Give worgen a tail

Don’t care.

The only case in which I accept retcons gladly is if it improves the gameplay loop substantially.

Giving Worgen tails does not.

So you are opposing that doesn’t affects you, that really doesn’t change anything to the story, for no real reasons ? What part of the lore does the worgen having tails invalidated ? None, that’s just refusing a change for the sake of refusing it.

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Actually, humans have tailbones, and the female worgen model itself has a bone tail rig on it.

I would also like to add, there’s never really been much lore added for most game abilities added. Even the ones removed, no lore reasons given. You could consider those all retcons, but it seems quite silly to do that. Could consider every single new customization a ret con, just like with void elves…

The whole ‘because they would have to retcon it’ isn’t a real argument against something, as well as ‘well it’s not in the game currently’ isn’t a real argument. Nor is ‘well they’d be more furry/less fierce’ with a tail given it’s something they already lack.

If you’re against tails being added because ‘that race doesn’t currently have tails’ then you also can’t argue for any more items being added to the game, or any other customization in general.

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Lmao people having their masculinity threatened by a tail xD

Jedi mind trick: Worgen always had tails since cataclysm. Now what do you think?

They never had it.

And if you want tail go vulpera,

…Thats not how a jedi mind trick works. Let me try again ‘‘Worgen always had tails since cataclysm. What would you think now?’’

Also this constant opposistion to new cuztomazastions. It’s not like OP is asking to turn your fur pink and blue over here. There are loads of badass werewolf concept art out there with tails. You don’t have to asociate it with UwU or anything. You choosing to do so.

I am sure you could make some pretty bada** looking Worgen mogs even with tails.
And if not then you can always be the cooler Worgen without one. No need to deny others their tail dream for it.

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Literally all of it. Worgen don’t look like that. Any cinematic, cutscene, location, mob, etc. that involves Worgen will need to be re-rendered, recreated, updated, etc.

NPC’s remarking how they have a tail in Worgen history or starting experiences may need to be added ('cause it’s weird having been a human beforehand). There are several books describing their appearance that will need updating, and so much more.

Can we just… not?

No… We must! And cinematic cutscene worgen etc can remain tail less…
Lets be real here, If they ever gave worgen tails. It would be the same as with Pandaren.
A choice to have one or not too.

See? No UwU… This has potential to be really cool

I don’t see what us having tailbones has to do with the tail arguement, we do not have tails. So this just makes me say, just because you have a tailbone doesn’t mean you have a tail
You and I are walking living breathing examples of that

I disagree. This is just you trying to strongman your arguement
Personally I just think Worgen (Werewolves in general) are cooler without one, that’s the absolute simplicity fo my arguement

The war of the High elves was finally over… And the forums enjoyed but a brief respite of peace…

Once again the drums war… Thunder …Once again.

War of the tails: Chapter 1


What Worgens need is new animations especially for running and casting. They run like it’s their first time running and cast like they’re not sure how to cast so they just flail their arms and hope for the best.

Yep…Now -those- look Groovy, not waggy Doggo tails, but those, those look good.

Did at some point, it’s why the tailbone is there. So, it would make sense for it to grow for a Worgen specifically to help balance while on all fours like animals tend to have. Running wild and all that.

and I think Worgen, and werewolves in general are cooler with one. Having the option would be nice, and it makes complete sense to have one.

So we should remove all of the black skins customisations from Humans ? They aren’t in any cinematic. Maybe we need some human npcs commenting on their skin color ?

What about trolls with their sandfury skintone ? Last time I check the sandfury aren’t part of the Horde.

Or the pandarens with their long tails ? I need some explanation to that deep, impacting change of the lore.

Also why are orcs standing upright now ? That’s not quite right, they were always hunched. Clearly this is an infraction on the deep chiropractic lore of wow.

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