[Generic]{Interesting}(Topic) [1] 🏳

Thanks for explains! :hugs:

There’s an anedocte about the italian voice actress that dub Linda Blair in “The Exorcist” movie: seems that she had smoke like a crazy for a while to obtain the right hoarse intonation for the voice of Pazuzu/Regan :japanese_ogre:

Sounds about right, myself I’ve had to lay off the smokes, to get a smooth voice (Plus there is nothing more annoying than randomly coughing half way through a take, when a chapter takes an hour to record you really don’t want to goof it up half way through, as whilst you can edit, it doesn’t sound the same, because your voice kind of resets and you have to get back into it.) BUt yeah, I did say to the author I am working with at the moment “I’ll voice female characters, but a bit softer, I’m not going to try and put on a ‘woman’ accent, as that will just sound ridiculous!” Thankfully the author went “Please don’t try, your normal voice is fine!, I love the accents you can do, but don’t try and sound like a woman!”

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[Post complaining about literally everything in the game]

[Expects this particular blue will immediately be able to address all of them with perfect clarity]

[Gets angry due to the lack of response to this apparent massive set of issues]


[Needs late night forums dose]

[Starts picking on alliance members]

[Realizes they have attracted the blue overlords wrath]

[Punts an innocent gnome bystander while on their way to purgatory]


[Complains that giambalin’s drawing was much more realistic and thus of much higher quality]

[Mocks the author for spreading an alliance-biased message through his artwork. Indeed there’s no green skins on this drawings, only filthy humans]

[Goes on to buy this magnificent piece of art that was the duck-tapped banana on a wall]

[Starts worrying about the lifespan of a banana but quickly toss this foolish idea in the back of my mind]

[Sleep soundly, knowing that my money was well invested. Afterall, fortune is ephemeral but art is timeless]


[generic Horde bias post]

[tells story how she was able to do it as well, back on days when she worked in theatre and was bored in rehearsals so was rehearsing doing sounds]

You know I actually am so sensitive about human voice and one reason i do not like using voice com in games is because majority of people sound bad. And often those, who talk most sound the most boring, so I leave voice com and in raids it always feels like torture.

I also have a favourite voice actor, while most people probably do not even know them by name. The whole reason why I started to like a certain game was because I truly fell into that one voice. And I could listen to it to no end. If I’d be living in US, I’d probably write to him and ask a selfie with me ! [fangirl screams]

And then there are voices I truly despise. For example Sylvanas has one of the most annoying female voices in any game. And bad voice of an acting person can make me stop watching TV series mid episode. My ears are just so weird.

When I was tiny-kid my mom had to play me only instrumental music because I started to cry when human voice was in it.

[tells about money laundry and art world and modern art is often used for it, and if it feels weird and suspicious like banana, then it was de facto money laundry]

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[rabble rabble]
[Hurr change durr]

That concludes my rant.


I walked through a door into another dimension. And you can too, if you do enough midichlorians!

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[Run out of popcorn.] [ popcorn.emoji]


:wolf: :skull:


[places a gif of people eating popcorn.gif]


[generic spam of nerfs etc]
[Durr blizz hurr]
[obsesses about muh deeps]


[mutters about youngsters]
[remembers black & white tv]
[also visits urban dictionary to see if being complimented or insulted]


Far too much of this is true!


[thinking Ananda might be an actual boomer!]
[might be insulting so I’m not going to say it…]
[checking out urban dictionary for exact definition]
[but there’s nothing wrong with that, we all go old and being young is very overrated]
[so I dare ask…]

  • Are you a boomer Ananda?


[do it! do it do it do it!]


[enters common banter just for the lols]



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[complains about weekly chest, mini visions and no-dying rule, and non-flying people on forums]

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[dismisses any and all claims about weekly chest unfairness based solely on personal experience of finally getting a useful item today. Gives patronising speech about how putting in more effort will get better rewards, despite the poster above playing at a much higher level than she does]