Get the Burden of Unrelenting Justice Transmog Set

An outfit that changes color depending on the schedule of the day is frankly a bad idea. I only do a blue transmog so that it turns pink 3 hours later.

Give us a normal version of this set without that universally hated color changing gimmick. This makes this superb set absolutely unusable and it will just collect dust in the libraries of players who would have wanted to use it.

It’s not even complicated to do since the two separate sets are already in the game files.


It’s so disheartening to see that they really do not care for player feedback. Why would they take choice away?
Like, we just had the perfect example too, we can CHOOSE between 2 Thundering Stormrider’s Attire, one with lightning effects and one without.

I guarantee this set will be as rarely seen as the dumb panther. :person_facepalming:


This is exactly what those short sighted fools need to make


My issue being hardcore transmogger is, if I wear other pieces, for example green gloves. This will make the outfit very missmatched depending on the time.


Just adding my voice here, enable us to pick one colour with a toggle or something. It’s a good looking set but you make it impossible this way to use only pieces of it, while creative transmoggers enjoy that aspect to make their own mog with it. The issue for roleplayers is very clear. This way the set will just be a temporary gimmick, instead of a longterm asset. Please reconsider this :slight_smile:


Show the armor off on a Forsaken or an Orc, you cowards! :angry:

things i say don’t make sense to you things you say don’t make any sense to me. there are already so many basic tmogs , having one different thing wouldn’t hurt imo and they could add whatever the other thing you guys want (i don’t understand which one is the good one ) to trading post next month etc.

just release 2 sets, one of each colour, nobody wants a colour changing set -_-


make it three then , i’d love to have this color changing one it’s unique

Yes please to this .

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Please allow some way to prevent the set from changing appearance or please put in each set separately! This set has some lovely pieces (such as the legs) and it’d be so nice to be able to use them for more than 12 hours per day.


Adding another vote for please giving us the option to pick what color of the set we want to use. A large amount of players, myself among them, likely have been excited to get the set but were hoping for either one or the other color, a color they now may not even be able to see or use given their schedule. Turning it into three different sets, one day, one night and one version that swaps for those who like it would be the best solution to make everyone happy.

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Adding my voice to the long list of people who would like a static colour version of this too.
I’m kinda surprised Blizz hasn’t said anything on the subject either, given how almost every reply on the official post is asking for static colour choice.

Colour changing is cool and all that, but I’d much rather be able to pick the colour I like and stick with it (if I want).

Same goes for all the colour changing mounts and pets too, would be really nice to have static-colour versions of those obtainable too to play with if one so wishes (or just some way to toggle it to stay on 1 colour?)

so yes… PLEASE BLIZZARD… as suggested, keep a colour-changing version for the few that do like that, but please add the single-colour versions that don’t change too!


Or an NPC that works like the one for customizing the night fae animal form options that is for selecting one’s preferences on these variable cosmetics


Make it 3 different ones, please.

  • Green.
  • Silver.
  • Colour changing.

Txs Blizz, made me happy with the news from today!

Once it is available you will see plenty, do not worry.

I will likely wear it on occasion on this character too.

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I’m very unhappy that, after keeping suscribed one year for the sole purpose of getting this in the traditional color, we are now forced to get an automatically color-changing variant. I was thinking about re-subbing after the sub runs out in early march, but if Blizzard is back to subtly screwing their faithful fans with tone-deaf decisions like this, no thanks.

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The US is not liking the forced change either so hopefullly we can get options.


If they gave options it would be win for all. Not sure they are going to though, but you never know!