Give healers extra rating in solo shuffle

To simplify the scoreboard, they should just add a row like cr for eery player for their specific mmr.

So its relatable

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Definitely. Now that they’ve already started showing people’s exact personal MMR, they should just go all the way so people don’t end up confused about their rating gains and losses. Because by showing people their personal MMR, it makes it simpler to do the premade exploits. They just need to get a feel for how much MMR they won or lost after a shuffle, and then they can carry on with the exploits.

what premade exploit?

are ppl actually quing as dps and wait 20 minutes to look if both get the invite? And if not reque and wait another 20 minutes?

ppl are just ugh

Depends on queue times at the rating range they’re at, but it’s easier to do it as healers. Or prot palas.

By the way, remember the BG discords to premade that in unrated? :laughing:

Although some people didn’t exactly “premade” it, but instead had people join the channel that matched the BG they got put into, and had names matching the people they got matched up with. (Both before and after Blizzard put the voice chat into the game itself.)

However both legit premade exploits and this “join channel after getting matched up” has been a thing for years, the latter being newer while the premade exploits have been a thing in WoW since people could queue for BGs in vanilla (AV premades) and then in every BG ever since they put in the limit so people couldn’t queue as raids in
 TBC I believe it was.

Not to mention the wintraders queuing at ungodly hours in rated arenas, and who knows how long that has been a thing.
And let’s not forget the RBG scene either.

Anyway, some people have been going to extreme lengths to cheat since the dawn of time. :laughing:

rbg is dead anyways. you face of gladiators at 1.8cr xD

Its never been this kind of struggle to push 2k in rbg than in this expansion.

Well, that’s not the case. And that’s not the first time.

That’s the difference between theory and actual experience.
Right now, most people at lower cr are there because they belong there. And after the first round or two you can easily tell if someone is just driving by or actually stuck there. So when I was saying “low cr” people, I also meant low mmr, which is the reason why I got 0 rating after 5 wins. I should not be queued in these groups.
I am 100% sure the majority of people would prefer to wait a couple of minutes longer in the queue, instead of sweating 6 rounds and tryharding so they don’t lose rating while not being able to climb. I highly doubt this is intended, which is why I call it a bug. And as I said earlier, it’s not the first time devs causing a mmr bug.
I just hope it’s a thing because they don’t care about the pre patch and it’s not going to be an issue in the actual season.

Edit: I also had games where I won 6 rounds and got 2 (yes, two) rating. That’s just plain stupid.

Much rather have better honor and conquest gains than get more rating in the mode. Make the 25 percent buff 50 and I bet there will be more healers

For me it’s simple, if I can get my rewards easier as dps (so basically 1800/2100 to unlock transmogs), then I will play as dps.

I’ve been healing in pvp since wotlk and I usually just play to unlock my FOMO mogs. Healer role made it easier to rank up because it was easier to find good players to play with (basically as a healer you could pick dps that are better than you with ease, making 1800-2100 very easy).

Now with solo shuffle during prepatch it seemed to me that even though I’m much higher experienced as heal than dps, that getting 2100 was really a lot easier when I queued as dps, even with classes that I had no experience of playing before.

Don’t care if healers get faster queues or more cp/honor, I always have stuff to do while waiting for game, like dailies, achivement hunting, transmog farming etc. So if I feel like I can get my arena rewards in shuffle playing dps then I will do just that.

2,1k in solo shuffle right now is around 1,6k xp or something. I assume they made it super easy on purpose, kind of a catch up mechanic.

Where do you get this statement from?

I play 2.2k and I am surrounded by gladiators and r1, some inexperienced player comes out but almost all are top

I have reached 2.4k in this modality, alone, and I assure you that it is fast but not easy. It goes up faster than in arenas because the same mechanic of playing 6 games after 1 death makes everything faster, but not easy.

And not having communication is really annoying in high ratings XD

I got 2 chars to 2.4, including this Evoker. Real glads (not S2 donkeys) and good players like Reece, Dreamnyasha, etc
 I met around 2,5k mmr. Before you run into these guys it’s actually quite easy and feels like some random solo shuffle from back then.

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