Get Summer Ready During the June Trading Post

About bnuuy ears… Check this.


Hmm I meant cat ears.

I don’t mind it either for fluff sake :man_facepalming: It’s just been months in a row… I just think its time for cool stuff too again.

To some people this is cool stuff.

Yes I get that… good for them. But will it ever be our guys turn again?

There you go again, saying guys turn. It’s not guys turn, it’s other people’s turn, including people aren’t guys. Pats

The beach wear isn’t my issue.

My issue is the so blantantly LGBTQ flag shoved into that beach chair toy that drives me mad.

It wouldn’t have hurt the game to not have the rainbow colors on that toy.

WoW doesn’t need representation flags in a fictional world about IRL minorities when the game is meant to make us all equal.

By adding such flags, Blizzard is bringing in inequality, by trying to support equality.

I know no LGBTQ person in my life that is like “damn, we really need a rainbow flag in this game, otherwise it isn’t fun for us”. LITERALLY NO ONE. IN ANY GAME.

It’s just the Capitalists pandering to a IRL event/trend in an attempt to milk the shills (people that don’t think for themselves and such) for more money or appeasing an investment score against cancel culture.

Nowhere does it say PRIDE CHAIR it’s just a flippin’ rainbow. You know rainbows are used for neurodiversity too? It was also used to support the NHS in England during the pandemic. Rainbow does not automatically mean LGBT+ pride.

Ah I see, sorry I only look at it with the pixels that we get from the trading post point of view. I dont take part or have opinion on anything else. I only focus on the cool hawaii shirt mogs with sandals I can wear on my character in game. Its the only thing I really care or think about.

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Not liking these fluff items has nothing to do with being manly or whatever, I simply feel like it doesn’t fit within the world of the game. Sure its nice for RP but I always liked when RPers made their own makeshift transmogs. Also not the biggest fan of tanks wearing sailor moon stuff so I wont like seeing a tank in beachwear either :stuck_out_tongue: To each their own.

Giving feedback doesnt mean complaining. (ofc some do take it a bit far)


Are you at war with ‘‘guys’’ Like me exactly? Will every month be butterfly wings and water guns and silver moon mogs?

Round and round and round we go, where we’ll stop nobody knows.
I’m getting off this roundabout :roll_eyes:

It’s the most commonly used context for the rainbow colors in the current day and age. That aside, there being MULTIPLE reasons is EVEN WORSE.

A game shouldn’t be political. Yet the designer of this toy tries to be.

Or should I demand also that my countries flag is added to the game too? :de: ?

It’s a rainbow. You are being upset about a rainbow. Think about that.


I will take that as an unfortunate yes i guess…

Now see this is a perfectly good response. Do I want to see KTs in the witch mogs? No not particularly. Do I want to see people running around in their underwear in game? No not really. Do I complain? Nope.

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No I am not “at war” with men, I am quite literally trying to tell you IT IS NOT JUST FOR MEN!

40 minutes ago :smile:
this started 2 hours ago

No, you just wrote a whole new sentence

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I’m upset about the implications of the colors! Nothing more, nothing less!

If all the people wouldn’t have used a rainbow as the colors of their flag back then, people like me wouldn’t connect the dots with said colors today.

Same as we (likely) wouldn’t have DLC these days if Bethesda NEVER sold the Horse Armor DLC back then.

If you want my honest opinion i think mmorpgs as a idea died off years ago.

Most the people who still play them seems to be people who generally started playing them when they were new.

You dont see much in terms of new player interest, at least not of the scales of years gone by.

Instead the games live off of eachother by siphoning returning players off of eachother expansion to expansion, its why the games now pretty much die off near ends of expansion but resurge for ayear or so on a new expansion

Bad decisions make veteran players leave, ditching masculinity for a more woke approach would be a bad decision with lasting impact.

Mmorpgs are slowly losing their veteran playerbase and replacing them with nothing.

Not a sustainable buisness model.