Give casuals a chance - Siege of Boralus

Yup. Sometimes people just will not stop going back and forth each saying the other is wrong.

I tend to read the whole thread, then when I get the urge to bash their heads together I say so (like in here).

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Actually this made me smile :slight_smile: I was just talking to a friend the other day who came back to WoW after months to do some arenas. He’s extremely casual, busy RL and all - we’re talking 2-3h/week at best. Some people from his guild offered to run him through siege m+ for a chance to get him a decent weapon and he couldn’t enter, because he hadn’t done the pre-quests.

He was pretty angry at that, I believe his argument was “Can’t they give casuals a break? I don’t want to suffer another boring storyline and endless solo stuff just to play with my friends”. It’s ironic how the system seems to mess up people who just want to see a story as solo and at the same time people who just want to play with their friends and don’t even care about the story.

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Trust me, having to do quests at all is really annoying me. Beyond rep for a shoulder enchant in the old days I saw nothing of the world. I am hard grinding my way through it now just to get done with it, only 6K each to go to turtles and champions revered and then I can instance only.

Apart from one or two quest lines I have nought idea why I went anywhere or killed anything because I don’t have time to read it all with the grind that lays ahead.

Yeah I get your point. I personally don’t mind the story (even though it’s on the mediocre side this expansion) but I can’t argue with someone telling me “I can see the story on youtube. I can’t play with my friends on youtube”.

Please, put me in my place with you comparing rape and slavery to 1 Mythic dungeon in a game, I’m all ears. YOU just don’t like the fact that I, and many others, have a different opinion to you, and so you jump on to name calling and other moronic things.

No one has lied, for your posts, you do nothing but call people names and belittle them for not playing the game YOUR way, you also don’t like the fact that some players feel you get spoon fed gear (Which you do). That is THEIR opinion, live with it, the same way us “elitists” have to live with the bullroar of welfare gear and no more gear progression.

You clearly don’t know the meaning of the word “elitism”. Me wanting the gear to be for certain levels isn’t me being an elitist. When I see non-raiders and LFR raiders have the same Ilvl as me, there’s a problem. That’s not being an elitist. Have your LFR, have the PROPER gear from LFR, not gear from more difficulties unless you run those difficulties.

And, you and others clearly don’t know me. ALL of my friends have laughed at your comment of me being an elitist, they find it funny, because it is by far the least true thing possible. I am that much of an elitist that I constantly help out ANYONE I possibly can, I never talk about people’s DPS (Unless I’m having a DPS race with friends) and I don’t ever belittle someone for their ilvl. I point out how an LFR raider SHOULD NOT have 355-365 ilvl.

How about you learn what phrases mean before throwing them out there? Calling me an elitist is the funniest thing I’ve ever been called, and yet a few of you think of me as one. It’s really funny.

I can.
I’m not paying a sub to watch a game’s content on youtube.
I want to experience and play it for myself.

Your assessment of him was spot on and his reply to this quote totally proves it. That’s why I’m leaving him alone. He just doesn’t understand some things and that’s no fun. It would be like a mythic raider doing an LFR! :rofl:

Still you have to have the last word…

And by way of example of what you consider an over-geared character (I do too, by the way), look up Deekeigh-Terokkar; he’ll never Raid at level, even in LFR. He’s my ‘player Main’ for BfA.

Please refrain from any further direct quoting of me, I have no further interest in anything you have to say - you play your game, I’ll play mine & we can both remain happy in our own separate worlds - may the two never cross paths. Trust also, that I will try never to post in any thread you frequent… if I can.

Tahra is 362 ilvl, I’ve seen a hunter that hasn’t even entered LFR with 364 ilvl. Gear progression is non-existent in this game, unless you do Mythic raiding or M+10’s, which is a major jump between LFR and Mythic raider…

So, because I pointed out that me and my friends laughed at you calling me an elitist, I should never talk to you again xD. If I WANT to quote you on something stupid you say/informative you say, then I am going too. You cannot control if I do or not. You can simple ignore it and carry on :smiley:

We won’t ever cross paths, you’re in a different world to me in the game. Servers do that, weirdly enough :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re starting to give me the impression you’re stalking me… and for the record I AM mentally ill… F84.5 Asperger’s - look it up.

If you reply to this, you’ve proved me right that you HAVE to ‘win’.

I’m stalking you because Blizzard’s website let’s me know when someone posts (Has a big 1 on your picture in the top right corner).

Not to mention, how is it that I’m the one who’s stalking, when I was the first of the 2 of us to comment in this thread? Wouldn’t it be the other way around…

I never said you were mentally ill. I started saying Tahra was because they’ve called out my mental illness and told me to “get my issues checked” (This is their way of saying I am mentally unstable). Not to mention, they started comparing a Mythic dungeon to slavery and rape. That’s not something a “normal” person would do.

And, for the record, I have Bipolar and BPD. Severe depression and anxiety, to the point I can’t even leave my own front door without breaking down. So, I would NEVER make fun of anyone with mental health problems, as I deal with it on a daily basis as well.

Thread untracked… I’m done.

And he’s not paying a sub to watch youtube content in a game. He’s paying to play with his friends and yet forced to endure solo content he hates to do so.

Edit: nvm, didn’t see it was your post. Ignore this, it’s an opinion different to your own.

Welp… been the best part of a week, ilvl 350 now, for a Mythic0 which the forums say could be done by a knowledgable group at around ilvl300, but 325, for safety/smoother experience in a pug.

My own custom pugs, time out on LFD… but there are always 3 or 4 trash mob farming groups listed, even in the wee hours of the morning… I rest my case… gg Blizz.

I didn’t want to see the patricidal wrong’un save the day, anyway… she’ll come to a bad end, that Daughter of the Sea, you mark my words… Ashvane was right!

I’m curious, what are they farming?

BOEs apparently.

Fair enough, I know there are various spots for farming those. Most seem to combine it with a mount farm elsewhere. Or maybe that’s a Horde thing.

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Think the value of BOE’s for the guild bank, particularly early in an Expansion makes it an attractive proposition, for a guild group… then kitting out alts later.
I agree that targeting mount drops at the same time, makes sense.

Do you think listing as: ‘Boralus…Jaina…gg Blizz’… might be putting people off?