Give worgen a tail

Pandaren has the option too why does worgen not have the same option ?


Technically because Worgens are lycanthropes which dont’ have tails.

However it seems to be a popular request :slight_smile:


Would look kinda slick!
I approve!



Good bit of Lycanthropes do, and I would remind people that humans also have what’s called the Tailbone which is indication that originally somewhere down the line humans probably did too just depends where on the evolution I suppose.


If worgen get a tail then vulpera should get a 2nd tail. Order must be preserved.

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Just give them options for 7 and 9 tails while at it.

could work


Allied allied race: two tailed vulpera.

Racial: tail rotor - an instant mount similar to druid travel form.

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No god please no. If u want worgen with a tail play vulpera


I want a tail that wiggles while I cast.

starts casting chaos bolt “UWU what’s this ?” :wolf:


happy wags!
wiggles with casting!

Werewolf Jules to his new tail:
Do one more ‘happy wag’ again. Do ‘happy wag’ again, I dare you, I double dare you “good boy”, do one more “happy wag while casting”!

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I agree. Why not?

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Shhh! You will upset people with facts like that!

Lore: Worgen are extremely bloodthirsty killer that due to the rage of Goldrinn have hard time controlling themself between the human and the worgen form. Just a few worgen have been enought to destroy 3/4 of the scourge and lordaeron kingdom where the human, dwarf and elves failed to at least contain the scourge……

Look : Serious, dangerous, fast , ready to kill an full army, your worst nightmare, the closest definition of a monster, tear ennemy to shred, scars of battles, dominating, climb on top of houses, hunts everythings….

What a category of people want: ‘’ UwU look at this little corgi, he look like the bitcoin doggo ! Poor tiny creature he miss a tail! Waggy waggy UwU, add these tiny doggos a tail and lipstick, such a cuties ! We gonna get some tacos later ! ‘’

Please don’t ruin the last mighty race, even i saw orc and forsaken wearing flower and preaching peace.
Worgen is the last stand of war, bloodthirsty, with a great noble gilnean heart. Don’t humiliate them…


A tail would get in the way of wolf-person basketball skillz.

Teen Wolf (1985) - Clip: The Basketball Game (HD) - YouTube

Somehow those tails makes them look more like fox than the wolf, or well, werewolf. It’s like attaching a flower to an undead and calling it ‘sick’ look. It would be hilarious indeed.

Tfw Goldrinn has a tail.

Pls give Sephiroth his edge back.

Goldrinn is not a worgen neither a human

You didn’t say that because Kimbull got a tail that all zandalari troll should have tails ?

That the same

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and yet, it’s mentioned in your lore as it’s something Worgen are based off of. Also

Idk, are Zandalari animal based in general? :3 Do Trolls have a tailbone?

Then again, druids. Tails is not a hard ask in the first place, and going ‘having a tail is too uwu for me’ while playing said race is hilarious to me especially when a majority of Lycanthropes in lore tend to have a tail.

Having a tail doesn’t make any race ‘less fierce’ though I wouldn’t exactly call Worgen models from the start particularly ‘fierce’.

The original Concept art for female Worgen looked quite fierce, and they had tails.

Also, their rigging in 8.2.5 for female worgen added a tail skeleton bone.

and in hearthstone and other games, they keep having tails.


Worgen don’t need tails and should never be given tails since they’ve never had any in-game period, no ground for this option. If anything they need further customisation for fur options (or just seperate the color of your fur from the pattern you want), more face options / more options for scarrs / tattoos / piercings to some very lesser degree or atleast make two of three of these toggle options.