Give back old character models and animations in some form

Many within the wow community think the old character models are downright ugly and a big eye sore. Many of the old casting animations look like something out of a game from 2004!

I would highly suggest not touching those old models and their animations again, because it will only take away precious development time and resources from things that actually matter.

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How about lets remove LFR then shall we ? or any type of casual content ? lets put gates on everything we do ? i personally like that as of now cause i am sick of your constant narrow minded selfish attitude .
I used to support you and stand up for you but you are becoming a meme i am sorry to say its your way or the high way there is no middle ground i am shocked by how selfish you have become .

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That’s your problem. I’m not ‘narrowminded and selfish’. That’s your (wrong) view. And taking away such content is something VERY VERY VERY different.
So stop with the nonsense and hostility. Personally attacking me just for stating my opinion, which is entirely based on pure logic, is frankly the exact thing you accuse me of; narrowminded.

Sure buddy. I’m selfish for not wanting old and ugly models, which would take constant upkeep and development time whenever they do new things BECAUSE THOSE MODELS WEREN’T MADE FOR IT. Get a clue.

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You are but w/e i am done with you and your views its always the same “mememmememeemem” i am right you are wrong there is no middle ground .
And using “logic” and “get a clue” really i think you lack logic and you need to “get a clue” .

The human female faces went from having about 60% “angry”-looking faces to about 90%.

In the new faces, I can find 1, perhaps 2, which doesn’t look displeased all the time. While the old faces had several which looked kinda nice.

Also, I miss the old animations for the human female swinging animations. I much preferred the spinning around, than the… Back-side uppercut(?) they are going for now.

EDIT: Not to mention the new running animations. The old ones were simple and smooth. Now they run in a way that looks like they can’t help it.


But the funny thing is; you ARE wrong.
It’s not a meme. It’s true. You ARE. And you’re too narrowminded to even realize it. The proof is right there for anyone to read.

Have a nice day (even though someone clearly got out the wrong side of the bed this morning, sheesh).

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So your saying people are wrong because they they want to have a choice.

Ironic, I know someone who cried about LFR being to hard and wanted a choice to do it solo like a scenario.

I think I never seen such an entitled poster on these forums like you.
“You are wrong, I’m always right”

In the last few weeks it got even worse. Are you ok?


That’s been Warcraft’s style since day 1…

Have you seen the armor design in this game?

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Female human faces are just ugly. I really dont understand who did that work but i am getting the feeling that he or she got the job being a family member or something. And then f.e. a female human mage casting, in old version she stood straight, and the cast looked amazing but now she looks like some old cripple fool…
And this is just one race/gender/ class. My friend used to play a human male but he just stopped, when they run they look like some duck…


No. I am saying:

Is wrong. Which it is.

This stand-offish argument is based on your false assumption, so I’ll ignore it.

And I think I’ve never seen such dumb people before… Jumping to conclusions and basing their whole tirade off of it. :man_shrugging:

No I’m not. I’m constantly being harrassed by dumb people who are not even able to understand context and intent. :weary:


How very mature of you to resort to name calling because they do not share your view typical.

Just so you and so very ironic .

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That’s NOT the reason. But your narrowmindedness is making you think different again. You should just stop posting.

I only attack when attacked. You started it.


The day i ever listen to you ever again is the day wow stops and calling me narrowminded when you refuse to have no option for others lol .
I tend to believe the others were right about you lost case and only open to your view .

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This thread is about the old models and animations. You keep making it about me in a negative way. STOP IT. Just. Frickin’. Stop.

Seriously, you don’t see what you’re doing?!

Case closed you really are a piece of work carry on posting all you wish with your closed minded views you will never change ,you only want whats best for you stuff everyone else .

Inane rant and played that from 2004 to 2006 thanks more options are always better .
And reported for name calling see what i did there ? how do you like those eggs ? :rofl:

Yeah I see. Baiting and then reporting.
Clear as day. Bye.

So you call people dumb and muppets and expect no action agaisnt you and you call us baiters you are indeed a troll .

YOU started with the personal attacks based on my opinions. Address the opinions. Fine. Don’t address me. Me and whatever you think of me is irrelevant in this discussion.

So yeah… That is dumb. And you just keep the personal attacks going and going. OF COURSE you’re going to get a reaction then… Not expecting that IS DUMB.

Point made. Can we now discuss THE TOPIC of this thread?!

There is. Because everything they add has to work with both skeletons and animations.

Go play classic then. The majority of players don’t like looking at the old and ugly models and I see no reason why blizzard should keep this as it was in 2005. It adds a lot of maintenance overhead.

The harm is extra maintenance for blizzard, which can be quite costly with the vast amount of possible combinations of gear, mounts, non-standard movements etc. Each skill has to be animated on 2x the skeleton animations compared to before.


This guy gets it! :sunglasses: