Give Hardiness to Night Elves






:copyright: :registered: :tm:

If ever, it should go to the dwarfs

Resists Stun

missed me.

the people who mocked you are the same who are on shaman’s side

the gatekeepers are by your side now, it’s the same people

your mates are your past enemies who mocked you, and they will switch side at the second when alliance get advantage, and leave you in misery

i made this post for BASIC constructive deep design problems of unbalance

It’s incredible for hunters. In fact every orc racial is incredible for hunters.
The only reason I play alliance is because my friends rolled alliance, otherwise I would be an orc. Orcs sit in another league.

most of them have gone back to their paladins now that shaman is no longer overpowered.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

then this should be good for the game →

→ Hardiness for Night Elves
→ Shaman for Alliance
→ Paladin for Horde


→ Shadowmeld for Trolls

This is not an answer to my question. You asked for hardiness for dwarves before nelfs. Is this idea dropped or both nelfs and dwarves hardiness?

Berny should try nelf hunter or troll priest. Berny will find out these combo’s really strong.

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you can’t compare nelf hunters(1 class) with orcs hardiness(5 classes)

Blizz should pick one of those two people, just one

all in all i must say… it is good to be horde. god damn. imagine to be on the other side just sitting with a bad hand. dodged a bullet there i say!

i’ve been horde from 2005 to 2010… don’t think you are cool man just by being horde… (and i started Vanilla Classic 2019 as troll rogue)

my suggestion is about gameplay,

convert the Hardiness problem to another game like League of Legends or other games. What would happend?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Night elfs and trolls buffs please.


back from your forum vacation i see, pickin’ up right where ye left off.

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Watch out, he’s trying to get you banned now.

how much for the head of Jack Monkey D. Lamborgimli Sparrow?


They dont know who they dealin with

i know lol, he literally broke TOS with that though. i imagine hes gonna catch himself a ban by doing so, which is sweet irony.

Really good, especially on wild growth right now

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