Get Hot Summer Rewards in the July Trading Post

You think they care if people spent money on it from a 3rd party? lol?
If you buy an account , and it gets claimed back by the original owner , do you think they care?

They go by what makes sense for the business
Appeasing a handful of grumpy frogs that don’t want anyone to have what they have isn’t the best angle I can assure you

It’s also worth noting that it was around £300 way back in the day and loads bought it for gold through duplication glitch

Sure. He isn’t the one making the decisions when it comes to Blizzard overall. Except being the director for WoW and making all the decisions inside the game. I’d listen to person being directly involved and also being the head of the game more than some theorists on the internet. He did say “unlikely” which means its possible, although a very small chance. Even he said he’d be surprised if it got added.

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Hey you go and listen to who you want buddy
You seem doubtful yourself of what he says or at least conflicted and seeking clarity

10 years from now is a different story.

But some guy on the internet saying “OMG it’s going to happen!!” Isn’t actually going to make it any more likely to ever happen.

I said that could be the only reason i can think of. Didn’t say that’s what it is.
Why are you even comparing buying accounts to a mount?

Buy a mount from a 3rd party? - They don’t care
Buy an account from a 3rd party? - They don’t care

Hope that helps

10 years from now, WoW will probably not be a thing anymore shrug

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Buy a mount from a 3rd party? - They don’t care
Buy an account from a 3rd party? - Against the rules

There, fixed it for you.

Nah, I’ve got a little faith. I reckon it’s got 10 more years left in it. It’s been a F2P mess by that point, but it’ll still be here.

No you didn’t
because it doesn’t change the state of my " they don’t care " statement, if it gets banned , or reclaimed
From True, to false

Drawing parallel comparisons of what they consistently do or do not care about , has nothing to do with ToS

Oh god don’t say F2P. It will just end up like Destiny 2 or Overwatch 2!

I can see it heading that way with the Trading Post they are setting the ground work for that.

Eventually you’ll be able to buy everything for IRL money.

Yes, i did.

Crazy to compare buying an account to buying a mount just for the sake of an argument.

You know what
You’re right
Have a lovely evening

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“S1 start of XXX expansion! Buy your mythic level gear now for the low price of $XX! A value of 800%!”

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can I also be right? crows are made of onions and string.

Are the onions peeled? Or with the skin?

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yes, definitely.

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This looks completely awesome.

I do think more could be done with these using quests and other little adventures. You know, just 5-10 quests in Netherwing Ledge or whatever. But even so, it looks great.

They’ll add it back if player numbers dwindle that is why Ion doesn’t say no. If they fail another expansion it will be time to milk remaining ones, by being careful he means it will cost 3000-5000 Tender so you’ll buy it with your credit card :grin: