Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within

good you will get another choice

You are not restricted in your weapon choice as warrior. The talents work with some of the prot spells and some of the fury ones.

But it will make thunderclap a real choice for fury warriors which it wasnt in the past.

Its not really a system in that regard.

Its rather a solution that makes moving into higher lvls easier while also providing choices for the players, without ruining the talent-trees we have now.

Also it doesnt make classes more difficult, but it enhances them. (so far) The fact that you can easily switch makes it even less difficult.

The way I see it for now is that since the normal talent-trees stay the same, the builds will mostlikely also not change much. The Hero-Talents will mostlikely fit some builds and. So you pick them depending on what build you will play.

if the H-Talents and up too strong and unbalanced, they will decide what you will play as a talent buiild.

Are you sure its the pvp players? i havent seen many pvp posts lately but i do see alot of topics whinging about how “talents need to be nerfed, waaaaaaaah my class isnt the fotm anymore.
Nerf this for m+ waaaaah”

Seems to me like the m+ people are the biggest whiners and demanding nerfs

What it’s called? Ehm… Projecting?
Speak for yourself that is

Oooo guys, i found a reader!

Will it be just another thing group leaders will “inspect” to see if you worthy to join their run

Hi I am very excited for the Chronowarden talent tree, it seems to be very bronze-focused and it’s my personal favorite flight and I’ve been very happy to be able to play with that kind of magic and awesome effects/sounds with my Evoker.

I would be very grateful if Chrono Flame would change the visuals of Ruby Flame so it would look similar to the effect that the clone spawned by the trinket Mirror Of Fractured Tomorrows casts: or same as the missiles that Prescience (from Augmentation buff), they look and sound very nice in theme with the bronze flight which I love!
EDIT: Another example to show what I mean is the effect/sound of the Timewalker’s Hearthstone.

I’d be very excited if this would be possible for my Evoker so he could be as bronze-y as possible :slight_smile: (Please utilize the glyph system to support similar effects for other Evoker spells like Disintegrate and whatnot inspired by all the other flights too, so we could have a red/green/bronze/black version of one of the Evoker’s main spells, it would be so awesome).

I’m very excited to see more of these hero talents and I think the visual possibilites of them can be awesome for all classes to further enjoy the class fantasy and play with them in the future, thank you for the update!

I thought of some cool spells/effects they could add to some of the hero classes with minor dmg/buff effects (they probably wouldn’t do it, but the idea was kind of fun)

Shaman - Stormbringer (passive)
Every X casts of Stormstrike, Lava lash, lightning bolt, earth shock, lava burst and frost shock triggers a Hurricane, Earthquake, eruption or snowstorm near the target location.

Druid - Elunes Chosen (passive)
Dealing and taking damage has a chance to cause a Lunar, solar or stellar empowerment (being lower health triggers this effect more often)

  1. Lunar - A flurry of moon blasts / new, half and crescent moons fall from the sky dealing damage to your enemy. 2. Solar - Your attack and casting speed is increased by X and dealing an additional % as nature damage. 3. Stellar - Stars fall from the sky dealing damage to nearby enemies and increasing the damage/healing of nearby allies.

Mage - Spell slinger - (ability)
Dampen magic -Dampens the effect of the target’s Damage and healing spells and their mana costs by X % for 8secs. (could have an area-wide dampening effect)
Amplify magic - Amplifies the effect of the target’s Damage and healing spells and their mana costs by X % for 8secs. (could also have area-wide amplifying effect)

Warlock - Soul Harvester (Passive)
Every XX seconds, gain a soul shard. Additionally, your Soul Burn empowerments now also affect Haunt, Drainsoul, Soulrot, demonbolt, Soul Burn, and Shadowburn.

Monk - Conduit of the celestials (ability that rotates like blessing of summer)
Invoke the avatar of Chi’ji, Yu’lon, Xuen or Niuzao, to offer you their blessing for 15 seconds, improving your combat ability.

Priest - Oracle - (Passive)
Renew now has a longer duration and is no longer dispellable. Additionally,
Every XX seconds, Cause a Divine miracle, regardless of healing specialization.
(Casts Archangel, Power word: barrier, Divine hymn or summons a Naruu)

Again, Just some fun ideas :slight_smile:

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