Absolutely deserved why did you use the chat? Typing in chat is very offensive how dare you to make letters appear in my screen without my consentment? Omg I’m so offended I would have votekicked you as well if I was there, please guys stop doing that nobody likes letters appearing in their screens be more polite please.
Well, afaik the debuff for the ones being kicked was introduced after players acted in certain ways till they were kicked - so they could requeue immediately (for example to get the desired dungeon).
It didn’t come out of nothing, at least. So any change to this debuff will have side-effects other than the effect you aim for. And whether those are worth it…nobody knows.
I had a similar experience. I tried to not let it get to me, but I logged out, and haven’t really played since.
The game isn’t an MMORPG to me anymore, it’s too competitive, and the community fight like rats in a bag because of it.
The game has always had this, but gaming became mainstream and everyone thinks they are a pro
Doesn’t have to. they see Dehra strutting towards them and the criminal, even innocent bystanders, all collectively shout “aww hell naw” and crawl on their knees to Dehra so he can citizens arrest them and then castigate the sergeant at the police station for not doing his job right.
i was kicked after dungeon was completed but got no debuff xD They were mad i soloed last boss without waiting for afk tank xD
I think this highlights the issue tbh - someone not knowing the route or going the wrong way is not a reason to kick in time walking. TW is fairly low level content and should be fun to do. How do people learn routes if they aren’t allowed the safety of a space to get it wrong and be taught or corrected, rather than just kicked.
Stupid kicks happen, you just have to accept it, don’t take it personally and continue.
Take this example: tw stonecore
First pull, dps evoker pulls extra pack, tank dies fast and we wipe.
Kick vote for tank comes up with aetiology “noob”.
I click no, but it goes through.
Then the healer types: wait what? That was the tank? I wanted to kick the evoker.
They proceed to start fighting that leads to evoker leaving the group.
The crazy part is that the evoker that pulled the extra pack voted to kick the tank.
But imagine being that poor tank.
I joined a dungeon.
Walked forward (literally 3 feet, into nothing / no mobs) after load-in, stop.
Notice “stay” is in the party chat.
Notice everyone stood at the front of the Dungeon with a 2.7k rated tank running around picking everything up and the first boss.
Before I did anything else, kicked from the group, 30 minute debuff.
Didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything except walk forward 3 feet upon load-in.
Open a ticket? “Report them with right-click thanks bye.” closed ticket.
Obviously nothing happened to the players.
Option for report? ‘Communication’ or ‘Spamming’, nothing else.
Ok. Maybe the tank wasn’t laughing then, but it damn looked funny.
Maybe Blizz could add a formula where if the people voting to kick (or instigating the kick) are constantly doing it (voting to kick more often than would be expected) the person being kicked gets a reduced tariff deserter buff?
Pretty sure you don’t get the debuff after the last boss is killed. Otherwise you’d get a debuff for leaving after finishing the dungeon
There was a long while back(can confirm in cata at least) that there was some internal CD for kicks. Meaning if you initiated kicks way to often, then you could get locked of from making more kicks. No idea if the system is still in place today.
I had this i said i hate level 11s ruining this event like the stupid lvl 10 priests in remix and got kicked lol
This is why i hate the wow community people are just jerks and so fricking lazy
In their defence, you got to stop playing with a lvl 11 carry that way!
I just leave and put them on ignore now
lol I love it when the lvl 11 warriors or monks start tanking, i just sit back and follow and let the exp flood in.
Again, i never said justified. I said it’s the reason they are kicking them. They want to go fast, they gain nothing from someone not knowing the route or underperforming. That is fact.
Being nice gains you nothing in the game. Maybe if there was a “niceness” reward system, like an upvote or something. The sociopaths that play this game would behave
Game needs overwatch style commendations. At the end of the run (after leaving so no one can beg for commendation) you get a dialog to upvote someone.
The number of upvotes should be visible when a person applies to join content, and should perhaps give priority in matchmaking.
If the player gets none for a while, or gets reported, they can decay
i think it should be per dungeon, otherwise playing more means you get more invites. People could farm upvotes to get more invites by doing easy content.
Do a dungeon, people can give you upvotes or w/e at the end. Thats the end of it