Give back old character models and animations in some form

Can I have my twirly plaits/braids back please. I never used to have a visible helmet because the awesome double plait twirl when I was healing made me smile.


I’d rather they fix the clipping errors. I like the cartoony style, tbh anything more gives me headaches and is just too much.


I don’t missed old animation.
I liked new animation. SInce more smooth than “robot run”

Also old models look so UGLY AND BUGGY EYES

If you want them back. Go play Classic

One of the reasons I play classic is the old Night Elf model and animations! I really cant believe they changed something no one complained about…


thats why there was an option to switch, that what we ask, OP did.

I prefer old ones, and please let us choose again.


Like I said, I have no idea what you people liked about the old models and animations. They looked terrible, with the painted-on teeth and the blurry skins. Not to mention that combat looked so damned stupid with characters performing the same animation over and over. It’s just beyond me how people can ask for that crap back.


The issue is not that the new models have more pixels. The current art team are enthusiastic about adding more pixels to everything, because they’re overstaffed, and they don’t have to pay for the PC upgrades we have to buy.

The issue is the the new models DON’T LOOK like the models we chose - and in terms of animations, don’t move like them either.


Ah the inane answers "there is classic " please spare me people like you are close minded there is no harm in having an option but no its always black and white with you and your kind no middle ground really sad narrow minded people who cant look at options like it would not hurt them .


I do not know the face of my druid i picked 15 years ago i have lost that little bit of a bond .


The option to switch was around with WoD and even Legion for a while I believe. I remember it didn’t really work because due to the new global animations for classes. It forced a fluidity onto them that made it appear as uncanny valley anyway.

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I started playing in legion and I don’t really know what the old animations were like but it would be nice to have unique ones for every race
I would also like to keep the higher resolution models tho
But if it’s just an option then why not?

They should also consider adding new animations to hm tauren because I play a resto shaman and his arms clip into his antlers all the time

I know right?

I want to play a Human pally but the cloak and weapon clip AAAA!!

Which is why they added skin colour changes to the barbershop, so that if you weren’t happy with how your character looked now you didn’t have to shell out £13. As for the animations I’m afraid there’s not much to be done. AFAIK the new models still use the same skeleton so you could probably use old animations with them, though it would likely look clunky in comparison unless they remade the old animations from scratch, and I doubt that’s going to happen.

There will be no old models as they’re updating character customization and it will probably be very buggy if they try to implement that feature again.

I like the new models more. The old ones looked terrible in a lot of ways. I still remember when I made a new undead female, o boy that was satisfying.

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Skin colour changes? :rofl:

Let’s see how skin colour changes could fix this:


I’m not saying it worked, and it certainly would have helped some people.

Wow…Didn’t know gnomes got a breast lift also!


I agree. + new melee animations, for most, are so bad and unoriginal.

pre legion, we had unique animations for each race and gender, now everything looks the same, with the exception of a FEW abilities that still have the old animation (envenom/evi), but the new races don’t even have a race specific animation, pathetic really


I’m saying that for months, please let is customize the animation of our attack’s , give us a choice, do it with a glyph system!

I miss real glyphs, but i guess like reforging, it was “too hard” for bad players