Give back old character models and animations in some form


Many within the wow community think the new character models are too cartoonish, bouncy, and silly. Many of the new casting animations look like something out of a disney movie.

Furthermore, some of the new models have misplaced sheathed weapon positions, weird mount positions, and look really bad in some pieces of gear.

Although many within the WoW community have been receptive or tolerant towards the new character models, a sizeable chunk of us care about character aesthetics and would prefer the old models and animations rather than being forced to use their current butchered iterations.

I would highly suggest looking into adding an old character model and animations option like the one in WoD. There’s still plenty of NPCs which still use them.


Maybe that’s how you feel, some of us would rather have models with a decent amount of polygons.


There is no harm in having both like we had during WoD though more options is always nice .

Hence the OP saying that …


I’d like to get back the old FemOrc animations and sounds, but keep the new model. There was nothing quite like the old FemOrc B-Slap and the visceral grunting sounds - really made it feel like you were laying into that target with extreme prejudice.

Sure, the new model, animations and sounds are perfectly fine, but hey.

Alas, I’m sure everyone and their mother has picky preferences they’d like to have returned (or avoided), but I can’t see them happening.


There’s not much that speaks against it, but in WoD the ‘old’ character models still used the new animations when enabled.

Also I think it might cause some problems with DH animations, for example. Those aren’t compatible with the old models

should that really be a limiting factor though?

I fail to see why they can’t just slap on some placeholder animations for DHs.


I miss old models too


This is a must for frosaken players.


I am ok with old models if it would be client base as long as i don’t have to see the old hideous models.

As for animations that one i agree many of the animations are way over the top and look ridiculous especially the running animations are too bouncy and look stupid on heavy armor wearing classes.

And spell animations are now too flashy and have too much going on spells are starting to resemble pre fix Koralon the Flame Watcher room where you could not see anything at all whats going on the screen. Personally i prefer more low key effects like old shadow bolt.


Couldnt agree more. These new animations and weapon position are extremely annoying.


It was an option prior to BFA, when it was removed for some form of technical reason IIRC. I think it’s something to do with allied races not having an old model equivalent :man_shrugging: .

You could have them back but they’d just look out of place whenever you pass an AR.

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I’ve recently played on Mop pserv. Yeah, my eyes bled… I wonder how we could stand this kind of graphic. And it would be quite bizarre to mix old models with modern graphics such as Bastion.

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in legion they did. in wod they were proper old models.

and yep, demon hunters among other things are why i think. all the new allied races too. lots of new animations for humans in kul tiras for example. probably didn’t want to make those twice, so figured it was best to just get rid of it entirely. that’s my best guess anyway.

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Fun fact that at the Elegon boss in MSV, when you get turned into a constellation, Demon Hunters still have zero animations. They just flop about with their arms to the sides as they attack.

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It will be a problem now with upcoming customization.


This remind me of those death knights in icecrown zone are from WoLK.

With the new customization system it’s very unlikely that will ever happen. Old models will become completely incompatible with the game. They would have to redo every single old character model and I don’t think any of the artists there would be able to use the proper mindset when doing those changes.


I disliked the old models so much and I love the new ones. As cartoony as they are they have character, say what you want. The old models were so low quality and so bad.

I’m actually quite amazed that people ask for this. For me the animations and models couldn’t come soon enough.

Also if you miss the old stuff, there’s Classic.


My logic is that as the Warcraft games has always been cartoony and it’s just that now we have the graphics potential that it’s no longer a necessity, people who don’t like the non-realistic design are playing the wrong game.


Reverse this for me.

I consider the forcing of the new models, with no option to use THE CHARACTERS WE CHOSE, a betrayal of the promise Blizzard made when they first looked into new models.

Like many people, I disagree with many of the devs’ decisions. Nearly always, that’s not personal, that’s just business; they make decisions that please some people (notably themselves) and displease others.

What they did to models, though, was unnecessary, treacherous, and very personal. :angry: