we need joyous journey in classic
It’s so weird, sometimes you post very reasonable opinions in one thread, then I go to another thread and it’s juat a rage-baiting troll. What an unusual dichotomy.
Who are “we”?
those people that want to keep the game alive. joyous journey is an optional buff, those that dont want it can turn it off. There are very few people leveling outside of getting boosted / being a bot
So nobody pretty much wants it. Lets close this thread.
human paladin from rp realm with nothing worth listening to, big surprise!
The only thing we need, it’s a fresh classic slow paced server. 2-3 months each phases, no min-maxing mentality, just a fun journey for nostalgic gamers.
Its pretty clear nobody wants this.
Feels more like trolling thread.
Very low quality bait.
Thank God Blizzard never followed Steam in allowing people to give out jester awards, else these kinds of posts would be far more common.
It’s up boyssss
yea but we dont have that so we should have xp & loot rates to match this new server pace
On cata Classic not anniversary
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