Glitchy raidframe

Sometimes I can’t target a player by left-clicking their name on the raidframe. It just targets a different person.

Sometimes additionally a message like “Addon has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI.” Addons causing it were Lorehelper, FayEnchancements, RecipeRadarClassic. None of these addons has anything to do with raidframes. They may be poorly written (I’m the author of Lorehelper so ye it may haha), but I suspect that they’re not the actual cause of the issue.

Anyone encountered this issue, or knows a workaround?

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Do you use the default raid frames, or some fancy replacement?

Ideally, provide a full list of your add-ons.
Troubleshooting - disable all your add-ons, then enable them one by one.
When it starts occurring, turn off everything else.

If it persists, you know the cause.
If it doesn’t, repeat by finding the extra add-on the brings out the issue.
Restart this cycle with only these two add-ons enabled.

I use default raid frames. I use Atlas, AtlasLoot, Aux, CharacterStatsClassic, ClassicAuraDurations, ClassicCastbars, ClassicThreatMeter, Dominos, DruidBarClassic, FasterLooting, FayEnhancements, FiveSecondRule, GatherMate2, HealComm, ItemRack, Leatrix_Plus, Lorehelper, MapCoords, MarketWatcher, MaxCam, NugEnergy, OmniCC, Pawn, Prat-3.0, Questie, RangeDisplay, RealMobHealth, RecipeRadarClassic, Recount, SpellAnnouncerClassic, Spy, TellMeWhen, TomTom, TrinketMenu, VendorPrice, WeakAuras, WeaponSwingTimer, WIM. Nothing directly-raid-related.

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try to just disable them one by one. Maybe it’s RangeDisplay? Both non-common and does “something” when I target someone.

Default raid frames are buggy when people enter/leave group or raid in combat. You can’t do anything about it, it’ll happen with zero addons.

“Addon has been blocked” usually is buggy addon indeed. It’s hard bug to catch and it’s not necessary reported addon. The best thing you could do is to find a way to reproduce this bug and disable your addons one by one to find the true offender. If it’s your addon, you probably tainted some default UI, just tinker with your integrations.

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Addons that change class colors like Blue Shamans can prevent you from targeting people using raid frames

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I specifically choose default frames to avoid BUGGY stuff like that mid raid and it still persists, what Ui-addons would you suggest using?

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Have the same issue with the built in Blizzard raid unit frames. Also know others in Guild have same issue, and some do not.

The issue seems to come when people leave/join the raid.

In the end i gave up with it and have installed a addon for raid frames (Shadowed Unit Frames).

Kinda sucks though that blizzards own raid frames dont work so you have to use those made by other parties :rofl:


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