you’re the special or rare void elf that doesn’t look purple something that’s a rare trait amongst the VE. so that it doesn’t look too jarring.

To me, it’s not canon and fair-skinned Void Elves were just meant to be high elves or blood elven defectors.

Ehhh. I feel like it’s one of those teeny tiny details it’s not worth getting hung up on. I think it’s safe to say that the void affects people differently, and their skin could turn all kinds of fair or deep blue, as well as provide them with differently-tendril’d hair styles.

There are just more options for people to make the characters they want to make. Whether it’s a fair-skinned void elf, a dark-skinned blood elf, or a high elf of some sort. It’s all good in my book.
I mean, you do you. But there are probably better things I can spend my time having a hardline stance on. Probably.

B-but I’m tan.

The one thing I will not abide is erasing all signs of voidelf-ness. If one is pink with blue eyes and a somewhat natural hair colour, what’s even the point unless playing a high elf? Those pale, creepy eyes are here to stay.

My new look is finally here!

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Is anything really canon. let’s be honest, blizzard with their writing just retcons everything ina few years. I think it’s about time we just accepted the madness of it and move on

All of our characters aren’t really canon but I’ll make my own stories regardless. Most of my characters have nothing to do with the Shadowlands and will be pursuing independent adventures.


The freedom to choose and make your own stories is the best part of this game (or any MMO, really). I’m considering throwing Aenor into Shadowlands even though he isn’t the all-mighty champion of Azeroth. One reason is that some of the Shadowlands story content could help him get up from the nigh-inescapable pit of depression that he has sunken into, but mainly I just love exploring new places in roleplay.

I might end up mostly roleplaying on my own (or with a few trusted friends), but still, there is something enchanting about discovering something new IC while it’s still new to me OOC as well. Hopefully I can justify his presence in the new areas somehow…

An interesting topic, to be certain! Gilrom shall definitely cross the veil and fight in the Shadowlands alongside other death knights.

It’s going to be glorious. :skull:

I’m sort of expecting an existential crisis for my girl. She’s been faithful to the Light, done what she believed was right to break apart the Legion’s might. Rhymes aside, this path then cast her into the Void and reshaped her on an outright metaphysical level and with the revelation of the Shadowlands things just get worse. Assuming the Maw business is eventually concluded, she’s demonstably a big enough bad girl to have to face Revendreth for a timeless aeon of torments if she even has a conventional soul left to harvest. It may well be that her eternity is just as an anguished wisp of inky, oily Voidstuff in the darkness beyond until it’s spun into parts of a new voidwalker by the swirling chaos.