Give back old character models and animations in some form

Nowhere have I stated that. THAT IS YOU jumping to that conclusion.


How is that thinking only my views matter?! In any way, shape or form.

Just admit that you made a mistake. You engaged me in a totally uncalled for way and it just got worse from there on in. You can think of me whatever you want, but it has no place in this discussion. None.

Well, it is a l fact that you cried about in that thread and wanted a choice. Which in this scenario here is ironic.

You are acting very aggressively when someone disagrees with you.

And just seeing the fault/wrong in other people shows no self awareness.

But I won’t call people dumb and or have thrown words like this around here.

Maybe try to be less aggressiv and sexist, just for the sake of it.

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And niether does you constantly calling me “man” and mocking me and i did not make a mistake you simply do not like my view about you being blinkered .

I never cried. In any thread.
And it’s a stupid thing to say. Stating my opinion is not crying.

No I’m acting aggressively when people make it PERSONAL.
Which is what happens. I don’t care that they disagree. I care about not being personally attacked.

If someone bites me, I bite back. It’s really as simple as that.

Excatly thats the whole thing a choice ,he wants a choice which i supported him for many times .Yet i am dumb a bratt ,silly and other things for wanting a voice and a option .

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But stating mine is dumb? can you not see how ironic you are being and no ironic is not an insult far from it .

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Because ‘that view’ has no place here. It has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread. I don’t understand how you don’t get that!

And if you had not started with the personal attack, I would not have mocked you. Simple as that. I explained that before. Action - reaction.
I said things that weren’t nice because YOU said things that weren’t nice.

Can we now please, PLEASE, drop this stupid discussion and actually talk about the topic?! Please. I asked you for God knows how many times. Please.

Case in point…


I never called you dumb because of your opinion. Why do you keep saying this nonsense?!

I literally gave you a list of things. Do you actually understand words?
Please. Go read it again. Maybe then you’ll get it?!

You just ignore things being said and dare to call others narrowminded. Oh man, the sweet swwet irony.

There you go again insulting and mocking there is no need for it .

My view on the whole thing is like how you think about other things .Having a choice but i will not be called dumb and a bratt for asking for an option and called a troll over it .

Yeah there is. Because you keep accusing me of things I did not do.
STOP IT. Stop ignoring things.



Because you keep on mocking my gender and my views and insulting me .
Asking for an option is not dumb .

Being told to play classic or private servers or being called a spoilt brats all the names you and others have called me just because i called your VIEWS narrowminded .

I’m not speaking for the majority of players, I’m speaking from the perspective of a game developer. Speaking about personal bubbles, I have literally never heard anyone in my personal bubble prefer the old animations/models. Besides of that I’m also part of several communities and I see it being mentioned maybe once in a blue moon. Based on the frequency of posts on the forums, I’d say that the amount of people wanting old animations/models is really, really, really low.

The didn’t even bother making DH animations work for other races, which literally bug your character when you’re the opposite faction in Chromie related dungeons. Now imagine having to add all the animations currently in-game and make them work with the old models… This is just not viable, there are hundreds of improvements blizzard can make to the game that would get pushed away if this was done.

It’s simply not viable.

Haven’t done that in several posts. You keep bringing it up though.
So I’ll keep on bringing up how YOU started this hostility.

Because they’re NOT narrowminded. They’re actually very openminded and based on actual FACTS.

You want a choice. Cool.
I think that choice hurts the game. That’s my opinion. And it’s an opinion based on a statement from a dev about the old models not working with any of the new animations. Which means that for ANY new content that requires animations they’d have to manually rig ALL the old models. Every single time.

I don’t think you understand how much work that is.

Question did you have the same stance when they spoke about classic ? and now both games share same sub meaning less money into retail ? and the surely they could use the work and models from classic to give retail an option ?

The ground work is already in place that is the thing you are missing .

No it’s not. Because they’ve removed them. There is no ground work.
They have old models and new models. The latter ones were created with newer technology in mind. It’s MUCH easier to add new animations to those models.

BUT THE OLD MODELS ARE BEING USED ATM THE MOMENT IN CLASSIC THE WORK IS THERE ALREADY .I hate using caps but thats what i am trying to say they wouldnt need to rebuild old models or anamation its there already its already part of the battlenet system .

And boy are they ugly models :rofl:

In my opinion ofc. You lot can love your old models as much as you like :slight_smile: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Classic does not use any of the new animations. So no, they won’t be able to use them.

Look, I’ll try to explain this:

There’s a model with a certain skeleton. That old skeleton does not work with any of the newer animations because they’re using newer tech.

The models in classic are all using the old animations and thus old tech.

The models themselves are there, sure. But they are NOT compatible with the newer animation system that they’ve been using in current WoW.

So for those old models to work, they’d have to go into those skeletons and change them manually. For every gender and every race. That’s a LOT of work.
And Blizzard has decided that that is just not worth it. Because doing that amount of work every time they add a new animation (for example the holding of the heart of azeroth), they’d have to do that work again. Because those old skeletons will remain incompatible. So it’s not even a 1time thing. They literally have to do the extra work EVERY time they add something new.

New model skeletons can be changed/manipulated MUCH easier.