Give healers extra rating in solo shuffle

This will inspire more healers to queue. One of the problems as healer is that so many times you go 3-3 and gain nothing because many games have one weak link dps that gets manhandled each match.

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Well, I have seen the highest ranks in healers, at least until today.

They are the only ones who, most of the time, win 5 or 6 rounds without problems.

Healers plays in a sub-ladder inside the ladder itself, kind of. Since they’re in the same situation non-prot pala tanks used to be, and where prot palas still are.
It means that every win you get as a healer, is a loss for the opposite healer. You can never be on the same team in a shuffle (imagine 3 dps vs. 2 healers + 1 dps, or worse 2 healers + 1 tank), which is why the rating is still doing its thing properly for healers.

Healers (and prot palas) are always more likely to get a win rate closer to 50% than dpsers, due to having less “competition” for wins in every shuffle. A dps (and non-prot pala tanks) competes for wins against every other dps in the shuffle, and they have to be on the same team with every dps in the shuffle for 2 rounds each.

These statistics are about the macro scale impact of how the shuffle system is designed, but for you individually as a healer, then you just have to either play more aggressively while at the same time keeping your teammates alive (as well as guide them, the more you can lead your teammates well in staying alive the better your average win rate will go up), or you have to accept that you’ll get fewer shuffles where you can carry compared to what a DPS can do.

There are upsides and downsides to it all.

But anyway, this dynamic of what a healer can do to impact the game, would change a lot if they’d just move away from the burst designs and replace it with heavy sustained designs instead. Then healers would get a heavier role to play, instead of just hoping people survive while throwing CDs at them.

You can affect the chance to win if you manage to get something offensive going like for example with a wind shear at a good timing, or a CC, or stuff like that, as a healer. It’s not the greatest gameplay design they could’ve gone with, but it’s what the design is like.

So, experts, would you be so kind as to explain to me how the rating distribution system works? So I have 2200 MMR, and I get into the lobby with the guys who have MMR 2400. In the lobby, the guys all got a rating except us. Provided that their MMR is higher than ours, and the rating is higher than ours.

Why the **** am I raising everyone’s rating from game to game except myself? It’s amazing that it wasn’t taken away from me at all as usual.

I get the impression that I’m just a mechanism for triggering long queues of poor damagers, to increase their rating, but not my own. Yes, I’d rather stand in line for 30 minutes and loot the rating than play without stopping and not get anything.

That isn’t your MMR in the picture. It’s your CR.

The “Your matchmaking value”-part is showing the team’s matchmaking value, not your own. You can’t see your own. The team’s matchmaking value is always the average of everyone’s matchmaking rating (which you can’t see) in the team.

The part that says “Match Average Matchmaking Value” is just showing the average MMR of all the rounds/players, since you’re finished with the shuffle in that picture. Check the scoreboard for each round during your next shuffle instead.

The reason why you didn’t gain rating is because you won 3 with MMR that resulted in winning X amount of rating, and also lost 3 that resulted in losing X amount of rating.
(The reason this happens is because the rating changes doesn’t occur until after the shuffle is over. Would be different if it’d occur after each round, since it’d affect the MMR differences in each round.)

I still don’t understand anything, a person with a rating higher than mine won 2 and got a rating. Why do you defend and justify this stupid system? Here you need to use common sense.

Probably because they’ve all got a streak going from previous shuffles. If you’re wondering why it matters, try to win like, 5 matches in the normal ladder in a row. Then lose 1. See what that does to your rating lost.

Also, while your CR didn’t move, your MMR probably moved upwards in that shuffle. You just can’t see it.

Oh, and btw, the one with 2.5k rating in that picture, had higher MMR than most, if not all of you. You healers probably had a slightly lower, while the other dpsers probably had the lowest MMR out of all of you. Hence the rating changes being like they were, because when you were on the team with the one who won 6 rounds, then your team’s MMR was probably higher than the other side’s, meaning you were playing a shuffle where you kept winning against a team with lower MMR, and losing against a team with higher MMR, which made the gains and losses equal each other out.

