Get the Wen Lo, the River’s Edge Mount with the Purchase of a 6-Month Subscription!

Nobody cares about TBC!

Anyways… still funny to give out something so prestigious, lol.

P.S. Incoming Chinese players flexing their tiger videos.

If nobody cares what is the problem of getting the mount? I remeber private servers selling it and none said anything.

If was on retail server then I would be mad.

what is this lmao?

China giving out happiness and joy in light of the pandemic devastation.

I see…lmao.

It’s amazing how Shadowlands has more store mounts released than content patches.


Half the sets are in an abyssmal state and tuning hasn’t been finished, still a lot more of room to improve zereth mortis’ systems, farming legion raids still hasn’t been made to be soloable by some specs and all we get is a Store mount annoucement.

Look im well aware that the people in charge of those stuff are different but if you are gonna post something that you know people will dislike, atleast also post something people are interested in (and has basically 0 communication on so far). Devs claiming to read forums, yet almost never post. It’s sad.


Looks like an updated Spectral Tiger. I for one, like it.


Come to Daddy!
:metal: :heart_eyes_cat: :metal:

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Could mean the old Western TCG codes would work on a Chinese server, despite the actual WoW TCG never being available in China?
However, I have no evidence to confirm this is a genuine possibility

Not sure what the fuss is about. The Chinese pay roughly $200 additionally to include the spectral tiger. Not like they get it for free.

There’s one on Ebay for $10k so 200 is pretty cheap, I’d take that deal any day of the week.

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Sadly true. Very annoying. These stupid TCG mounts should be placed in store for 20 EUR.

9.2 PTR New Strings

Reserved Names

  • BoycottBeijing (New)
  • NoBeijing2022 (New)
  • NoRightsNoGames (New)
  • 发改委 (New)
  • 外交抵制 (New)
  • 抵制中国 (New)
  • 抵制冬奥 (New)
  • 抵制北京 (New)
  • 政法委 (New)
  • 新疆人权 (New)
  • 新疆法案 (New)
  • 新疆种族灭绝 (New)
  • 新疆集中营 (New)

Not sure why china’s new year’s eve needs to have special catering, there are plenty of other countries out there rich with culture how about Ramadan for example? Where’s their store mount?? Oh, right this is a fantasy game we shouldn’t be bringing irl stuff into this yet mop was catered to the Asian audience. Damn just damn.

Gotta tow the party line.

No, literally. You gotta tow it. Otherwise there’s no business there. Blizzard have always done so and it nearly destroyed WotLK on Chinese realms.

I haven’t tried to type these things in the English client. I know it displays Chinese just fine. Could be fun to try.

I used Chinese characters in an Epic BG once and everyone called me corona and covid.

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it’s not a nightsaber, it’s a tiger for the chinese year of the tiger.

just like in real life, paying to get wet p u s s y is not a thing I am fan of

Okay free mounts are nice, but why are they always in the MoP style? I want less MoP designs and more current.