Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

Creating a balanced game for over 33 different classes, each with their own unique toolkit that changes dramatically with gear, encounter design, trinkets, and talents, is a daunting task. While some may suggest homogenizing every class to have the same toolkit and damage is a solution, it ultimately makes the game less exciting and leads to a lackluster experience. Ff14 may have implemented this approach and received praise from some players, but for others, it rendered class choice irrelevant and forced classes into a monotonous 2-minute rotation. It’s important to remember that the game isn’t meant to be optimal, and outside of mythic raids and high-end mythic dungeons, it’s designed as a casual experience. Blizzard and other companies have attempted to find balance for years, but it’s not an easy task, especially when it needs to happen every eight weeks in raids with bosses tested in a non-live environment that is suitable for multiple activities.

It’s essential to understand that the game will never be perfectly balanced. While strides will continue to be made as tools become more advanced, hoping for a miracle will only lead to disappointment. Instead, focus on finding a guild that values fun and doesn’t care about class choice. Most players will find that sticking with the class they find enjoyable will yield better results as they become more familiar with it. It’s also a better experience when playing with friends who are having a good time. So, don’t waste time constantly rerolling; embrace the class you love and have fun playing the game.

These doesn’t seem fun at all tbh, it’ll just bloat the talent system and even more and make it even more difficult to balance. It’s also evident that some classes will get the short end of the stick pigeonholeing them into specific builds.

I’m all for the Hero talents, but it’s shoulnd’t be a tree like the other two ones. Just allow us to pick 3 different truly defining abilities instead from a pool of abilities that will make us into the hero fantasy we want to play.
Demo: Dual Felguard
Desto: Infernal as primary pet
Afflication: UA as Shard dump instead of boring MR

With changes like this we could really change the way we play certain specs and it wouldn’t just be another 10 points that we put into get +% chance to proc of a proc of a proc on sundays when the weather is nice which is so incredibly boring.

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I’d argue this is already largely the case in wow both for rotations and class homogenisation.
This after all what many current day class complaints are abou, losing class fantasy in the process which is now almost none existent.
Armor means nothing anymore, 2 handed weapon Paladin warrior hit as hard as one handed rogue or DH, HP is the roughly the same for all classes, class playstyles have been reduced to builders/spenders. Damage happens within cooldown periods of about 1-1.5 minute. Etc.

As I said in my previous comment, class balancing is a mathematical equation which needs to be worked by mathematicians, a few glances at most patch notes increasing and decreasing DMG of a few abilities by 3-15% every so often is not how they should be processed.
This is in my opinion due to the fact that the numbers in this game are not streamlined as I said before, A one handed rogue hit every 1 second is not half the damage of a 2 handed warrior hit to put it in simple terms.
An increase of agility on a one handed strike will not increase it’s damage by the same number as the same increase in strength for a 2 hander. And that’s not even considering abilities and spellcasts yet.
Like you said a daunting task, which most companies shy away from in favour of frequent “balancing” patches which rather than balance simply shifts the classes in power every so often, hence why we have different metas almost every patch.
To me it’s quite clear most developers do not know on beforehand how their % changes will rebalance the classes, perhaps because they do not know the values different classes add to said numbers trough abilities passive or active.
Unfortunately I am also of the belief that even were perfect balance ever achieved (I don’t believe in this is even possible but just hypothetical) they would still make changes to it because people need changes. Someone will always complain.
X is better than Y simply because player X plays better, someone will complain and blame lack of balance.

I agree, balance or even it’s closest resemblance will not be either achieved or maintained.
Thus we must play what we enjoy most.
My blame for lack of balance remains with developers even though balance is too often a pointof view dependant on many personal factors

Yea i completely disagree with that.

Purely cosmetic stuff is boring when it comes to class design/gameplay.

And these hero talents are looking up to be somewhat passive anyway.

There has been a crusade against mostly non existent class complexity recently.

Having had a proper read I see where my confusion was. I was under the impression that these hero talents were a mixture of two specs but actually it is a case of each spec has access to 2 hero talent …themes. With this is mind it made more sense and sounds better than I initially thought. Lightsmith is still horrible though, purely because of the mechanic of summoning something to equip rather than a self buff/targeted buff.

I don’t disagree with you, some classes/specs need more complexity. I’m just worried about my shaman boy and my fingers. Playing a few M+ with ENH makes me want to bite my hands off already. If they add more stuff to press, on top of the existing spec mechanics… hOly s***

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I would like to see something like:

S4 shadowlands tier set make a comeback

Or this current tier set.

For enhance

Things like that.

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For DK in general but particularly UH and Frost…

Please do your best not to promote gameplay that requires us to stand on our D&D. Standing on a special little circle in order to be able to do our rotation properly is such an outdated way of playing the game, that really doesn’t fit modern wow. This is especially true in M+ where we got to chain pull, we got to move often, and we have awful affixes like Sanguine (please remove this one already)

Blood dk at least has a chance of getting a free charge of D&D, and is generally a lot more reliable.

If you insist on D&D/Defile working the way it is now, at least give us more options to mitigate wasting charges because of movement.

You removed rune of Power for mages, so… Just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: Please fix and update Defile’s visual, it’s been broken for quite a few expansions now.

Dnd should just follow you around like remorseless winter.

And it should categorically NOT be a thing for frost.

Oblit cleave should not exist, we already have a dedicated aoe rune spender. Buff that, make it baseline.

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That’s not what it is though.
Rather it’s “slightly change the effect of this button I was already pushing”.

Agreed on all points.

For frost, I just want to see Frostscythe be a viable pic… Such a good looking ability.

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They can do it 2 ways:

Either frostscythe replaces killing machine oblit procs and hits with both weapons, this will give you an aoe button without adding more buttons.

Or scythe costs 2 runes, deals significantly more damage, but not as much as oblit on a single target, and it’s baseline. And you use oblit for st, and scythe for aoe.

The latter seems the safest option to me, more inline with how death coil and epidemic work over at unholy.

i want to take a look at zaralek caverns–unplayable
i want to look at dragonflight dream event lagfests
i want to look at lack of healers and tanks


I feel like Blizzard should be soaking effort into making engaging casual content that people are asking for rather than lobbing in another system that no one asked for that makes deciding how to play your class more difficult.

Love that we are getting hero fantasy in “non-hero classes”. :slightly_smiling_face: I hope that for things like “Dark Ranger”, that spells will also visually change to illustrate the fantasy. I know that it was showcased how warriors spell effect changed, but I hope this isn’t half-assed with all the fantasies.

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Agreed, I’m looking forward to seeing what they come up with for Dark Ranger as I have waited a VERY long time for that Class, even as a spec to become available.

Was really hoping for something like class skins, but meh.

Imagine if they could and did do PvP and PvE specific tuning…oh wait.

it’s pve players who usually cry like little girls… " oh no m+ is too hard, my 390 ilvl priest can’t freewalk on +20 waaah wwwaaahhhhhhh"