While for the other dpsers, then their rating was far enough away from the carrying DPS, that when they lost they didn’t lose that much, but close enough to the losing side’s MMR while on the carrying DPSer’s side that they still won more so that they gained rating at the end of the shuffle.
Which, if they were on some sort of streak (with the way the shuffles work and how it gives out the wins and losses at the end of shuffles, can be a bit funny), meant it softened the blow from losing as well.

Makes no sense to me tbh. You have literally everyone with higher cr in your match, except for the priest, who is just 1 cr below you. There is no way your mmr is so low that you would not get any rating. Seems super scuffed. I honestly can only assume it’s bugged. I had many 3 wins 0 rating situations and I had even matches like this:


Doesn’t matter at all. What matters is the discrepancies between the CR and MMR, as well as streaks.

It makes no sense him being “low” mmr getting queue with “high” mmr people while him having barely any chance to increases his cr. Even if we assume he increased his invisible mmr, which we don’t know, how is he supposed to increase his 2,2k cr? Playing against 2,7k cr people?.. That’s non sense.

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He probably wasn’t “low” mmr, as you put it. The healers probably were tied for 2nd-highest MMR in that shuffle.

That’s beyond the point. He is matched, as you said, with a high mmr guy and 2,5k+ cr. Everyone, except the healer, has 200-300 cr more than him and most likely higher mmr. As a healer you don’t affect the match that much, especially if there is some giga chad dps and some donkey. You simply won’t pull more than 3 wins.
We need mmr clearly shown and 3 wins for the healer have to increase the cr, unless you are far below your mmr for whatever reason.

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No, the healers likely had higher MMRs as explained above, while the other dpsers probably had the lowest MMRs in the shuffle. Hence the result.

It means that they didn’t win more than losing because they had a higher chance of winning when winning, and a higher chance of losing when losing.

Ye makes total sense
 2x 2,4k guys with low mmr matched with high mmr 2,2k guys while the 2,5k guy gets the most
 You need to smoke a lot for this to make sense.

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As explained above already, and in the edit while you were typing:

That’s likely why they ended up with 0 rating won and 0 rating lost.

The MMR for the individual isn’t shown because it’s a preventative measure against cheating. Of course it isn’t super effective, but imagine the tricks people would be able to do if they always knew their exact MMR. It’d become worse than it is now.

As for rating gains and losses, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is subjected to the same system. Where streaks and MMRs between teams affects everyone the same. Some people start with a rating deviation value different than the rest in the team though, even if their MMRs are the same.

Also, just to be clear, just because I’m saying the other DPSers’ MMRs were probably the lowest, it doesn’t mean their MMRs were 200 lower than everyone else. It just means it probably was lower than the healers’. By how much, depends on the MMRs of everyone in that shuffle, which we don’t know.

This could be said about literally every healer match at any mmr and cr.

No, it can’t. Healers can still beat the odds, it just isn’t as common nor as easy as it is for DPSers.

Look, you are misunderstanding a fundamental part. You’re talking like he lost rating. But he didn’t. He just averaged out at 0 rating gained and lost, because he won exactly as much rating as he lost from those rounds.

it doesn’t require a super huge difference in ratings to accomplish that. But there evidently were rating differences, as explained above. Although due to how little rating the guy with 6 rounds won, he probably had the highest MMR of all of them by quite a fair margin (as the saying goes).

(Just for the record, they probably had streaks from winning against players with low MMR, meaning their MMR didn’t go up much but their streaks were still affecting the deviation value, hence the effect seen in the picture he linked.)

To any dps who is against giving healers more rewards, I hope you enjoy very long queues because healers will simply stop playing.

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It’s not possible to give healers more rating. It just doesn’t work like that. It can’t work like that. Everyone is subjected to the same system, EVERYONE.
So sometimes you gain rating from 3/3 w/l, sometimes you lose rating from 3/3 w/l, and sometimes you end up at 0 rating changed from 3/3 w/l. It’s just how it works.

You didn’t play many solo shuffles, hm?