Getting Kicked From Dungeon

I feel there needs to be some benefit to having received an upvote or people won’t care about them. Hence my limited ideas

yeah you get a stacking meter that tracks upvotes personally, when bar is filled you get a reward.

No one else can see it or your totals

That could work. Perhaps bonus traders tender might work too, resetting the counter when taken

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Not bad, but many don’t care that much about cosmetics. Maybe gold to offset repairs and help buy consumables ? Something M+ runners would want. Could be expensive rare consumables.

Not everyone cares about mounts or transmogs. Has to be something all players, casual and hardcore care about

Yep, I figured that much - but I was kicked while going for the “optional boss” to also solo it xDDD So I know I was kicked and i got “you were removed from the group”.

The vote kick system is interesting. The real problem is the 30 minute deserter.

However, given that the vote kick can be used for any reason, or for no reason at all (and this is how Blizzard intends it to be used), it is a pretty powerful tool for (I want to say griefing, but) - a pretty powerful tool for locking someone out of a major part of the game’s functionality for half an hour. While of course people can make their own groups, the reality is that group finder is the primary way to do group contemt for many people.

Given that it is written clearly in black and white (and blue) that the vote-kick system cannot be abused, and every use is legitimate, then, as a thought experiment:

Four people (including two well geared druids) make a guild called ‘Haha Deserter Debuff For You’,

  • and then queue for dungeons as (tank + 3 dps) or (healer + 3dps)
  • and then kick the unlucky tank / heal who gets placed with them
  • select ‘yes’ when asked if they want a new player to replace who they kicked
  • speedrun the dungeon as tank + heal + 2 dps, kicking the 5th person each time
  • complete the dungeon, queue again
  • repeat.

The current rules of the game are that this behaviour is 100% OK, not griefing (noting kicks can be for any reason at all, or no reason). This hypothetical group of 4 people could say ‘no reason’, or ‘we think it is hilarious to give out dozens of 30 minute debuffs lol’. And these would be valid reasons according to the current rules.

This doesn’t seem right.

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