Give casuals a chance - Siege of Boralus

Haven’t read all of the thread, so i apologize if it has been mentioned earlier, but imo the OP is looking at it from a wrong perspective:

It isn’t end of story-line locked in mythic0, it s end of story-line trying to “usher” you into m+.

Boralus is very easy tbh, probably the easiest set of bosses in all dungeons and the mob packs aren’t that difficult either.

The half solo/social players get screwed more in higher keys than in story progression. imo

out of pure curiosity if there would be a change which one would you prefer?

  1. give all instances N/HC/M mode where you can do any quests
  2. remove mythic only quests
  3. put mythic0 into LFG
  4. remove automated LFG enterily so every dungeon run would be community based

which one do you think would help most of the playerbase?

^this in my opinion.


People can go back to Classic for that, some of the community can be nice but as you can see with any PuG content there are plenty of ridiculous high requirements set for content that can’t even drop gear that high. Requirement of certain achievements etc etc.

For example, when I started back in TBC I never got to do any dungeons while levelling due to nasty snide elitist judgemental people. I did do some with a guild when I hit max level. When the LFD system was introduced at the end of Wrath I got to experience levelling dungeons as they were intended and it was glorious.

Different people have had different experiences but I will always be an advocate for all inclusive content like LFR/LFD. I hope we never go back to a shouting in general or trade to form groups system again.


I mean from the 4 choices that was given, I liked the one i choose the most. Im not saying we should remove lfg

I think they’ll just give it a hc mode further down the line like they did with the Suramar ones.

Absolutely best option for the game imo, though I’d add the ability to do them in m+ too. I can’t imagine why it’s justified to have siege/king’s rest as “mythic only” and then just give hc versions of them.

if they do, one could ask, didn’t they learn? or is this the new norm that some instances are introduced as mythic only and watered down later?

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Judging by the absense of paragon reputations, self farming AP, the state of the mission table, the state of island expeditions (after scenarios were a failure in MoP), warfronts that play themselves, “choices” in azerite armor, removal of ML, m+ affixes not actually redesigned for the dungeons of BFA and finally launching mythic only dungeons…

I’m inclined to say, no they didn’t learn. Probably because a lot of them stopped playing pc games and moved to mobile, along with some of their best developers. As someone who plays mobile games every now and then, I can see how many of the above mechanics fit the mobile industry perfectly :wink:

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They were still more fun than any Mythic Dungeon I’ve run - at least you knew everyone was on the same page from the start of the run.

They are coming. They didn’t implement those at the start of Legion either.

That’s the point :slight_smile: They should have learned, they didn’t.

I’d put mythic 0 in LFG. In reality it is the same as old heroics, which begs the question what actual heroics are now, some sort of stepping stone prior to LFR but not raiding at best.

I would be more in favour of doing that for raiding, and bringing back proper raid locks as well. As what you get is pugs cherry picking bosses they want particular loot off, then leaving and skipping to a pug on the next boss they want to roll on. That and the leaving after one wipe mentality.

I have yet to do this dungeon because it is on mythic. It’s not that I can’t do it or that I’m incapable, it’s that I resent getting all the way to the end of this great storyline only to be told ‘wait in line’.
I didn’t want to have to do a mythic at the time the dungeon was released, and I especially didn’t want to finish the story off this way.
See, when the content is first released you can only get away with not knowing tactics for the first few days, after that you are expected to know what you’re doing, which means spoilers for the story, so I didn’t bother, and still havn’t, I just watched the ending on YouTube.

To do this story content without being spoiled for the story you have to wait months or have a group that is willing to explain tactics along the way.

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Flying is removed at the start of every expansion, It then it comes in later typically. I expect it will in BFA too.

Casual have a chance…

Create your own group.

story ends in the dungeon, a siege happens, and then the story ends. why’d the story not be part of the dungeon?

or you know, you can look up the tactics yourself instead of expecting other people to explain it to you. lmao

Give Shortbolts a shout, he very kindly helped me with the ‘custom group queue, timing out’ problem… probably best if you are ilvl 325 or above for this dungeon… so at ilvl246, you might have a problem, Azunzua… if that is the character you want to do the content on.

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lfr is harder than a mythic0 the times I’ve wiped!

lfr is harder than normal and heroic raids!!!

I hope the system never changes. I like that dungeons are part of the storyline. Gives them meaning.

As stated here, if you’re struggling to get this dungeon done, let me know, add me on Bnet at Bubblebutt#21908 and I’ll do my best to get it done with you. I’ll explain what to do on each boss as well, as I really don’t mind helping. I told Cathbadh to add me and within an hour got the dungeon done with them so they could experience the dungeon and the story itself.

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