Give back old character models and animations in some form

So how come an addon like t morph (which is banable to use) can do all that and blizzard cant .
I see what you are saying and understand all that and they made both options work in the past i just think being told to go lost and go classic/pvt is not a valid answer .


Tmorph simply swaps models. Not all animations are going to work - that’s when you get that ‘stickman pose’ (or they’re going to look very buggy).

Yes, but they found that the problem wasn’t solved. They STILL had to go in manually every time they added something new.

And they have metrics, we do not. Maybe they saw that only a small % of the playerbase was still using those old models. It’s all about cost effectiveness for a company.

Look at all the new animations they’ve added since they removed the old models. I think it was working kind of like a shackle. And now they’re free to do way more animations.

Why that name though, the logical one would be Punydwarf

I’m kind of sad I used Puny on my troll hunter with hindsight although it would still fit best for a gnome.

Troll is not that bad, imagine calling a tauren puny.

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I never did it but my warrior name is PanzerTauren

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For years retail was for example ÂŁ10 per month for 1 game now its the same price for retail and classic if they were worried about costs they would have made 2 different subs . Or brought back classic to start with .

The current spell animations make it look like i am giving birth when trying to heal .

You could always go for another ‘theme’ and rename all you ‘puny’ stuff to ‘pony’.
Ponyelf. Hellz yeah! :heart_eyes:

nice name for a tank

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My little pony?

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Different story, different teams. most code for classic already exists afaik, because well, they use version control and they can “roll back” to a specific version, they merely had to make it compatible with the current version of the game engine, both backend and frontend.

Classic got them new subs, people that don’t play retail and play classic will be +1 sub. People who play Retail will not just quit retail because they don’t like the modernized character animations or models. Maybe some people did, it won’t be many. The profit you can make from classic is much, much higher.

And again, I will repeat myself… Some animations have changed completely, and new ones have been introduced through new skills. They would have to be backported or you’d end up with half new and half old. They’d have to make the new ones work on old models and design, which simply costs a lot of work for no worth.

Unless they’ve kept it (which I wouldn’t have done), there is no ground work in place, thus requires getting it back from an old version. This probably is a tough job on its own because so much has changed in the meanwhile.

CLASSIC != RETAIL. You don’t seem to understand how game development and programming works.

Personally wouldn’t talk about bannable tools on the forums. If people want to put their own time and effort into using it, that’s up to them. It still doesn’t justify the cost for blizzard to make it work for the few people that want it.

See you had me sold right until then and whack you had to make up a false fact to back your claim no need for it you no idea how many or how few want it can you please stop assuming it thanks .

And you do not have to talk down to me and mock my views .

I honestly don’t think that Classic would have been such a big success if they had made it cost a seperate sub. I think it was very smart business-wise to go with what they did. Because the Classic servers are still part of their regular server rooms. So not much extra cost there.
Classic created a surge in subs because of returning players mostly. So it was definitely worth it in that regard (of course keep in mind that Classic costs way less development time/resources now that it’s out).

Well, that’s a subjective thing.
I think a better alternative could be ‘animation packs’, if they really want to do it cost effectively. Create packs of casting alternatives, attack alternatives, idle alternative, voice alternatives. And I do think people would pay for that.

But then we’re getting into a whole new discussion about what they should and should not charge extra for, tbh.

Exactly that’s the point of choice.

To have a “pack” of animations that you can choose from.

And my guess here would be that a lot of the players would appreciate that.
Because customization seems to be a very important and seeked thing among the community, when you see how much praise and discussions are raised about it.

PS: I would even pay money to change that damn crusader strike animation on zandalari and belf. And I hate and despise microtransaction actually.

I do like the hunter one’s apart from barrage even though i dont use that spell its looks very strange when others do .

Well we both saw how they acted when told they had to paye to play some said “yes i will paye double” others from private servers said “it should be free just like private ones” . I played it again as a lock and the atmosphere wasnt there .It was all very “meta” and min/max felt like a job then fun .

i would but thats just me :wink:

But I guess we disagree on how Blizzard should deliver such ‘packs’?
I’d be fine with them being in the store. Because then it would be cost effective and it wouldn’t be ‘at the cost of other content’.

On how would be another thing, but I think you couldn’t see my edit.

Even I would be fine with that, IF , big IF, the price would be moderate.
But in the world of Bobby greedy inhumane kottick, I guess it would be an absurd number.

Judging from ESO prices for such things, yeah probably.

False claim? Can you prove there are a lot of people that want it? Because this is one of the very few threads that I see about it. In fact, I don’t even see people mention it on Discord servers.

If you’re so sure that outside of your bubble there are a lot people that want it, make a case. Right now all you can is tell others that they are wrong and you don’t provide a shred of evidence.

Then you stop pretending like it’s so easy and get upset with others when they tell you that’s not the case. Stop acting like a spoiled brat that always gets what they want.

More customization is always awesome, however it has to be worth the developer’s time. If I have to pick between the awesome customizations that Shadowlands bring, or wasting time bring back 2005 animation, then I know the choice is easy for the majority of people.

Not just you. Quality customization is something I’d possibly pay for as well, though I feel like it’s 2020 and we’re supposed to get the quality we pay for every month and every 2 years.

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